2-28-11 Monday

TODAY’s HOLY MACKEREL: 1961 JFK names Henry Kissinger special advisor ]


Flag did get some snow, but nothing like what was expected. We all got ready and it just never materialized. Know the weather guy is saying a nice week ahead. I’m ready for that too. One thing the ‘storm’ did bring was my birds. There was constant feeding from sunrise on. The smaller feeder was filled twice. The suet is also being eaten by the birds. I seem to have finally found a way to keep that pesky squirrel away from their food.

Our discussion group went well last night. Everyone seemed to like my handout. The continent of Africa was similar in tribal distribution to North America before colonization. Many of the problems today are because of the colonization. It is impossible to re-do a history, so the colonization mess will continue. It is also very difficult to send humanitarian aid to these countries when dictators or no strong central government can distribute it to those in the most need. The four missionaries that were recently killed is an example. It is easy to say they had no business passing out Bibles in the area, or that they had no business sailing alone in the area. We discussed several newspaper articles that hinted that the American ship may have more to do with their deaths. Some pirates had gone to the American ship to negotiate, with orders that if they didn’t return, to kill the four. For some reason the pirates stayed on the American ship all night and when several small boats took off for the pirated ship, the on board pirates may have believed they were being attacked. Whatever happened, I’m sure that the American government and many American NGO’s will continue to send aid and aid workers around the world. When compassionate leaders are found, it will work. When that doesn’t happen, there will be more bad outcomes.

I am really enjoying my Android smart phone. It is so nice to have the internet in your hand. Several times each day I will see or hear something and wonder something. Now, instead of writing it on my hand to look up later, I can do it right then. It makes learning so much easier. ’Angry Birds’ isn’t bad either.

If you're repotting a plant, put it into a container just one inch larger than the old one. Reporting into a container that's too large can result in soggy soil that can rot the plant's roots.

Scoop up final floor sweepings that are too fine to grip by wetting a piece of newspaper and dabbing it on the pile. The fine dust and dirt will stick to the paper and lift easily off the floor. Just pop it all in the trash when you're done!

If you need to plug up the tub or kitchen sink but can't find the stopper, fill a zip-top bag with water, seal it shut and put over the drain. The bag will conform to the shape of the drain, and the weight of the water will keep it in place.

In 1989, Milli Vanilli became the first artists to be stripped of their Grammy (for Best New Artist) when it was discovered they weren’t the ones singing on their album.

Stevie Wonder holds the record for most Grammys won by a solo artist with 28. He also has a lifetime achievement award.

Elvis Presley never won a Grammy in a top performing category; he did win in the Gospel music category in 1971.

PUZZLE: Trivia Quiz […answers at bottom…]
1. A nudist in Spain fined $60 for being nude and $5 for what other offence?
2. An unkindness is a group of what kind of birds?
3. Scandinavian aquavit is flavored with what?
4. Who said 'If a lie is told in the Whitehouse, Nixon gets royalty'?
5. What city has Kogoshima as it's airport?
6. Gene Hackman played sheriff Big Whiskey in which film?
7. What does an alopecia sufferer lack?
8. Which part of the body is most sensitive to radiation?
9. Where was Napoleon born?
10. Who wrote the book Catch 22?

EAST AURORA, N.Y. - Officials in a New York town said a non-profit needs to obtain permission before going through with plans for a 24-hour hockey game. The Aurora Ice Association, the non-profit that operates the outdoor Time Warner Cable Classic Rink in East Aurora, said it is planning a 24-hour hockey game starting at 9 p.m. March 18 to raise money for a concrete pad at the facility, The Buffalo News reported Thursday. However, Mayor Allan Kasprzak and other officials responded to a complaint from resident William Hanavan who said noise from the game would disturb his sleep, saying the non-profit would need to seek special permission for the event. "The request has to come in front of us. Any change has to come before us. They have hours they're supposed to abide by. If they don't, we send the police in and shut it down whether it's a rink or a bar,"

Kasprzak said at a Wednesday night meeting. Aurora Ice Association President Anthony DiFilippo IV recently said the 2-year-old rink should not have to obtain village permission for events because it should now be considered a permanent structure. The rink previously obtained a special-use permit as a temporary structure.

Irving goes into a restaurant and orders potato latkes. When they come, he complains that they do not look good and he changes his order to blintzes. After he eats the blintzes, he stands up and starts to leave the restaurant.
"Wait a second," the manager shouts after him. "You have not paid for your blintzes."
"What are you talking about?" Irving says. "Those blintzes were an even exchange. I gave you the potato latkes for them."
"Yes," says the manager, "but you did not pay for the latkes either."
"Why should I pay for them?" asks Irving. "I didn't eat them."

Top 10 In The World:

CLOSEUP PICTURE: Can you identify this close up picture?

