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Sept  12, 2015
Almanac: Week: 37 \ Day: 255
September Averages: 74°\42°
86004 Today: H 81° \ L 45° Average Sky Cover: 5% 
Wind ave:   5mph\Gusts:  22mph
Ave. High: 75° Record High: 88°[1990] Ave. Low: 43° Record Low: 25°[1985]
Observances Today:                         
Farmers' Consumer Awareness Day Link
International Day for South-South Cooperation Link
National Boss/Employee Exchange Day

National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children Link 
International Drive Your Studebaker Day

National Hollerin' Day Link 
National Iguana Awareness Day Link    

Prairie Day
Video Games Day

Moon Festival (China)
Observances This Week:
National Waffle Week                                          
Substitute Teacher Appreciation Week                    
Suicide Prevention Week

Play Days

Popcorn Days
Mushroom Days
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Quote of the Day 

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US Historical Highlights for Today
1893 - Cattlemen and farmers of Cochise County, AZ were warned to go armed at all times as the Apache Kid was believed to be in the area.
1907 - Lusitania arrives in NYC after 5 day crossing of Atlantic (record)
1910 - World's 1st female cop, Alice Stebbins Wells, appointed (LAPD)
1954 - Betsy Rawls wins LPGA St Louis Golf Open
1956 - Black students enter & are barred from Clay Ky elementary school
1958 - US Supreme Court orders Little Rock Ark high school to integrate
1958 - Jack Kilby demonstrates his first integrated circuit (IC) to his supervisor
1959 - "Bonanza" premieres on NBC-TV
1960 - John F. Kennedy avers he does not speak for the Roman Catholic Church, and neither does the Church speak for him.
1964 - Canyonlands National Park is designated as a National Park.
1994 - Cessna crashes in White House front yard
2001 - Article V of the NATO agreement is invoked for the first and only time in response to the September 11, 2001 attacks against the United States of America.
2005 - The bodies of more than 40 patients discovered in a flooded hospital in New Orleans.
2012 - Apple unveils its iPhone 5 and iOS 6
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World Historical Highlights for Today
1624 - 1st submarine publicly tested in London on the Thames before James I
1759 - British soldiers capture the town of Quebec.
1920 - 7th Olympic Games close in Antwerp Belgium
1970 - Palestinian terrorists blow up three hijacked airliners in Jordan, continuing to hold the passengers hostage in various undisclosed locations in Amman.
1974 - Coup overthrows Emperor Haile Selassie in Ethiopia (National Day)
1984 - Ethiopia forms socialist republic
1997 - The UN passes a resolution allowing Iraq to reach the $2.14 billion oil sales limit under its oil-for-food program
2000 - Holland (the Netherlands) passes law allowing same-gender marriage, adoption and divorce.
2012 - Excavators announce that they may have found the remains of King Richard III of England under a carpark in Leicester
Birthdays Today:
How many can you identify? Answers below in Birthdays Today 

My Rambling Thoughts
Quiet day. Ran a few errands this afternoon. Beautiful weather, monsoon doesn’t return until next week, so it will be dry and hot for the weekend.
Today would have been my mother’s 96th birthday, but she only made it to 89. Not a bad life for sure. Still missed by my brother and me.
Brain Teasers
(answers at the end of post)
I am where the sky is orange;
I am where the grass is red;
I am the land of violet bananas
and the home to blue oranges.

What am I?

Found on You Tube with some relevance to today
…Amazing Facts…
A blind American man taught himself to navigate using echolocation. His hobbies include hiking and mountain-biking, and he has now trained over 500 students in his ‘tongue-click’ technique.

An artist in Iowa named Patrick Acton built a complete model of Hogwarts out of matchsticks.
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…Flagstaff, AZ History…
75 YEARS AGO-1940
Local aliens are storming our Post Office to get their new forms. With the new registration regulations from the Federal Government any male over the age of 10 is required to register. Our local Post Office has run out and is awaiting a new shipment of forms to fill the need.

U. S. Civil Service Exams will be held on Sept. 19, 1940, for Structural Draftsman. $1,800, Chief Draftsman $2,600. High school diploma required. Freight Rate Clerk $2,300, Assistant Curator Smithsonian Museum $3,200. All these exams are open, competitive and for men only. Exams for Senior Stenographer $1,600, Junior Typist $1,200, positions open to both men and women will also be given.
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…Harper’s Index…
+382 – percentage change since 1909 in the number of drug-overdose deaths among white US women aged 15-54
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…Instagram Photo of the Day… 

natgeoPhoto by @argonautphoto (Aaron Huey). #DallSheep above the #ToklatRiver in #DenaliNationalPark, Alaska.
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…Foreigners Find These American Customs Offensive…
19. Touching
Americans are notoriously friendly, but hugging and touching others, even if only on the arm, is offensive in places like China, Thailand, Korea, and the Middle East. Respect that personal space varies from country to country.
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…Unusual Fact of the Day…
The flashes of colored light you see when you rub your eyes are called "phosphenes."
2 jokes for the day
Q: What did the boy ghost say to the girl ghost after he saw her all dressed up for Halloween?

