Apr 29


Daily Almanac for Flagstaff
Week 18 Day: 119  Ave. sky cover: 10% \ Visibility: 10 miles Flagstaff Today 71° \33° 
Wind: 10mph \ Gusts: 21mph
Extreme risk of fire \ Nearest active fire: 12mi \ nearest Lightning: 445mi
Apr Averages for Flagstaff: 59° \ 28°  (3 days of moisture)

Today’s Quote

Weekly Observations

3- 5/1

Festival of Ridvan: Baha'i community

 International Dark Sky Week Link 

International Wildlife Film Week Link

Administrative Professionals Week
National Dance Week  Link 
National Infertility Awareness Week Link
Medical Laboratory Professionals Week  Link
National Crime Victims Rights Week Link
National Pediatric Transplant Week 
National Scoop The Poop Week
Sky Awareness Week                                                                         
World Immunization Week
Fibroid Awareness Week  
National Infant Immunization Week (NIIW) Link

Preservation Week Link (re: Libraries)
Stewardship Week  

National Playground Safety Week Link
National Youth Violence Prevention Week Link

American Quilters Society Week Link

Gathering of the Nations Powwow: Link

National Medical Cannabis Week  Link

Interstate Mullet Toss 
National Dream Hotline 
National & Global Youth Service Days 

Daily Observations

My Sometimes-Long-Winded Thoughts

A nice warm day, but a red flag warning….fire is still an issue. The Tunnel fire is 43% contained, but the wind may change that negatively.

The pandemic opened lots of challenges for Flight stewards. Delta is the ONLY airline that will begin paying them during boarding and deplaning It will happen in May, 2022. All other flight stewards have their pay begin when the doors are closed and locked. This practice by airlines seems so wrong. This job requires a lot of work during boarding on planes…directing people to the right aisle, helping get luggage into the overhead bins, and checking that everyone is buckled in before the doors close.

It has been well over a decade since I visited Egypt with Focus Travel and HLO Tours with Hamdy. I was fascinated on that visit. I’ve been following Egypt news about new discoveries ever since. Egyptian archaeologists unearthed the ruins of a temple for the ancient Greek God Zeus in the Sinai Peninsula. WOW! That may make some changes in history books if it is verified.

Beginning Fall 2023, Northern Arizona University will provide a tuition-free college education for every Arizona resident with a household income of $65,000 or below. That is great news.

Favorite Memes





Myths that are not true NEW!

If you pee in a pool, it will turn the water red

Obviously told to children to prevent them from urinating in a shared swimming pool, studies show that nearly half of all Americans continue to believe that there is a special "urine-detecting dye" that will turn pee red when it mixes with the pool chemicals.

If you drop a penny from the top of the Empire State Building, it will kill someone

A penny traveling around 60 mph (about the top speed at which a penny reaches when dropped from the top of the building) will only mildly sting someone if it hits them.

Country Names


"Ia" is a Latinate suffix meaning "land." Therefore, Nigeria means "Land of the Niger River."


Keeping in mind the Latinate "Ia," the name "India" refers to "Land of the River Indus." The word "Indus" most likely refers to the Sanskrit "sindhu," meaning "the sea."


Canada is supposedly derived from the word "kanata," a Huron-Iroquois word meaning "village" or "settlement."

Historical Events

Ø    1770 – James Cook arrived in Australia and named Botany Bay.

Ø    1945 – The US Seventh Army’s 45th Infantry Division liberated the Dachau concentration camp.

Ø    1945 – Adolf Hitler married his longtime partner Eva Braun in a Berlin bunker.

Ø    1962 – ABC’s Wide World of Sports premiered.

Ø    1968 – Hair, a hippie/counter-culture and sexual revolution musical, opened at the Biltmore Theatre on Broadway.

Ø    1991 (Cyclone) Bangladesh Cyclone, in Bangladesh, killed 135,000 people.

Ø    1992 – Rodney King trial verdict announced. Four police officers who had been charged with using excessive force in arresting black motorist Rodney King a year earlier were acquitted. Rioting ensued – over the next three days 53 people were killed and hundreds of buildings were destroyed.

Ø    1996 – TV Land network made its debut.

Ø    2011 – The wedding of Prince William and Catherine Middleton took place at Westminster Abbey in London.

Birthdays Today

89 – Willie Nelson, American singer-songwriter

@88 – William Randolph Hearst, publisher, founded the Hearst Corporation (d. 1951)

@87 – Hirohito, Japanese emperor (d. 1989)

@81 – Rod McKuen, American singer-songwriter and poet (d. 2015)

@75 – Duke Ellington, American pianist, composer, and bandleader (d. 1974; lung cancer)

68 – Jerry Seinfeld, American comedian

67 – Leslie Jordan, actor

67 – Kate Mulgrew, American actress

65 – Daniel Day-Lewis, British-Irish actor

64 – Michelle Pfeiffer, American actress

52 – Andre Agassi, American tennis player

52 – Uma Thurman, American actress

@49 – Dale Earnhardt, American race car driver (d 2001; Daytona 500 crash)

26 – Katherine Langford, Australian actress



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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.