FOUND ON ‘YOU TUBE’:  Twinkle the Tooth Fairy

♫ 60’s Rock ♫
Click on Song Title to see and hear it.
27-3/5 ► Telecommuter Appreciation Week ♥ Peace Corps Week

Public Sleeping Day
Floral Design Day
National Tooth Fairy Day
Purim: Jewish Observance: Esther and Mordeca saved Jews from annihilation
Rare Disease Day
Arab countries: Teacher's Day
Finland : Kalevala Day (1835)
Luxembourg : Burgsonndeg-celebrates end of winter
India: National Science Day
Taiwan: Peace Memorial Day
Today’s Births:

Svetlana Allilueva, 85, daughter of Joseph Stalin, author (The Faraway Music)
1907 Milton Caniff Dutch cartoonist (Terry & the Pirates)
Mario Gabrielle Andretti, 71, former auto racer
Charles Aaron “BubbaSmith, 66, actor, former football player
1906 Bugsy Siegel gangster created casinos in Las Vegas
1797 Mary Lyon educator: founded Mount Holyoke Seminary, now Mt. Holyoke College
1824 Charles Blondin (Jean Francois Gravelet) acrobat, aerialist: first to walk across Niagara Falls on a tightrope [June 30, 1859]
Gavin MacLeod, 81, actor: The Love Boat, The Mary Tyler Moore Show, McHale’s Navy, Operation Petticoat
1910 Vincente Minnelli movie director (American in Paris, Gigi)
1915 Zero [Samuel Joel] Mostel actor (Fiddler on the Roof)
Bernadette Peters, 67, singer, actress (Dames at Sea, Annie Get Your Gun)
Tommy Tune, 72, actor, singer, dancer, director, choreographer
Steven Chu, 63, US Secretary of Energy
1663 Thomas Newcomen English co-inventor (steam engine)
1928 Smokey The Bear
Today’s Obits:
1977 Eddie "Rochester" Anderson comedian (Jack Benny Show), heart disease @ 71
1979 Mr Ed (Bamboo Harvester) the talking horse, euthanized @ 21
1993 Ishiro Honda Japanese director/producer (Godzilla), @ 81
1916 Henry James US/British writer (Bostonians), stroke @ 72
Today’s Events:
1940 1st televised basketball game (college game at NYC's Madison Square Garden-University of Pittsburgh beats Fordham U, 50-37)
1983 Final TV episode of "MASH" airs (CBS); record 125 million watch
1957 Johnny Longden rode winner number 5,000 in his career at Santa Anita race track.
1960 8th Winter Olympics at Squaw Valley CA close
1988 15th Winter Olympics games close at Calgary, Canada
1914 Construction begins on Tower of Jewels for the Exposition (San Francisco)
1995 Denver International Airport opens
1675 The Mission Santa Cruz de Sabacola El Menor is dedicated. The mission is for the Sawoklis Indians on the Apalachicola River.
1837 A few Creek Indians attack the Alberson homestead on the Alabama-Florida. The Creeks are reported to have killed the entire family.
■…POLITICS (International)
1066 Westminster Abbey opens
1922 Egypt regains independence from Britain, but British troops remain
1933 1st female in cabinet Francis Perkins appointed Secretary of Labor
1951 Senate committee reports of at least 2 major US crime syndicates
1972 President Richard Nixon ends historic week-long visit to China
1993 U.S. Federal agents shot it out with members of an armed religious cult near Waco, Texas and didn’t fare very well. Four agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and two cult members were killed and another 12 agents were wounded. The agents had planned to arrest Branch Davidian cult leader, David Koresh on federal firearms charges, but were surprised when the cult members opened fire with heavy weapons. The assault was a failure, and the 51-day siege by the Feds began.
1638 Scottish Presbyterians sign National Convenant, Greyfriars, Edinburgh
1784 John Wesley charters Methodist Church
1977 1st killer whale born in captivity (Marineland, Los Angeles CA)
1. A nudist in Spain fined $60 for being nude and $5 for what other offence? Having no ID papers
2. An unkindness is a group of what kind of birds? Ravens
3. Scandinavian aquavit is flavored with what? Cumin or Caraway
4. Who said 'If a lie is told in the Whitehouse, Nixon gets royalty'? Richard Nixon
5. What city has Kogoshima as it's airport? Tokyo
6. Gene Hackman played sheriff Big Whiskey in which film? Unforgiven
7. What does an alopecia sufferer lack? Hair
8. Which part of the body is most sensitive to radiation? The Blood
9. Where was Napoleon born? Ajaccio, Corsican capitol
10. Who wrote the book Catch 22? Joseph Heller
Close Up Picture
Waffle iron
________AND THAT’S ALL FOR NOW________


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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.