8 Feb


8 February 2023

Daily Almanac for Flagstaff
Week 6 Day 39 \ Ave. Sky Cover 5% \ Visibility 18 miles Flagstaff Today 39° \12°  Wind 5mph \ Gusts 6mph 
Air Quality: Fair \Very Low Risk of fire \ Nearest active fire 191mi \ Nearest Lightning 1870mi
Feb. Averages for Flagstaff: 47° \ 19° \5 Days of moisture

Today’s Quote


Weekly Observations

Publicity for Profit Week
Freelance Writer Appreciation Week
African Heritage & Health Week
Burn Awareness Week Link  
Children's Authors & Illustrators Week
Children's Authors & Illustrators Week
Dump Your Significant Jerk Week
6-12 Children's Mental Health Week Link 
International Networking Week
National School Counseling Week Link 
Pride in Foodservice Week
Pride in Foodservice Week Link 
Tax Identity Theft Week
Tax Identity Theft Week Link 
Tinnitus Awareness Week
Tinnitus Awareness Week Link 
Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week Link
Have A Heart for A Chained Dog Week Link
National Marriage Week Link  Link
Risk Awareness Week
Solo Diners Eat Out Weekend
Love Makes the World Go Round; But, Laughter Keeps Us From
Getting Dizzy Week


Daily Observations

Boy Scout Anniversary Day Link
Laugh and Get Rich Day
National Fly A Kite Day

National Molasses Bar Day
Opera Day
Wear Orange Day


My Sometimes-Long-Winded Thoughts

I keep hoping it will warm up enough to melt the piles of snow. At the current rate, the snow/ice piles will be here until June.

I will be listening to the President’s State of the Union tonight. As the country remains so politically divided, it is important to hear this speech from the head of our country.

As if all the earthquakes weren’t enough…now they are dealing with cold weather in their rescue efforts.

I find in informative and interesting when two different governments respond to the same incident in totally different outtakes. The ‘weather’ balloon incident is fascinating. The US claims it was spying, the Chinese continue to say it was little more than a weather balloon simply going off course. I’m still waiting to see how the other world leaders see this incident.  

Large African Cities…


Arizona is a great state…

v Kartchner Caverns, near Benson, Arizona, is a massive limestone cave with 13,000 feet of passages, two rooms as long as football fields, and one of the world's longest soda straw stalactites: measuring 21 feet 3 inches.

v You can carry a loaded firearm on your person, no permit required.

v Arizona has one of the lowest crime rates in the U.S.A.


Cleopatra Was in Rome When Julius Caesar Was Assassinated

Most of the drama during the infamous “Ides of March” in 44 BCE took place at the Theater of Pompey, where Julius Caesar — an emperor in all but name — was stabbed 23 times by Roman senators. But an untold side of the tale is that Cleopatra was in the city when Caesar was assassinated. Two years earlier, Caesar brought Cleopatra to Rome, along with their son Caesarion, and the foreign queen’s presence in the capital was a sensation, especially when Caesar erected a statue of her in the temple of Venus Genetrix. While some Romans were suspicious of Cleopatra, she became a style icon for Roman women, many of whom adopted her pearl jewelry and hairdo. Although Cleopatra remained in Rome initially in an effort to solidify her son as Caesar’s legitimate heir, the swift arrival of Octavian complicated matters and she soon decamped for Egypt. 

Slang Origins

1987: Cool beans

Meaning: excellent; impressive; somewhere between “fine” and “great”

Catchphrase of DJ Tanner from "Full House," “cool beans” is a nonsense phrase that’s been in use since the 1960s, though it was not popular until the TV show. Its roots are unknown, though one investigation into its etymology found that it possibly stems from the mid-19th century “some beans,” which comes from the phrase “full of beans.” The horse-racing jargon referred to animals passing wind to increase their speed.


Don and Doris Fisher opened their first GAP store in 1969 to meet the unique clothing demands of customers between childhood and adulthood, identified and popularized then as "the generation gap."

Historical Events

1587 – Mary, Queen of Scots was executed by beheading, for plotting the death of Queen Elizabeth I.
1851 – Portland (The City of Roses) was incorporated in Oregon.
1887 – The Dawes Act authorized the President of the United States to survey Native American tribal land and divide it into individual allotments.
1922 – President Warren G. Harding brought the first radio set in the White House.

Birthdays Today

90 – John Williams, American pianist, composer, conductor
“There’s a very basic human, non-verbal aspect to our need to make music and use it as part of our human expression. It doesn’t have to do with body movements, it doesn’t have to do with articulation of a language, but with something spiritual.”– John Williams
83 – Ted Koppel [Edward James Martin Koppel], English-American journalist
82 – Nick Nolte, American actor
81 – Robert Klein, American comedian, actor
@80 – John Ruskin, English writer (d. 1900)
@77 – Jules Verne, French author, poet, playwright (d. 1905; stroke)
“Man’s constitution is so peculiar that his health is purely a negative matter. No sooner is the rage of hunger appeased than it becomes difficult to comprehend the meaning of starvation. It is only when you suffer that you really understand.”– Jules Verne
@76 – Jack Lemmon, American actor (d. 2001; bladder cancer)
@74 – Lana Turner, American actress (d. 1995; cancer)
@73 – Audrey Meadows, American actress (d. 1996; lung cancer)
@71 – Lonnie Johnson, American singer-songwriter, guitarist (d. 1970; stroke)
70 – Mary Steenburgen, American actress
68 – John Grisham, American lawyer, author
54 – Mary McCormack, American actress
51 – Big Show (Paul Donald Wight II), American wrestler, actor
48 – Seth Green, American actor
“There’s no greater way to gain an audience’s sympathy than by being unfortunate.”– Seth Green @42 – Gary Coleman, American actor (d. 2010; fall)
42 – William Jackson Harper, American actor
39 – Cecily Strong, American actress
29 – Nikki Yanofsky, Canadian singer-songwriter
@24 – James Dean, American actor (d. 1955; auto accident)




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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.