
TODAY’s “Geez”: 1913 - Webb Alien Land-Holding Bill passes, forbidding Japanese from owning land

Free Rambling Thoughts…
Winter Wonderland in FLG…give me a break. We have had rain and/or snow all day. Nuttin is sticking. Late this afternoon the snowflakes were the size of quarters. Cool if you are kid running around outside trying to catch the flakes on your tongue or in your hand. Nice if you are a neighbor watching her dance.
I washed and waxed the tile floors today…just didn’t see any reason to be outside. I also did some laundry. No reason to just sit around.
 Hmmm, the frenzy in Congress is getting a little out of hand. Yesterday it was suggested that the gold prices are really high, and now would be the time to sell off the gold in Ft. Knox to reduce the deficit. Hmmm. If the US suddenly put that gold on the open market, what would happen to the price of gold? My guess is that with suddenly more gold available, the price goes down, really fast—Econ-201. Some guy from Florida noted, in the Congressional Record, that 70% of Utah’s land is owned by the US and now is the time to liquidate. Maybe the end IS near.
A Phoenix station did a report on long term unemployment if Phoenix. They found that big businesses in our state don’t consider hiring the long term unemployed because ‘something must be amiss, if no one wants to hire that person.’ So big business needs tax breaks to create jobs and cut unemployment. Big business says it will take time to do this. Now they won’t consider the long term unemployed? This is so messed up, I can’t even talk about it.

Trivia Quiz…(answers at the end of post)
Who succeeded Brezhnev as President of the USSR?
Who became president of Zambia in 1991?
Who was Nigeria's first President and has been described as the father of modern Nigeria?
Who was chairman of the Organization of African Unity from 1975-76?
Gorbachev introduced the expression perestroika but what does it mean?
Who received the Nobel Peace prize in 1998?
How was Papa Doc also known?
Who was the last leader of Communist East Germany?
What name was given to the period of rule of Emperor Hirohito?
Who said, "We are not at war with Egypt. We are in armed conflict?"
Who was the leader of ZAPU?
Who said, "We have the happiest Africans in the world?"
Which newspaper originally coined the term Iron Lady about Margaret Thatcher?

Zoom-ed in Picture…Can you Identify what this is? (Answer at end of post)

>Miles from land and maritime borders that the US Bordr Patrol can legally perform warrantless searches: 100
>Portion of all Americans who live within that area: 2/3

The First Time…
 1900 --- 1st Prime Minister of Australia: Edmund Barton
 1900 --- 1st woman to win an Olympic Gold Medal (for tennis): Charlotte Cooper
 1901 ---1st Nobel Prize winners:
      Literature: Sully Prudhomme (Rene Francois Armand)
      Peace: Jean Henri Dunant & Frederic Passy
      Physics: Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen
      Physiology & Medicine: Emil Adolf Von Behring
      Chemistry: Jacobus Henricus Van't Hoff

      Economics: Ragnar Frisch & Jan Tinbergen in 1969

Somewhat Useless Information…
++Morphine was given its name in 1803 by the discoverer, a 20 year old German pharmacist named Friedrich Saturner. He named it after Morpheus, the Greek god of dreams. 
++ The first American advertisement for tobacco was published in 1789. It showed a picture of an Indian smoking a long clay pipe. 
++ The pineapple was symbol of welcome in the 1700-1800s. That is why in New England you will see so many pineapples on door knockers.

Yeah, It Really Happened…
WEATHERFORD, Texas — The good news for an 18-year-old Texas man is he has his wallet back. The bad is that it has landed him under arrest, facing fraud and drug charges.
Someone found Clayton Neil Stewart's wallet and turned it in to authorities. Parker County Sheriff Larry Fowler says deputies found three other men's identification cards inside and drugs in the teen's car.
Stewart told deputies that he found the driver's licenses belonging to men in three states.
The Aledo man has been charged with fraudulent use or possession of identifying information, and possession of a controlled substance and marijuana.
Stewart was released Monday after posting $8,500 bail at the Parker County Jail in Weatherford, about 30 miles west of Fort Worth.
Records don't indicate if he has an attorney.

Guffaw…or at least smile…
On our way to my parents' house for dinner one evening, I glanced over at my 15-year-old daughter. "Isn't that skirt a bit short?" I asked. She rolled her eyes at my comment and gave me one of those "Oh, Mom" looks.
When we arrived at my folks' place, my mother greeted us at the door, hugged my daughter, then turned to me and looking me over with a critical eye said, "Elizabeth! Don't you hink that blouse is awfully low-cut?"

