Nov 20


Week: 47 Day: 324
Ave. Sky Cover:  10%Visibility: s miles
Local Temp:   58°\ 25° Wind: 4mph\ Gusts: 5mph
High risk of fire Active fire: 357mi. \ Lightning: 1550mi.
Nov Averages: 51°\23° (3 days w/moisture)


Today’s Quote

Weekly Observations


National Hunger & Homeless Awareness Week: Link 


International Fraud Awareness Week Link   

National Split Pea Soup Week   Link
Perioperative Nurse Week Link


International Restorative Justice Week Link 


Random Acts of Kindness Week Link 


Medical Cannabis Week Link 


National Farm-City Week


American Sand Sculpting Competition Link  

Daily Observations


Favorite Memes






Have a laugh

McDonalds was originally going to sell hot dogs.

They just felt like nobody would buy the McWeenie



Coin-operated gaming devices in the late 1800s included games with large revolving wheels divided into color segments. Players wagered on which color the wheel would stop. They're considered the forerunners of modern slot machines, even though they didn't have reels. The first recognizably modern three-reel slot was the Liberty Bell, invented by Charles Fey in San Francisco in 1899. The machine was so popular that for many years all slot machines were referred to as bell machines.


The game of 21 got its common nickname, blackjack, from a practice in illegal casinos in the early 1900s. Some casinos paid a bonus if a two-card 21 was made up of an ace and jack of spades. Others paid bonuses if an ace of spades was accompanied by a jack of either clubs or spades. The black jack was the key to the bonus, and became the name of the game.


My Sometimes-Long-Winded Thoughts

Another nice fall day. Our retirement group met for a nice lunch at one of our favorite local restaurants…Fat Olives. Good conversation, great food.

I slept through the lunar eclipse. Traditional Navajo say you should stay inside, fast, and pray during any eclipse. I didn’t watch it because I was asleep.

SMH…Rep Paul Gosar, R-AZ, decided a few hours after his conviction, to repost his violent video…and he has Republican support for that move. Crazy.

Yesterday’s phlebotomy went well. All good.

Over 100,000 Americans died of overdoses so far this year. Fentanyl is the main culprit. Many are also blaming the isolation of Covid.  Both are a very sorry commentary on the American experience.



Historical Events

Birthday boy Chester Gould’s friend, Al Gross invented the walkie-talkie, and that was the inspiration for Dick Tracey’s wrist radio in January 1946.

In 1789, New Jersey became the first U.S. state to ratify the Bill of Rights.

In 1820, An 80-ton sperm whale attacked and sank the Essex, a whaling ship from Nantucket, Massachusetts. Herman Melville’s 1851 novel Moby-Dick is in part inspired by this story.

1945 – The Nuremberg War Crimes Trials began, finishing on October 10, 1946.1962 – In response to the Soviet Union agreeing to remove its missiles from Cuba, U.S. President John F. Kennedy ends the quarantine of the Caribbean nation, ending The Cuban Missile Crisis.

November 20, 1985 – Microsoft Windows 1.0 was released.

1998 Court in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan declares accused terrorist Osama bin Laden "a man without a sin" in regard to the 1998 U.S. embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania

2019 Snakes lived with hind legs for 70 million years (Najash rionegrina), according to research from La Buitrera Palaeontological Area, Argentina, published in "Science Advances"


Birthdays Today


@63 – Edwin Hubble, American astronomer and cosmologist (d. 1953; stroke)

@95 – Alistair Cooke, British-American journalist and author (d. 2004)

@42 – Robert F. Kennedy, American politician (assassinated, 1968)

94 – Estelle Parsons, American actress (The Golden Girls)

79 – Joe Biden, 47th Vice President; 46TH President

65 – Bo Derek [Mary Cathleen Collins], American actress, and producer



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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.