Nov 24


Week: 48 Day: 328
Ave. Sky Cover:  90%Visibility: 10miles
Local Temp:   48°\ 26° Wind: 4mph\ Gusts: 9mph
Low risk of fire Active fire: 370mi. \ Lightning: 1334mi.
Nov Averages: 51°\23° (3 days w/moisture)


Today’s Quote

Weekly Observations


National Farm-City Week


American Sand Sculpting Competition Link  


Church/State Separation Week
GERD Awareness Week
Geography Awareness Week
National Bible Week
National Family Week
National Game & Puzzle Week


Better Conversation Week


National Deal Week

Daily Observations


Favorite Memes






Have a laugh

I was reversing my car in the garage and asked my friend to spot me,

and let me know when I hit the wall.

 I heard a bang. "3:45 PM", he said.



Coin-operated gaming devices in the late 1800s included games with large revolving wheels divided into color segments. Players wagered on which color the wheel would stop. They're considered the forerunners of modern slot machines, even though they didn't have reels. The first recognizably modern three-reel slot was the Liberty Bell, invented by Charles Fey in San Francisco in 1899. The machine was so popular that for many years all slot machines were referred to as bell machines.

The game of 21 got its common nickname, blackjack, from a practice in illegal casinos in the early 1900s. Some casinos paid a bonus if a two-card 21 was made up of an ace and jack of spades. Others paid bonuses if an ace of spades was accompanied by a jack of either clubs or spades. The black jack was the key to the bonus, and became the name of the game.


My Sometimes-Long-Winded Thoughts

A ‘drizzle’ day. Overcast, a light drizzle of rain. A fall day to stay inside. I had planned to pick up some cranberries but will do it during the pre-Thanksgiving crush, assuming the sun returns.

I got some sad news this morning. One of my former colleagues recently lost her 62-year-old daughter to a possible heart attack. Camille is in shock. Sending her good thoughts at this difficult time.

I have never understood the price of gasoline. Growing up my dad always got gas at a nearby Sinclair station…as it was always a penny cheaper than other nearby stations. We had ‘gas wars’ back in those days, where one company would lower gas by 4 or 5 cents/gallon and others would follow. Back then they also checked your oil, tires, and washed your windshield. Today Biden released 50million barrels of oil from our reserve to help lower the gas price a couple of cents a gallon. Back in my youth gas was usually about 35 cents a gallon, now it is $3.50/gallon. The times they are a changin’ and I still don’t get the price of gas.

The Arbery jury is finally deliberating. Not expecting a verdict today.

Michael Strahan, of TV fame, will be the next Bezos’ Astronaut.

Ethiopia’s Nobel Peace Prize recipient, Abiy Ahmed, says he will lead the soldiers against the rebels. So sad.



Historical Events

1859 – Charles Darwin published On the Origin of Species in 1859.

1877 – Black Beauty by Anna Sewell was published.

1947 – John Steinbeck's novella "The Pearl" published

1963 – Jack Ruby shot and killed President Kennedy’s suspected assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald. It was the first live murder shown on American television.

1971 – D.B. Cooper hijacking took place over Oregon/Washington, USA.

2015 Turkey shots down a Russian fighter jet after claiming it had flown into Turkish airspace


Birthdays Today


@82 – William F. Buckley, Jr., American publisher, author, founded the National Review (d. 2008)

74 – Dwight Schultz, American actor (The A-Team, Star Trek TNG)

@65 – Zachary Taylor, general, 12th President (d. 1850; stomach disorder)

@48 – Scott Joplin, American pianist, and composer (d. 1917; syphilis)

43 – Katherine Heigl, American actress, and producer

31 – Sarah Hyland, American actress (Modern Family)



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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.