June 12



Daily Almanac for Flagstaff
Week 25 Day: 163 \ Ave. Sky Cover: 10% \ Visibility: 10 miles Flagstaff Today 85° \53° 
Wind: 7mph \ Gusts: 9mph
Extreme Risk of fire \ Nearest active fire: 10mi \ Nearest Lightning: 145mi
June Averages for Flagstaff: 80° \ 43° (1 day of moisture)

Today’s Quote


Weekly Observations

Thru Sep.5
National Marina Days (From Memorial Day to Labor Day)  Link

National Lemonade Days Link

US Police and Fire Championships Link

National Automotive Service Professionals Week
National Flag Week
National Pet Wedding Week   Link
National Right of Way Professionals Week Link 
National Waste & Recycling Workers Week Link 
Men's Health Week: 13-19 Link  

Daily Observations

My Sometimes-Long-Winded Thoughts

Another very warm day.

Yesterday’s rain was just a sprinkle. While the smell of rain lasted several hours, the actual rain was just enough to dirty my clean car. In the desert at 7000’ we will take what we can get.

Gas is ‘only’ $4.89 at Sam’s here…most places are $4.99. It is worse other places. A Michigan police department to officers to handle non-emergency calls over the phone to save gas. The unfortunate part is that they didn’t define ‘non-emergency’ to the public. Most people call 911 or the police when they need police. The citizen considers it an emergency. My prediction: a lot of confused citizens who may get very upset.

Favorite Memes





Everyday Phrases with a Dark Meaning

A snafu

This expression is often used when something has gone wrong. But what does it mean, really?

"Snafu" comes from the World War II military acronym S.N.A.F.U., which stands for Situation Normal, All F**** Up. Which, in a context of war, means exactly that.

Riddle of the Day

1.   How do French chefs make you love them?


                                                                                  Answer: They butter you up!

Historical Events

Ë  1817 – The earliest form of bicycle, the dandy horse, was driven by Karl von Drais.
Ë 1849 – A gas mask “inhaler or lung protector” was patented (#X006529) by Lewis Phectic Haslett of Louisville, Ky.
Ë 1906 – Sound movies were patented (#823,022) by John Ballance.
Ë 1913 – John Randolph Bray exhibited the first animated cartoon, a movie called The Artist’s Dream (aka The Dachsund) in which a dog ate sausages until he exploded.
Ë 1939 – The Baseball Hall of Fame opened in Cooperstown, New York.
Ë 1942 – Anne Frank received a diary for her thirteenth birthday.
Ë 1964 – Anti-apartheid activist and ANC leader Nelson Mandela was sentenced to life in prison for sabotage in South Africa.
Ë 1967 – The US Supreme Court in Loving v. Virginia declared all US state laws which prohibit interracial marriage to be unconstitutional.
Ë 1972 – Fast food restaurant chain Popeyes was founded in Arabi, Louisiana.
Ë 1979 – Cyclist Bryan Allen flew the Gossamer Albatross across the English Channel, it was powered solely by human power.
Ë 1987 – At the Brandenburg Gate, U.S. President Ronald Reagan publicly challenged Mikhail Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall.
Ë 1994 – Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman were murdered outside her home in Los Angeles, California.
Ë 1997 – Queen Elizabeth II reopened the Globe Theatre in London (it had been closed since 1442).
Ë 2009 – Analog television stations (excluding low-powered stations) switched to digital television following the DTV Delay Act.
Ë 2018 – President Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un of North Korea held the first meeting between leaders of their two countries in Singapore

Birthdays Today

@94 – George H.W. Bush, 41st President of the United States (d. 2018)

@89 – Vic Damone [Vito Rocco Farinola], American singer-songwriter, actor (d. 2018)

@83 – Samuel Z. Arkoff, American film producer (d. 2001)

60 – Jordan Peterson, Canadian psychologist, professor and cultural critic

37 – Chris Young, American singer-songwriter

36 – Kendra Wilkinson, American model

@15 – Anne Frank, German-Dutch diarist; victim of the Holocaust (d. 1945; killed by Nazis)



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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.