Apr 16

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Apr. 16, 2020 Week: 16 Day: 107
86004: H 61° \ L 30° \ Average Sky Cover: 5%
Wind: 4mph\Gusts: 8mph Visibility: 10 mi
Nearest lightning: 640mi.; Nearest active fire: 449mi.

Record High: 77°[1948] Record Low: 13°[1995]
Apr. Averages: 60°\27° (3 days with moisture)

Today’s Quote

"Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game." -Babe Ruth

Random Tidbits

Dolphins have been venerated since ancient Greece where they were called hieros ichthys "sacred fish," and the Greeks believed the sun god, Apollo, assumed the form of a dolphin when he founded his oracle at Delphi at Mount Parnassus.

In Rome, dolphins were thought to carry souls to the "Islands of the Blest," and images of dolphins have been found in the hands of Roman mummies, presumably to ensure their safe passage to the afterlife.

Observations This Week

Week of The Young Child: 11-17 Link
Animal Control Officer Appreciation Week: 12-18 Link 
National Dog Bite Prevention Week:12-18 Link 
National Public Safety Telecommunicators (911 Operators) Week: 12-18 
National Student Employment Week: 12-18 Link
Orthodox Holy Week: 12-18
Pan American Week: 12-18 

World Hula Week: 12-18 
National Occupational Health Nursing Week: 13-17 Link
Oral, Head and Neck Cancer Awareness Week: 13-19 Link

Observations for Today

Emancipation Day  (DC holiday that affects Tax Day) 
Foursquare Day    Link
Get to Know Your Customers Day
High Five Day    Mushroom Day
National Baked Ham with Pineapple Day
National D.A.R.E. Day
National Health Care Decisions Day
National Orchid Day  Link
National Stress Awareness Day
World Voice Day Link

My Rambling Thoughts

A nice day to be outside...so I took a nice long forest walk. Refreshed and ready to continue with this stay at home stuff. For the first time in weeks, there were 3 kids playing in the commons area. For the past month, there are never more than one dog walker at a time out there. Usually during school vacations there are always about 5-6 kids playing outside on such a great weather day. Ahhh...the good old days. As I was returning from my walk, one of my neighbors was standing at her front door. I was walking on the paved driveway. We had a nice conversation at about 15 feet. Her husband is still working, she is enjoying the quiet of staying home. Neither of us know anyone who is sick from this virus. We had both read that there are 38 cases with no deaths in our zip-code.

The Flag High Native American Club is starting a campaign to rename the peaks in Flagstaff. These peaks are sacred to 13 tribes from the area. Mt. Agassiz, the highest one of the five peaks is named after a geologist from this area, who also believed that non-Whites were inferior to Whites. Since so many tribes are involved, they are asking for a name that is acceptable to all the tribes. They have a plan and realize this will be a long battle. Good for them.

This Facebook post describes me very well: My desire to be well-informed is currently at odds with my desire to remain sane.

I'm not sure that Trump has the power to suddenly stop allocated Federal money to the WHO without congressional approval. I'm sure it is just more bluster. I am not happy with the WHO early response to the virus, but they are doing much better now.

Today’s Puzzle
Answer at the bottom of the page

Can you think of a common word that contains double C, double S and double L? Can you think of a second one?

Historical Events

73 AD - Masada, a Jewish fortress, fell to the Romans after several months of siege.

1881 - In Dodge City, Kansas, gunslinger Bat Masterson fought his last gun battle. He paid an $8 fine and retired.

1908 - Natural Bridges National Monument was established in Utah.

1912 - American aviator Harriet Quimby became the first female pilot to fly across the English Channel. She was also the first US licensed female pilot.

1943 - Albert Hoffmann accidentally discovered the psychedelic effects of Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)

1947 - Bernard Baruch, in a speech given during the unveiling of his portrait in the South Carolina House of Representatives, coined the term 'Cold War' to describe relations between the United States and the Soviet Union.

1962 - Walter Cronkite became the news anchor for the CBS network.

1990 - 'Doctor Death', Jack Kevorkian, participated in his first assisted suicide. Janet Adkins was the patient, in Detroit, Michigan.

1995 - Governor George W. Bush named April 16 as Selena Day in Texas, after the singer was killed two weeks earlier.

2007 - Virginia Tech massacre: Seung-Hui Cho killed 32 people and injured 17 before committing suicide.

Birthdays Today

93-Religious leader, Pope Benedict XVI [Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger]

Actor, Charlie Chaplin (d.1977)

Musician, Bobby Vinton (1935)

@82-Actor, Peter Ustinov (d. 2004)

NBA player, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar [Ferdinand Lewis Alcindor Jr]

@70-Musician, Henry Mancini (d.1994; pancreatic cancer)

Musician, Dusty Springfield ( d.1999; breast cancer)

Actor, Martin Lawrence (1965)

@45-Aviator, Wilbur Wright (d. 1912; typhoid)

@23-Musician, Selena Quintanilla-PĂ©rez (d.1995; murdered)

Puzzle Answer:



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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.