Oct 17


Week: 43 Day: 290
Ave. Sky Cover:  5%\Visibility: 10 miles
Local Temp:   56°\ 26° Wind: 9mph\ Gusts: 17mph
High risk of fire Active fire: 233mi. \ Lightning: 809mi.
Oct Averages: 63°\32° (4 days w/moisture)


Today’s Quote


Weekly Observations



Take Your Medicine Americans Week


Bone and Joint Health National Awareness Week Link


National Police Week  Link  


Apple Butter Stirrin' Week


Food & Drug Interactions and Awareness Week








Bullying Bystanders Unite Week:
Freedom From Bullies Week
International Infection Prevention Week 
National Business Women's Week   
National Character Counts Week  
National Chemistry Week 

National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week 
National Forest Products Week 
National Friends of Libraries Week:17-23 
National Pharmacy Week 
National School Bus Safety Week 
National Teen Drivers Safety Week 
Rodent Awareness Week 
Spiritual Care Week
Veterinary Technicians Week 


Daily Observations






Favorite Memes










An estimated 1 million spiders live in one acre of land. The number might be closer to 3 million in the tropics. It is estimated that a human is never more than 10 feet away from a spider--ever.

Spiders are vital to a healthy ecosystem. They eat harmful insects, pollinate plants, and recycle dead animals and plants back into the earth. They are also a valuable food source for many small mammals, birds, and fish.

The silk in a spider's web is five times stronger than a strand of steel that is the same thickness. A web made of strands of spider silk as thick as pencil could stop a Boeing 747 jumbo jet in flight. Scientists still cannot replicate the strength and elasticity of a spider's silk.




My Sometimes-Long-Winded Thoughts



Another windy fall day.

Only in AZ: Ron Watkins, possibly ‘Q’ of QAnon fame announced yesterday that he is running for Congress in my district. WTH? Our Democrat Rep is doing a fine job.

Spending most of the day doing laundry and cleaning my place. Taking a well-earned break to write this.

I need to get a blood draw on Monday, and I misplaced one of the forms I need…thus serious cleaning. Guess I’ll get another one from the Dr. I have a special place I keep those forms, since I get them 4 months before I need them. I guess the special place isn’t so special after all.

COVID has played a huge role in how America functions and how Americans live. The Heroes of the early pandemic are now being treated horribly by many in the country. Some no longer trust professional medical personnel. Every retail store is having problems finding and/or keeping employees…partially by wages, partially by COVID rules. As if retailers aren’t having enough problems, now there is a huge supply chain breakdown.  Since we are so dependent on foreign goods they can’t dock and distribute their goods. The goods are sitting just offshore.  The entire country is suffering a teacher shortage and bus driver shortage at every school. Some workers have found other ways to make money, so they are not returning to low paying jobs. I must admit, when the pandemic was first announced, I never expected the problems we would face every day. The pandemic is partially responsible for the high gas prices and the expected high heating costs this winter. Since retailers can’t get stock to fill the shelves, they raise the prices on the goods they do have to stay in business. Media hasn’t helped much either. Their reporting makes is sound simple to get a COVID test, it isn’t. In the beginning one needed a computer to get the vaccine or get a test. Then there is the ‘wear a mask’ confusion…again, thanks to the media. Then there are those of us who enjoy international travel. My last trip was July 2020 on the Trans-Siberian Railroad. It now seems like that trip was at least a decade ago. My next trip is March 2022 to Bora, Bora and Tahiti…assuming there are no more surprises.

I wish I had answers, but I don’t. I do have advice…remain calm, roll with the changes, and look forward to life after COVID.




Historical Events


1904 Bank of Italy (Bank of America) opens its doors in San Francisco, founded by Amadeo Giannini

1957 French author Albert Camus awarded Nobel Prize in Literature

1961 NY Museum of Modern Art hangs Henri Matisse's "Le Bateau" upside-down It wasn't corrected until December 3rd

1979 Mother Teresa of Calcutta awarded Nobel Peace Prize

1989 A 7.1 earthquake shook the San Francisco area, killing 67 people.

2006 – The 300 millionth living American citizen was born.

2007 The Dalai Lama receives the United States Congressional Gold Medal

2020 Chicago declared the 'rattiest city' in America for the sixth year in a row by pest control service Orkin



Birthdays Today




@89 – Arthur Miller, American playwright, screenwriter (d. 2005)

@68 – Rita Hayworth, American actress (d. 1987; Alzheimer's)

@61 – Norm Macdonald, Canadian actor, comedian (d. 2021; leukemia)

53 – Ziggy Marley, Jamaican singer-songwriter

49 – Eminem [Marshall Bruce Mathers III], American rapper





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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.