Jul 6




Jul  6, 2021 Week: 28 Day: 187

Ave. Sky Cover: 40%\Visibility: 10 miles

Local Temp:  86°\ 56°

Wind: 4mph\ Gusts: 6mph

High risk of fire

Active fire: 123mi. \ Lightning: 129mi.

Jul Averages: 82°\51° (9 days w/moisture)


Today’s Quote




Random Tidbits


·        After working out, it takes 5 hours for your body temperature to return to normal.

·        Children have more taste buds than adults.

·        The eye makes movements 50 times every second.

·        An ant’s sense of smell is stronger than a dog’s.


True Things


Relationship Goals

Henry Williams and Tuhonsty Marie Smith of Milwaukee have been in a relationship for eight years, but things haven't gone so well lately. When Williams returned home from work on June 2, Smith wouldn't talk to him and was walking in circles. Williams had told her a couple of weeks before that he was thinking of getting a divorce, Yahoo! News reported. Later that evening, he went to bed and awoke with the back of his head on fire, he told police. Williams grabbed his infant daughter and ran to his parents' adjacent home, where they called 911. When police arrived, Smith admitted to setting Williams' head on fire; she told them that that morning, she had "started eating chicken wings and thought Henry poisoned them." Smith was charged with arson of a building, domestic abuse and other crimes and was ordered to undergo a competency evaluation. [Yahoo! News, 6/10/2021]


Idioms Origins



Gretchen, played by Lacey Chabert in Mean Girls tried to make FETCH a happening word, ‘fetch’ meant cool or awesome, but lead mean girl Regina George, would not let it happen. Fetch is probably the best movie word that almost made it into the mainstream lexicon


Weekly Observations


Tour de France Link

Thru 7/18

Running of The Bulls (Spain)


National Unassisted Homebirth Week


Freedom Week

Be Nice To New Jersey Week

Nude Recreation Weekend

Punxsutawney Groundhog Days





Today’s Observations



National Fried Chicken Day  Link
Take Your Webmaster to Lunch Day

Umbrella Cover Day

World Kissing DayInternational Kissing Day



My Sometimes-Long-Winded Thoughts


There was a nice monsoon rain yesterday…three different times. One was a hard rain for about 45 minutes. Our high desert mountain town has gotten almost ½ in. of moisture in the past few days.

I learned a lot watching 60 minutes last night. First, our compute-based society was not, and still isn’t prepared for cyberattacks from within our country or from outside our country. There will be continued attacks, more ransomware, more problems are ahead. The expert says the only way to guarantee you are protected is to shut down the internet, destroy all computers and servers, and start over. Even then the protection will only last until the hackers figure out the new systems. Scary.

I didn’t realize that Ken Burns had made over 40 documentaries about American life. I have watched about 10, so I have many more to watch. He said the hardest part is reviewing hundreds of thousands of clips and photos and then narrowing it down to the very best. For ones I’ve seen, he did an outstanding job. Thank You PBS for showing them.

I also watched the PBS July 4th in DC. I enjoyed it. This morning I was reading that there is a controversy. It is America in 2021. Vanessa Williams sang ‘Lift Every Voice and Sing’ which is also known as the Black National Anthem. The controversy is that there is only one National Anthem and her song simply divided America on our Independence Day. I agree that there is only one National Anthem and I know that in 1776 most rich landowners had slaves, took land, and killed Native Americans to expand land, and while they said ‘All men are created equal’ they did not include women, Indigenous people, or slaves. We are still working for the Ideal America, and that includes teaching our children true history about the treatment of ‘others’ in this country.


2 New Puzzles Everyday

Answer: bottom of the page


Rephrase each item below as a pair of rhyming words


A building with open sides in Rio (each word has 3 syllables)

An established expert on sisterhood (each word has 4 syllables)

A refusal to accept the restoration of vigor (each word has 5 syllables)


Historical Events


1189 – Richard I “the Lionheart” acceded to the English throne.

1348 – Pope Clement VI issued a papal bull (rule) protecting the Jews accused of having caused the Black Death.

1483 – Richard III was crowned King of England. Although he died in 1485, his body was lost until 2013. Because of that, many people consider him the greatest ‘hide and seek’ champion of all time.

1535 – Sir (& Catholic Saint) Thomas More was executed for treason against King Henry VIII.

1854 – The first convention of the United States Republican Party was held in Jackson, Michigan.

1865 – The first issue of The Nation magazine was published.

1885 – Louis Pasteur successfully tested his vaccine against rabies on Joseph Meister, a boy who was bitten by a rabid dog.

1919 – The British dirigible R34 landed in New York, completing the first crossing of the Atlantic Ocean by an airship.

1933 – The first Major League Baseball All-Star Game was played in Chicago’s Comiskey Park. The American League defeated the National League 4 – 2.

1942 – Anne Frank and her family went into hiding in the “Secret Annex” above her father’s office in an Amsterdam warehouse.

1947 – The AK-47 assault rifle went into production in the Soviet Union.

1957 – John Lennon and Paul McCartney met for the first time, as teenagers at Woolton Fete, three years before forming the Beatles.

1971 White House Plumbers unit formed to plug news leaks

1983 Supreme Court rules retirement plans can't pay women less

2016 Chilcot Report, UK's Iraqi War Inquiry released; concludes Tony Blair overstated case for war and was unpreparaed

2020 Zoonotic diseases, which jump from animals to humans, are increasing due to unsustainable farming and climate change according to new report by the UN


Birthdays Today


@97 – Marc Chagall, Belarusian-French painter and poet (d. 1985)

@94 – Nancy Reagan, actress, 42nd First Lady (d. 2016)

@82 – Merv Griffin, American actor, talk show host, producer, created Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy! (d. 2007)

@86 – Della Reese, American actress and singer (d. 2017)

86 – Dali Lama, religious leader

@83 – Ned Beatty, American actor (d. 2021)

76 – Burt Ward, American actor

75 – George W. Bush, 43rd President

75 – Sylvester Stallone, American actor, director, and screenwriter

@56 – Bill Haley, American singer-songwriter,guitarist (Bill Haley & His Comets) (d. 1981; alcohol complications)

@47 – Frida Kahlo, Mexican painter (died in 1954)

@45 – John Paul Jones, Scottish-American captain (d. 1792; interstitial nephritis)

46 – 50 Cent, American rapper,

42 – Kevin Hart, American comedian, actor


Puzzles Answer


Brazilian pavilion               sorority authority             rejuvenation repudiation




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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.