Searchin’ “You Tube” I found…

Daybook Information
…Happening This Week:
National Dog Bite Prevention Week * National New Friends, Old Friends Week * National Police Week * National Transportation Week * World Trade Week * EMS (Emergency Medical Services) Week * American Craft Beer Week * National Bike to Work Week *

Frog Jumping Jubilee Day
Boys Club Day(1906)
May Ray Day: To celebrate the beginning of the warm outside days the sun gives us. Also, a day for people named Ray
Turkey: Youth Sports Day

Today’s Events:
1960 - Alan Freed & eight other DJ accused of taking radio payola
1935 - NFL adopts an annual college draft to begin in 1936
1985 - Nancy Lopez wins LPGA Chrysler-Plymouth Golf Classic
1991 - Willy T Ribbs becomes 1st black driver to make Indianapolis 500
1828 - U.S. President John Quincy Adams signs the Tariff of 1828 into law, protecting wool manufacturers in the United States.
1848 - 1st department store opens
1884 - Ringling Brothers circus premieres
1885 - 1st mass production of shoes (Jan Matzeliger in Lynn, Massachusetts)
1896 - 1st auto (Benz) to arrive in Netherlands
1900 - World's longest railroad tunnel (Simplon) links Italy & Switz, opens
1796 - Game protection law restricts encroachment on Indian hunting grounds
1568 - English queen Elizabeth I arrests Scottish queen Mary
1571 - Miguel Lopez de Lagazpi founded Manilla in the Phillipines
1848 - Mexico gives Texas to US, ending the war
1902 - Great Britain & Boers resume peace talks in Pretoria
1930 - White woman win voting rights in South-Africa
1941 - New nazi battleship Bismarck leaves Gdynia, Poland (Sink the Bismark)
1967 - US bombs Hanoi
1986 - Anti-apartheid activist H Clane Pastoors sentenced to 10 yrs in S Africa
1892 - Charles Brady King invents pneumatic hammer
1995 - World's youngest doctor, Balamurali Ambati, 17, graduates Mount Sinai
1643 - Massachusetts Bay, Plymouth, Connecticut & New Harbor form United Colonies of New England
1862 - Homestead Act becomes law provides cheap land for settlement of West
1865 - President Jefferson Davis is captured by Union Cavalry in Georgia
1898 - Post Office authorizes use of postcards
1921 - Congress sharply curbs immigration, setting a national quota system
1951 - UN begins counter offensive in Korea
1954 - Postmaster General Summerfield approves CIA mail-opening project


1918 - Florence Chadwick, swimmer (1st to swim English Channel both ways)
1946 - AndrĂ© the Giant, French professional wrestler 
Kevin Garnett, NBA forward for the Minnesota Timberwolves turns 35
David Hartman, TV personality, Good Morning America turns 76
Grace Jones, singer and actress, Vamp turns 63
Jim Lehrer, American Journalist turns 77
Nancy Kwan, Hong Kong, actress, Flower Drum Song, World of Suzie Wong turns 72
Pete Townshend, British Musician turns 66
1879 - Nancy Witcher Langhorne Astor, US/Eng's feminist/ex of Waldorf Astor
1928 - Colin Chapman, founder of Lotus Cars
1925 - Malcolm X, [Little],  founder (Black Muslims)

1890 - Ho Chi Minh, trail blazer/leader of Vietnam (1946, 1969)
1928 - Pol Pot, Cambodian dictator 

Today’s Obits:
1536 - Anne Boleyn, Queen of England/wife of Henry VIII, beheaded at 29 or 35
1795 - James Boswell, Scottish biographer dies of VD at 55
2009 - Robert F. Furchgott, American chemist, Nobel Laureate at 92
1935 - Thomas E Lawrence (of Arabia), dies in a motorcycle crash at 46
1994 - Henry Morgan, TV panalist (To Tell the Truth), dies of cancer at 74
1971 - Ogden Nash, poet/TV panelist (Masquerade Party), dies of Crohn’s Disease at 68
1994 - Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, 1st lady (1961-63), dies of cancer at 64
 2004 - Tony Randall, actor (Felix Unger in The Odd Couple) dies aged 84

Trivia Quiz
Who succeeded Brezhnev as President of the USSR?
Who became president of Zambia in 1991?
Who was Nigeria's first President and has been described as the father of modern Nigeria?
Nnamdi Azikiwe
Who was chairman of the Organization of African Unity from 1975-76?
Idi Amin
Gorbachev introduced the expression perestroika but what does it mean?
Who received the Nobel Peace prize in 1998?
John Hume and David Trimble
How was Papa Doc also known?
Francois Duvalier
Who was the last leader of Communist East Germany?
Egon Krenz
What name was given to the period of rule of Emperor Hirohito?
Who said, "We are not at war with Egypt. We are in armed conflict?"
Anthony Eden 1st Earl of Avon, KG, MC, PC
Who was the leader of ZAPU?
Joshua Nkomo (Zimbabwe African People's Union)
Who said, "We have the happiest Africans in the world?"
Ian Smith: politician active in the government of Southern Rhodesia, the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, Rhodesia, Zimbabwe Rhodesia and Zimbabwe from 1948 to 1987
Which newspaper originally coined the term Iron Lady about Margaret Thatcher?
Red Star

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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.