Sep 22



FYI: Any Blue text is a link. Click to check it out!

Sep 22, 2020  Week: 39 Day:266                    Local:   H 79° \ L 45° \ Average Sky Cover: 80%

Wind:  1 mph\Gusts:  3mph                              Nearest lightning:  6.1mi.; active fire:  59mi. 

high Risk of Fire                                               Visibility:  10mi

Record: 83°[1949]   Record: 29°[1912]                  Sep Averages: 74°\42° (5 days with rain)


Today’s  Quote

"I would rather die of passion than of boredom."

-Vincent van Gogh


Random Tidbits

 Under the weather

Originally, sailors used the phrase “under the weather bow,” referring to the side of the ship that would get the brunt of the wind during storms. To avoid getting seasick when the waves got rough, they’d bunker down in their cabins—literally under that bad weather—to let the storm pass.


A little humor

From Actual Medical Records

The patient is a 79-year-old widow who no longer lives with her husband.

The patient refused an autopsy.

Many years ago the patient had frostbite of the right shoe.


True Things

 Prosecutors said an alleged carjacker in Chicago contacted the vehicle's owner and offered to sell the 1998 Chevy Malibu back to her for $50. Assistant State's Attorney Erin Antonietti said Jereh Brown, 24, received a ride in the victim's car from a friend of the owner and he forced the woman out of the driver's seat while the car was stopped. Antonietti told a hearing Brown contacted the owner of the car, a 19-year-old woman, and offered to sell the 1998 Chevy Malibu back to her for $50. The woman arranged to meet with Brown and contacted police to accompany her to the chosen location, the prosecutor said. Police found Brown hiding in a closet in a home at the location of the arranged meeting just before 10 p.m. and he was arrested. Investigators found a key to the car inside the home where Brown was arrested. Brown was charged with vehicular hijacking and possession of a stolen vehicle. He was released on electronic monitoring.


Observations This Week

Constitution Week: 17-23

National Singles Week: 20-26  

National Ballroom Dance Week: 18-27  Link

National Rehabilitation Awareness Week: 20-26 

Farm Animal Awareness Week: 19-25  

National Indoor Plant Week: 20-26

Build A Better Image Week: 20-26 

Nat’l Historically Black Colleges/Univ.Week: 20-26

Child Passenger Safety Week: 20-26 Link  

National Farm & Ranch Safety/Health Week: 20-26  

Deaf Dog Awareness Week: 20-26 Link  

Prostate Cancer Awareness Week: 20-26 

International Clean Hands Week: 20-26 

Tolkien Week: 20-26 

Internat’l Interpreters and Translators Week: 20-26 

World Reflexology Week: 20-26

International Women's E-Commerce Days: 20-26

National Bike to Work Week: 21-27 Link 

 Moved from May due to COVID-19

National Dog Week: 20-26 Link   Link  Link

National Love Your Files Week: 21-25  Link  

National Employ Older Workers Week: 20-26  Link 

Pollution Prevention Week: 21-27 Link


Observations for Today

American Business Women's Day

National Bike to Work Day: Link   

Moved from May due to COVID-19

Autumnnal Equinox  9:31AM EDT

National Centenarian's Day

Business Women's Day

National Girls' Night In Link

Car Free Day Link

National Ice Cream Cone Day

Chainmail Day 

National Leg Wear Day Link

Dear Diary Day

National On-line Recovery Day Link

Elephant Appreciation Day

National Voter Registration Day Link  

Hobbit Day

National Walk n' Roll Dog Day

Ice Cream Cone Day

National White Chocolate Day  Link

International Day of Radiant Peace

National Woman Road Warrior Day 

Mabon (On Autumn Equinox)

Remote Employee Appreciation Day


My Rambling Thoughts

Another week begins. Still wearing masks, still avoiding crowds, still waiting for the election. Weather is still nice, cloudy but still warm and nice.

A couple of days ago I mentioned Nielson Powless, the Oneida who was in the Tour de France. He finished 9th in his bracket…Young Rider. Great news for Native athletes.

I updated the Focus Travel Club site. Check out the new adventure to Nova Scotia in June 2021. Looks exciting. The website has the latest information on all the upcoming trips.

A crazy lady sent an envelope with the poison Risen to the White House. The letter was stopped at a warehouse before getting anywhere near the White House. Authorities say she was arrested trying to return to the US from Canada. How anyone can be uneducated enough to believe that letter would ever get to the President, or White House staff unopened is a special kind of dumb.

In another update, the massive death of elephants in Rwanda has now been linked to a bacteria in the water at waterholes. Due to the drought, water levels are low and elephants are the only mammal that goes deep into the water to get its drink. The bacteria live near the bottom of the waterholes. It is sad so many elephants have been lost, but now they know why and have to figure out how to fix it.


Today’s Puzzle

Answer at the bottom of the page

Alive without breath, as cold as death;

never thirsty, ever drinking, all in mail, never clinking.

What am I?


Historical Events

1776 – Nathan Hale was hanged by the British as a spy for the colonies during the Revolutionary War. In fairness to the British, this war hero was spying on them.

1789 – The U.S. Post Office was established by congress.

1911 – Pitcher Cy Young beat Pittsburgh 1-0 for his final career victory – number 511.

1920 – A Chicago Grand Jury convened to investigate charges that 8 White Sox players conspired to fix the 1919 World Series. They did.

1964 – The Man from U.N.C.L.E. premiered on NBC.

1985 – Farm Aid wast first broadcast, on TNN and in syndication

2011 – CERN scientists announced their discovery of neutrinos breaking the speed of light. There were reasonably sure that the experiment would not cause a black hole that would suck up the entire planet. So far, so good.


Birthdays Today

64 – Debby Boone, American singer

62 – Andrea Bocelli, Italian singer

62 – Joan Jett, American singer-songwriter

60 – Scott Baio, American actor

@55 – Eric Baker, English activist, co-founded Amnesty International (d.1976)


Puzzle Answer




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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.