Nov 28


Week: 49 Day: 332
Ave. Sky Cover:  5%Visibility: 10miles
Local Temp:   55°\ 31° Wind: 10mph\ Gusts: 11mph
High risk of fire Active fire: 361mi. \ Lightning: 1213mi.
Nov Averages: 51°\23° (3 days w/moisture)


Today’s Quote

Weekly Observations


American Sand Sculpting Competition Link  


Better Conversation Week


National Deal Week



Daily Observations


Favorite Memes






Have a laugh

When does Halloween come before Valentine's day?

In a dictionary.



Black Cats: While most Western cultures consider black cats to be bad luck, many areas of the UK consider them to be a good omen. In fact, it's likely because the Pagan groups from these areas considered them to be good luck for so long that early Christians started spreading stories of the cats being evil. Specifically, these stories often tied black cats to witches, which makes a lot of sense given that they also accused Pagans of being witches.

Walking Under A Ladder: Early Christians felt the triangle was a sacred sign that represented the Holy Trinity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. When a ladder was pushed against a building, it would form the shape of a triangle, and thus, by walking under it, you were breaking the triangle. This was such a bad thing to do that early Christians would often label anyone who walked under a ladder to be a witch in league with Satan.


My Sometimes-Long-Winded Thoughts

A lazy Saturday for me.

I just read an article about guns around the world. Turns out the US is #1 in gun ownership and the only country with more guns than people. In the US there are 120.5 guns for every 100 citizens. Hmmm

Steven Sondheim passed at 91. He sure gave us some great Broadway songs and shows.

A big Thank You to Colorado Representative Bobert for taking AZ Rep. Gosar out of the headlines. It is inexcusable that these haters are not condemned by their own party.

Sad to hear that Mickey Cooper, a longtime Focus Traveler and Facebook friend, passed at 85. She had been declining for several years.



Historical Events

1821 Panama declares independence from Spain1895 – The first automobile race in The United States took place, over 54 miles, from Jackson Park in Chicago to Evanston, Illinois. Frank Duryea won in about 10 hours.

1942 – Cocoanut Grove Nightclub Fire, Boston Massachusettes. Nearly 500 people were killed in the blaze. This fire was probably the single biggest reason ‘EXIT’ signs are now in (US) public places.

1967 – The first pulsar (PSR B1919+21, in the constellation of Vulpecula) was discovered by astronomers Jocelyn Bell Burnell and Antony Hewish.

2016 – "Hamilton" sets new record for most money earned in a week on Broadway - $3.3 million

2020 – Thousands of farmers begin entering Delhi to protest proposed agriculture reforms


Birthdays Today








– Berry Gordy, Jr., American songwriter and producer (founded Motown Records)

– William Blake, English poet (d. 1827)

– S. Epatha Merkerson, American actress (Law and Order)

– Judd Nelson, American actor (The Breakfast Club)

– Jon Stewart, American comedian, and TV host

– Anna Nicole Smith, model, actress, television personality (d. 2007; OD)

– Karen Gillan, Scottish actress (Doctor Who, Nebula)



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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.