16 Oct


16 October 2022

Daily Almanac for Flagstaff
Week 43 Day 289 \ Ave. Sky Cover 40a% \ Visibility 10 miles Flagstaff Today 69° \43° 
Wind 4mph \ Gusts 5mph  Air Quality Fair  Low Risk of fire \ Nearest active fire 254mi \ Nearest Lightning 67mi
Oct Averages for Flagstaff: 63° \ 32° (4 days of moisture)

Today’s Quote

Weekly Observations

Sukkot Jewish Holiday

Take Your Medicine Americans Week

Bone and Joint Health National Awareness Week Link

Apple Butter Stirrin' Week

Bullying Bystanders Unite Week   
Freedom From Bullies Week 
International Infection Prevention Week Link
National Business Women's Week   Link
National Character Counts Week  
National Chemistry Week 
National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week Link 
National Food Bank Week  
National Forest Products Week 
National Friends of Libraries Week 
National Pharmacy Week Link 
National School Bus Safety Week
National Teen Drivers Safety Week Link 
Rodent Awareness Week 
Spiritual Care Week 
Veterinary Technicians Week Link 


Daily Observations

Boss’s Day
Department Store Day
Dictionary Day (Noah Webster's Birthday.)
Feral Cat Day
Global Cat Day
National Feral Cat Day Link
National Sunday School Teacher Appreciation Day 
Oatmeal Day
US Oyster Day
World Anesthesia Day  Link
World Bread Day
World Food Day
World Spine Day  Link
World Toy Camera Day

My Sometimes-Long-Winded Thoughts

It has warmed up and the clouds have returned.

Yesterday was a busy day. Mary and I drove to Williams to have lunch with Cheryl. It has been months since Cheryl has come to Flag for lunch. Che has been health problems for several months. She shuffles, rather than walking, due to her knee problems. She is 75 and has given up driving, except around Williams. Mary and I agreed we need to visit more often. It is only a 30-minute drive. We had a good lunch and great conversation.

My new glasses arrived earlier than expected. I picked them up yesterday when I got back to Flagstaff. They are nice and I can see better.

On the weather front: this is the 8th year in a row that has had 10 or more Billion Dollar weather events. Hurricane Ian was #15 this year.

I grew up with Kroger [King Sooper’s] in Colorado. Albertsons came to Arizona in the mid-1990’s, but left about 5 years ago. When they left, Kroger [Fry’s] took over  their stores. A little ironic in AZ that Albertson’s is now buying Kroger. Time will tell if it really happens.

Gabby Giffords, the AZ Representative that was shot years ago, is going to be the Grand Marshal of the 134th Rose Parade in January 2023. Good choice.

The jury gave the Parkland Shooter a sentence of life, rather than the death penalty. The parents, relatives, and friends of those killed are outraged. The defense had given the jury a list of mitigating circumstances that had to be agreed up before the death penalty could be used. One was ‘He is a human being.’ Another was that his mother drank alcohol during the pregnancy, causing serious problems. As a school administrator, our school worked with many FAS children. FAS, like autism, is on a scale.  The defense did not provide any witnesses to showed FAS was contributing factor in his shooting spree.

Favorite Memes





Bird Poop Brings Good Luck

This superstition is believed to have originated in Russia. The good luck involved with a bird doing its business on you is supposedly just the simple fact that it happens so rarely that when it does, it’s a blessing. It’s also a sign that wealth is heading your way. 

US Facts

Screen time

On average, Americans spend 10 hours a day using electronic devices.

Historical Events

1701 – Yale University was founded.
1793 – Queen Marie Antoinette was executed for ‘high treason’ during the French Revolution.
1814 – The Great Beer Flood. More than 323,000 gallons of beer burst out of the Meux and Company Brewery and poured into the streets of St. Giles, London, England.
1859 – John Brown’s abolitionist raid took place at Harper’s Ferry, WV.
1875 – Brigham Young University was founded in Provo, Utah.
1916 – In Brooklyn, New York, Margaret Sanger opened the first family planning clinic in the United States.
1968 – Tommie Smith and John Carlos were both kicked off the US team for participating in the 1968 Olympics Black Power salute.
1978 – Karol Wojtyla was elected Pope John Paul II, the first non-Italian pontiff since 1523.
1984 – Desmond Tutu was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
1995 – The Million Man March took place in Washington, DC. Between 400,000 and 850,000 people marched.

Birthdays Today

@96 – Angela Lansbury, English-American actress (d. 2022)
“Better to be busy than to be busy worrying.”– Angela Lansbury
@84 – Noah Webster, American lexicographer (d. 1843)
“A pure democracy is generally a very bad government, It is often the most tyrannical government on earth; for a multitude is often rash, and will not hear reason.”– Noah Webster
82 – Barry Corbin, American actor
76 – Suzanne Somers, American actress
64 – Tim Robbins, American actor, director
“Notice what no one else notices and you’ll know what no one else knows.”– Tim Robbins 
@49 – Nico (Christa Päffgen), German singer-songwriter, model, actress (d. 1988; stroke)
“I have a habit of leaving places at the wrong time, just when something big may have happened for me.”– Nico
47 – Kellie Martin, American actress
@46 – Oscar Wilde, Irish playwright, novelist, and poet (d. 1900; meningitis)
“Everyone may not be good, but there’s always something good in everyone. Never judge anyone shortly because every saint has a past and every sinner has a future.”– Oscar Wilde
45 – John Mayer, rock singer



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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.