Feb 11, 2013

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Flagstaff Almanac:  Week: 07/ Day: 42   
Today: H   25°L 21° Averages: H  44° L 19° Records: H   65°(1951)L -17°(1933)
Wind: ave:   7mph; Gusts:  30mph  Ave. humidity:  80% Winter Storm and Wind Advisory

Quote of the Day:

Today’s Historical Highlights:
"Archie" comic book debuts—1942
-11°F (-24°C), Ifrane, Morocco (African record low) —1935
1st British public female toilet opens—1852 
1st weekly Weather report published in UK—1878
2nd Winter Olympic games opens in St Moritz, Switzerland—1928
-61°F, Montana (record low temperature) —1899
Egyptian Revolution culminates in the resignation of Hosni Mubarak—2001
General Eisenhower selected to command the allied armies in Europe—1943
Henry VIII recognized as supreme head of Church in England—1531
Jack Paar walks off his TV show—1960
Julia Child's show The French Chef premieres—1963
Nelson Mandela (political prisoner-27 years) freed in South Africa—1990
Pennsylvania Hospital, the 1st hospital in the US, opened—1752
Robert Fulton patents steamboat—1809
Society of Friends petitions Congress for abolition of slavery—1790
Trial of Adolf Eichmann begins in Jerusalem—1961

     Happy Birthday To: ♪. ♪   
How many can you identify?…answers in Today’s Birthdays

Free Rambling Thoughts:   
Yet another day to stay inside. It has been snowing most of the day, sometimes almost whiteout. Yet there is only about 6” of snow on the ground…guess the wind is blowing it somewhere else. This is certainly one of the strangest storms I remember in quite a while. There is light snow, then heavy snow, then high winds, then more snow…yet it really isn’t accumulating that much on the ground. I took a walk during a break in the storm and the roads are fine. I’m ready to see the sun again….it’s been all of two days since it was really shining.
Called my brother today. He is suffering from a bout with pneumonia. He got it while in San Francisco and has been down about a week. He went to the emergency room today, got some stronger antibiotics and headed home. He didn’t get a breathing treatment, which surprises me after hearing his cough, but I ain’t no doctor. Hopefully he will be on the mend soon. His wife is taking good care of him. He seems to get a lot of colds and flu like symptoms, but hasn’t had anything this bad that I can remember.
Game  Center: (answers at the end of post)
Hidden Word
Hidden in each of the sentences below are the numbers 1 to 10 in words.
To avoid the calf, I veered sharply to the left.
Lifestyle  Substance:     
Found on You Tube with some relevance to today:

Ok, then?

Read This Carefully!!
"Best place in town to take a leak."
Picture of the Day: Uganda

Harper’s Index:         
  • Percentage of freshman in four year colleges who declare ‘Roman Catholic’ as their religious affiliation: 26
  • Percentage who declare ‘none’: 25

Unusual Fact of the Day:
King Louis XIV lived and ruled so long (72 yrs) that he is not only the longest reigning ruler of Europe, but his successor, Louis XV, was neither his son, nor his grandson, but his great-grandson.
Why did Dorothy get lost in Oz? She had three men giving her directions.
Rules of Thumb:   
Easy shortcuts to make an ‘educated’ guess
For some reason, most serious sawing accidents happen to beginners or to professionals in their eighth year of logging.    
Yeah, It Really Happened
More college credit classes
Underwater basket weaving
Underwater basket weaving actually involves making baskets by dipping reeds into water and letting them soak - at least that's how Reed College of Portland in Oregon, and University of California in San Diego taught it.
Philosophy and Star Trek
Georgetown University's Philosophy and Star Trek course is every college Trekkie's dream. In addition to watching episodes of "Star Trek," the class also reads philosophical writings and wrestles with such questions as "Is time travel possible?" and "Could reality be radically different from what 'we' think?"
Cyberporn and Society
State University of New York's undergraduate students in this class survey Internet porn sites and examine issues of obscenity and what causes cultures to define pornography in different ways.
The Science of Superheroes
How do you transform physics into a more exciting subject? The University of California at Irvine does so by studying the science behind superheroes like Superman, Wonder Woman and Batman. 
Popular 'Logic' on TV Judge Shows
The University of California's Arguing with Judge Judy: Popular 'Logic' on TV Judge Shows course isn't quite what you'd expect. This class is concerned with the illogical arguments made by the shows' entertaining litigants.
Somewhat Useless Information   
  • The average chicken lays about 260 eggs a year.
  • The average cod deposits between 4 and 6 million eggs at a single spawning.
  • The average cow produces 40 glasses of milk each day.
  • The average cup of coffee contains more than 1000 different chemical components, none of which is tasted in isolation but only as part of the overall flavor.
  • The average duration of sexual intercourse for humans is 2 minutes.
  • The average elephant produces 50 pounds of dung each day.
  • The average fox weighs 14 pounds.
  • The average healthy porpoise lives 30 years.