A: You look boo-tiful!

∞ ∞
Frank was madly in love with Susan, but couldn’t get up enough courage to pop the question face to face.
Finally he decided to ask her on the telephone.
“Darling! He blurted out, “Will you marry me?”
“Of course, I will, you silly boy,” she replied, “Who’s speaking?”      

∞ ∞
Yep, It Really Happened
Omaha, NE- Nikko Jenkins, convicted of murder in a 213 spree and trying to avoid a scheduled sentencing hearing, recently self-mutilated (for the 2nd time), which he told a judge was evidence of his mental disorder that should render him ineligible for death row. Jenkins told the judge that a ‘serpent god’ had ordered him to carve the ‘number of the beast’ into his forehead, but apparently because Jenkins was looking into a mirror as he carved, his forehead display more resembled an upside down 999 (or a lower case ddd) than it did 666.
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Somewhat Useless Information
During World War II, U.S. pilots began reporting odd balls of light or shiny metallic spheres that could fly circles around their planes. These UFOs came to be called Foo Fighters. British and German pilots also reported seeing these strange lights, and each side thought that they were some sort of secret weapon developed by the enemy. The phenomenon was never explained.

The earliest known report of a UFO sighting was by Julius Obsequens, a Roman writer, in 100 B.C.. He claimed to have seen "things like ships" in the sky over Italy. 

The U.S. Air Force conducted a 22-year investigation, based out of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio, called Project Blue Book which studied evidence for the existence of UFOs. J. Allen Hynek, Project Blue Book's lead investigator from 1948 to 1969, investigated hundreds of UFO reports each year. The official conclusion of the project was that no evidence of extraterrestrials or extraterrestrial vehicles existed. 

In October (some sources say January) 1969, Jimmy Carter observed a UFO in the skies near Leary in southwestern Georgia. This unidentified flying object, which appeared just after dusk, was a single luminous object about 30 degrees above the horizon that Carter estimated to be about 300 to 1000 yards away. Carter and about a dozen other men watched the object for about 10 to 12 minutes as it hovered, changed course several times, and eventually disappeared in the distance.

MUFON, or the Mutual UFO Network, was founded on May 31, 1969, shortly after the publication of the University of Colorado "Condon Report", as a vehicle to promote the investigation of UFO phenomena.

On September 24, 1235, General Yoritsume and his army observed mysterious globes of light flying loops in the night sky near Kyoto, Japan. The General's advisors told him not to worry - it was merely the wind blowing the stars about.

Birthdays Today
“()” indicates age at death

(89)- Beryl L. Frazier, my mom d.2008
(83) - Maurice Chevalier, French actor and singer, "thank heaven for little girls" (Gigi) d.1972
(81) - George Jones, singer (Golden Rings, Oh Lonesome Me) d. 2013
75 - Linda Gray, actress (Sue Ellen Ewing-Dallas)
72 - Maria Muldaur, Greenwich Village, NY, singer (Midnight at the Oasis)
71 - Leonard Peltier, American activist-AIM
(66) - Jesse Owens, track star, spoiled Hitler's 1936 Olympics with 4 gold d.1980
60 - Peter Scolari, actor (Newhart, Bosom Buddies)
(58) - Barry White, Galveston Tx, singer (Love's Theme) d. 2003
(58) - Irene Joliot-Curie, Paris, physicist, (Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1935), (d. 1956), daughter of Marie Curie d.1956
55 - Lynn Connelly, LPGA golfer (1988 USX Golf Classic-6th)
(52) - Frank McGee, Monroe La, news anchor (NBC Evening News) d.1974
(41?) - Henry Hudson, English navigator and explorer (Hudson River) d.1611
(40) - Paul Walker, actor (The Fast and the Furious series) d.2013
34 - Jennifer Hudson, actress and singer (Dreamgirls, Jennifer Hudson)
Historical Obits Today
Tom Ewell, [S Yewell Tompkins], US actor (7 Year Itch)-1994@85
Sarah Frances Whiting, American physicist and astronomer-1927@80
William Boyd, cowboy (Hopalong Cassidy)-1972@77
Raymond Burr, actor (Perry Mason), liver cancer-1993@76
Johnny Cash, singer and guitarist, diabetes-2003@71
Anthony Perkins, actor (Psycho), AIDs-1992@60
Steven Biko, South African black student leader, police custody-1977@30
Brain Teasers Answers
I am a film negative.
Disclaimer: All opinions are mine…feel free to agree or disagree.
All ‘data’ info is from the internet sites and is usually checked with at least one other source, but I have learned that every site contains mistakes and sadly once the information is out there, many sites simply copy it and is therefore difficult to verify. Also for events occurring before the Gregorian calendar was adopted [1582] the dates may not be totally accurate.

And That Is All for Now


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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.