13 Dec


December 2022

Daily Almanac for Flagstaff
Week 51 Day 347 \ Ave. Sky Cover 5% \ Visibility 10 miles Flagstaff Today 32° \16° 
Wind 6mph \ Gusts 10smph  Air Quality: Fair \Very Low Risk of fire \ Nearest active fire 384mi \ Nearest Lightning 1546mi
Dec Averages for Flagstaff: 43° \ 17° `
Sunshine is bright on the snow-covered ground

Today’s Quote

Weekly Observations

Andisop (Meteorological Fiddling): 5-24   Link
Computer Science Education Week: 5-11 
Human Rights Week: 10-17

Daily Observations

Day Of The Horse
National Cocoa Day
National Day of the Horse
National Guard Birthday Link
National Violin Day
Pick a Pathologist Pal Day

My Sometimes-Long-Winded Thoughts

I woke up to about 5” of snow covering just about everything outside.

Schools are on a two-hour delay today.  Only one guy came to clear our sidewalk, he did a great job and was finished by 9:30am. When it’s a team, they usually finish by 8am.

The Chiefs played ball and beat the Broncos. My Broncos are not having a good year.

The Libyan bomb maker that killed 270 over Lockerbie Scotland 34 years ago is now in US custody. Some closure for the many who lost loved ones.

60 Minutes did a segment on the College of Magic in Cape Town South Africa. It serves students 11-18 years old from all backgrounds. It was nice to see that in action. They believe the creativity they learn through magic will assist them in many areas of future employment. What a great idea.

Favorite Memes



Did you Know?

Lincoln Borglum spent his young adulthood assisting his father on Mount Rushmore, ultimately overseeing the monument’s completion. To increase worker morale, on game days Lincoln parked his car close to the hoist operator and left the radio tuned to baseball; the hoist operator then phoned game updates to those stationed on the mountain. In 1938, Lincoln started recruiting amateur baseball players to work on the monument, and soon founded the Rushmore Drillers. Six days a week, practices followed the 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. work shifts, and games were played on Sundays. The team was good enough to make it to the semifinals of the State Amateur Baseball Tournament in 1939, but the Drillers disbanded when the government declared Mount Rushmore finished in 1941.

Slang Origins

1934: Belch water

Meaning: seltzer water

Soda fountains may be a thing of the past, but during the Depression, they created a unique culture and language. “Belch water” is one example of this “soda jerk” slang, studied and recorded by Harold W. Bentley between 1934 and 1935.

Corny jokes

What did the bartender say to the turkey sandwich when it tried to order a beer?

“Sorry, we don’t serve food here.”


Why do seagulls fly over the sea?

If they flew over the bay, they would be bagels.

Historical Events

1294 – Saint Celestine V resigned from the papacy after only five months to return to his previous life as an ascetic hermit.
1962 – NASA launched Relay 1, the 1st active repeater communications satellite in Earth orbit.
1972 – Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt began the third and final extra-vehicular activity (EVA) or “Moonwalk” of Apollo 17.
1991 – North and South Korea officially ended their war. (Fighting stopped in 1953)

Birthdays Today

97 – Dick Van Dyke, American actor, singer, and dancer
@91 – Christopher Plummer, Canadian actor (d. 2021)
81 – John Davidson, American actor, and game show host
@77 – Richard D. Zanuck, American film producer (d. 2012; heart attack)
74 – Ted Nugent, American singer-songwriter
72 – Wendy Malick, American actress
65 – Steve Buscemi, American actor
@63 – Mary Todd Lincoln, 16th First Lady (d. 1882; stroke)
@62 – Van Heflin, American actor (d. 1971; heart attack)
55 – Jamie Foxx, American actor, and comedian
41 – Amy Lee (Amy Lynn Hartzler), American singer-songwriter
“Honestly I just wear what I like. You know why? ‘Cause I can, I’m a rock star.”– Amy Lee
33 – Taylor Swift, American singer-songwriter



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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.