10 July


10 July 2023

Flagstaff Almanac

Week 28 Day 191 Ave. Sky Cover 5%\ Visibility  12mi. Flagstaff Today  91° \ 54° 
Wind  6mph \ Gusts  13mph  Nearest active fire: 21miles Nearest Lightning:  364mi
Air Quality: Fair  Moisture Days this month: 5 days
Risk of fire: Extreme July Averages: Temps 82° \ 51° Moisture 8 Days
Sunshine  Red Flag Warning

Today’s Quote

Weekly Observations

Tour de France 
Freedom Week
National Marijuana Facts Week
Running of The Bulls (Spain)

National Cancer Survivor Sibling Week
National Theraputic Recreation Week
National Vodka Week
Operation Safe Driver Week
Sports Clich Week
Nude Recreation Weekend



Daily Observations

Don’t Step on a Bee Day
Chronic Disease Day 
Clerihew Day
Don't Step On A Bee Day 
Global Energy Independence Day 
International Town Criers Day
Kitten Day  

National Piña Colada Day
Nikola Tesla Day
Pick Blueberries Day
Oils & Concentrates Day 
Piña Colada Day  
Teddy Bears' Picnic Day
U.S. Energy Independence Day

Today’s Thoughts

 A hot day, but it is summer.

If you have Netflix, I suggest Rumble. It’s a documentary showing how the roots of Jazz, Rock & Roll are from Native American and African slaves. Highly educational and very well done. I learned a heck of a lot.

Cooler is working hard to keep this place at 78°. So far, so good.

It is still difficult to chew and drink with a straw, but I’m doing it ok.



Boomer Slang… New


In the boomer era, “groovy” was a popular slang word meaning cool, excellent, or stylish. It conveyed a sense of being in tune with the latest trends and having a laid-back, positive attitude. Saying something or someone was “groovy” was a way to express admiration and approval, capturing the essence of a vibrant and exciting time in boomer culture.

True Conspiracy Theories…

The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment

From 1932 to 1972, the US Public Health Service conducted an unethical medical experiment on African American men with syphilis, without their knowledge or consent.

Random Trivia…

Cows don’t actually have four stomachs; they have one stomach with four compartments. (fda.gov)

Historic Events

  • What what was the 44th US state? That would be Wyoming, joining July 10, 1890.
  • 1962 – Telstar was launched
  • 1991 – Boris Yeltsin took the oath as President of Russia.

Birthdays with some quotes

@95 – Jake LaMotta, American boxer and actor (d. 2017)
“I was so good at boxing because I worked hard. I worked harder than anybody. When other boxers used to box in the gym, three or four rounds, I used to box 10-20 rounds.”– Jake LaMotta
@93 – David Dinkins, American politician, 106th Mayor of New York City (d. 2020)
@93 – Ima Hogg, American society leader, philanthropist, patron of the arts (d. 1975)
@86 – Nikola Tesla, Serbian-American physicist and engineer (d. 1943)
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”– Nikola Tesla
“Be alone, that is the secret of invention; be alone, that is when ideas are born.”– Nikola Tesla
@88 – Eunice Kennedy Shriver, American activist, co-founded the Special Olympics (d. 2009)
“Do the best you can, and then to hell with it!”– Eunice Kennedy Shriver
84 – Mavis Staples, American singer
@82 – David Brinkley, American journalist (d. 2003)@51 – Marcel Proust, French novelist, critic, and essayist (d. 1922; pneumonia)
“A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him.”– David Brinkley
“Washington, D.C. is a city filled with people who believe they are important.”– David Brinkley
@80 – Jean Kerr (Bridget Jean Collins), American author and playwright (d. 2003)
@74 – Adolphus Busch, German brewer, co-founded Anheuser-Busch (d. 1913; dropsy)
@71 – Ron Glass, American actor (d. 2016; respiratory failure)
76 – Arlo Guthrie, American singer-songwriter
@66 – Fred Gwynne, American actor (d. 1993; cancer)
51 – Sofía Vergara, Colombian-American actress and model
@49 – Arthur Ashe, American tennis player and journalist (d. 1993; AIDS)
42 – James Rolfe, American actor, director, and producer
43 – Jessica Simpson, American singer-songwriter and actress
34 – Heather Hemmens, American actress
22 – Isabela Moner, American actress

…The End for today…



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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.