 Calendar Information        
Happening This Week:
Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week
Have A Heart for A Chained Dog Week

Risk Awareness Week
Love Makes the World Go Round; But, Laughter Keeps Us From Getting Dizzy Week
Celebration of Love Week
Children of Alcoholics Week

Jell-O Week
Love a Mench Week
National Pancake Week
Random Acts of Kindness Week

International Flirting Week

National Green Week

Today Is                                                                      
Be Electrific Day
Clean Out Your Computer Day
Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk Day
Pro Sports Wives Day
National Shut-in Visitation Day
Satisfied Staying Single Day
White Shirt Day / White Tee-Shirt Day

~National Foundation Day (Japan) 660BC
~Youth Day (Cameroon)

Today’s Events through History  
Anthony M Kennedy appointed to Supreme Court—1938
Arizona, Lieutenant George Bascom has discovered the bodies of the six 
     hostages that had been held by Cochise. The bodies are buried. 
     Today, three of Cochise's relatives that Bascom held hostage, and 
     3 Coyotero Apache prisoners are hung over the graves of the white hostages—1861
Emma Goldman arrested for lecturing on birth control—1916
Israel Air Force conducts four air strikes in Gaza Strip—2012
Janet Reno selected by Clinton as US Attorney General—1993
Japan becomes 4th nation to put a satellite (Osumi) in orbit—1970
Massachusetts Governor Elbridge Gerry signs a redistricting bill - 1st "gerrymander"—1812

Today’s Birthdays                                                           
In their 80’s
Conrad Janis, NYC, actor (Mork & Mindy, Quark, Bonino) is 85
In their 70’s
Burt Reynolds, actor (Evening Shade, Strip Tease, Cannonball) is 77
Tina Louise, actress (Ginger-Gilligan's Island, Julie-Dallas) is 79
Sergio Mendes, jazz/pop musician (Brazil '66/'77/'88) is 72
In their 50’s
Sheryl Crow, vocalist (All I Want to Do-Grammy 1995) is 51
In their 40’s
Jennifer Aniston, actress (Rachel-Friends) is 44
Sarah Palin is 49
In their 30’s
Brandy [Norwood], singer (Les Miserables, Moisha) is 34
Under 30
Taylor Lautner, Twilight actor is 21
Remembered for being born today
Max Baer, Omaha Nebraska, heavyweight boxing champ (1909-1959)
Lloyd Bentsen, (Sen-D-TX, 1971- )/1989 Dem VP nominee) (1921-2006)
Thomas Alva Edison, Milan Ohio, lit up your life (held 1200 patents) (1847-1931)
Melville Weston Fuller, 8th chief justice (1833-1910)
Eva Gabor, Hungarian-born actress (Lisa-Green Acres, Gigi) (1919- 1995)  
Leslie Nielsen, Canadian actor (Forbidden Planet, Naked Gun) (1926-2010)
Sidney Sheldon, novelist (1947 Academy Award, 1959 Tony, Bloodline) (1917-2007)
William Henry Fox Talbot, Wiltshire England, photographic pioneer (1800-1877)

Today’s Historical Obits                                                           
Peter Benchley, American author (Jaws)— pulmonary fibrosis—2006—at 65
Lee J Cobb, actor (12 Angry Men, On the Waterfront)—1976—at 64
William Conrad, actor (Cannon)—heart attack—1994—at 73
Rene Descartes, philosopher "I think therefore I am"—pneumonia—1650—at 53
Al Dubin, Swiss songwriter (Tiptoe Thru The Tulips)—1945—at 53
Whitney Houston, American singer and actress— accidental drowning—2012—at 48
Don Porter, actor (Gidget)—1997—at 84

Answer: Hidden Word
To avoid the calF, I VEered sharply to the left.
Disclaimer: All opinions are mine…feel free to agree or disagree.
All ‘data’ info is from the internet sites and is usually checked with at least one other source, but I have learned that every site has mistakes and sadly once out the information is out there, many sites simply copy it and is therefore difficult to verify. Also for events occurring before the Gregorian calendar was adopted [1582] the dates may not be totally accurate.
§    And That Is All for Now  §


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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.