Jan 23


Week: 5 Day: 23

Ave. Sky Cover:  60% Visibility: 10 miles

Local Temp:   30°\ 25° Wind: 10mph\ Gusts: 15mph

Very Low risk of fire Active fire: 122mi. \ Lightning: 1719mi.

Jan Averages: 43°\17° (5 days w/moisture)

Today’s Quote

Weekly Observations


International Snowmobile Safety and Awareness Week Link 


National Fresh Squeezed Juice Week


Week of Christian Unity


National Soccer Coaches of America Week


Sundance Film Festival




Clean Out Your Inbox Week
National CRNA (Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists) Week 
National Handwriting Analysis Week 
National School Choice Week  Link 
Snow care for Troops Week

Daily Observations

My Sometimes-Long-Winded Thoughts

Woke to a covering of snow with snow continuing on and off. Not much is sticking, but moisture is appreciated.

Putin is not backing down in Ukraine mess. He really seems to want it back under Russian control. I keep hoping that the talking will continue and there will not be a hot war.

Senator Sinema, D-AZ, has been censured by the Arizona Democrats. I don’t agree with some of Sinema’s recent stands, but now both parties and censuring their own. This is not a good sign for political parties or for the American people.

Wharton Business School students don’t know the average income of American’s today. Sad since these graduates will soon be forming our economic policy. 25% of the students believed the annual income was above $100K, while the reality is $52K.

Favorite Memes






A bit of Humor

What kind of soda must you not drink?

Baking soda.


The lowest income:

Arizona: Coconino County

- Total rural area: 18,571 square miles (99.74% of the county)

- Total urban area: 47 square miles (0.26% of the county)

- Population in rural areas: 42,297 (31.47% of county population)

- Total population of the county: 134,421

- Population density in rural areas: 2.3 people per square mile


Colorado: Las Animas County

- Total rural area: 4,767 square miles (99.88% of the county)

- Total urban area: 6 square miles (0.12% of the county)

- Population in rural areas: 6,326 (40.79% of county population)

- Total population of the county: 15,507

- Population density in rural areas: 1.3 people per square mile

Historical Events

*    1556 – The Shaanxi earthquake struck in Shaanxi province, China. The death toll may have been as high as 830,000, the deadliest earthquake in history.

*    Walter Frederick Morrison sold the rights (Design Patent #D183,626) to his flying disc to the Wham-O toy company, which later renames it the “Frisbee”.

*    1998 – Netscape announced Mozilla, with the intention to release Communicator code as open source.

Birthdays Today

79 – Gil Gerard, American actor, TV’s Buck Rogers

71 – Chesley Sullenberger, pilot

58 – Mariska Hargitay, American actress, and producer

v @56 – John Hancock, American general and politician (died in 1793)

48 – Tiffani Thiessen, American actress

v @42 – Ernie Kovacs, American comedic actor, game show host (d. 1962; car crash)



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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.