Oct 12



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Oct 12, 2020  Week: 42 Day:286     

Local:  H 72°\ L 35°\Average Sky Cover: 5%

Wind:   9mph\Gusts:  21mph                       

Nearest lightning:  1168mi.; active fire:  59mi

high Risk of Fire          

Visibility:  10mi

Record: 83°[1950]   Record:[1969]              

Sep Averages: 63°\32° (4 days with moisture)


Today’s  Quote

Stop this attitude that older people ain't any good anymore!

We're as good as we ever were - if we ever were any good.

Dolly Parton


Random Tidbits

With nearly 3,000 years of history, Rome is often called the 'Eternal City.' With the possible exception of Greece, few cultures have had a greater impact on Western civilization.

Romans invented central heating and would warm rooms from under the floor using what was called a hypocaust, literally 'heat from below.' Homes of some rich people had both running water and central heating.


A little humor

Never let it be said that ground crews lack a sense of humor. Here are actual maintenance complaints submitted by UPS pilots ("P") and solutions recorded ("S") by maintenance engineers:

P: Left inside main tire almost needs replacement.

S: Almost replaced left inside main tire.

P: Test flight OK, except auto-land very rough.

S: Auto-land not installed on this aircraft.

P: Something loose in cockpit

S: Something tightened in cockpit


True Things


This is a word that has been used to refer to Indigenous women. Used as a name for many parks, valleys, mountains etc. The term 'squaw' is VERY offensive to Indigenous women. It has been equated to calling an Ingenious woman a 'whore'. Indigenous women should be called women - NOT 'squaws'....


This word is offensive by its very nature. Webster's Dictionary defines the term as a racial slur. In it's origin, it refers to the bloody scalps of Indigenous children, women and men that were sold for bounties aside animal skins in the USA. At this sad time in American history, Indigenous people, young and old, male and female, were hunted like animals. They were killed, then scalped. When these men would come to the trading post, they would receive money for their deer-skins, their, beaver-skins, their raccoon-skins, and their red-skins.  It is a true shame that this horrifying word is still in wide use.


Observations This Week

National Physicians Asst Week 6-12

Teen Read Week:


Drink Local Wine Week: 


Veterinary Techs Week:  

11-17  Link

Earth Science Week: 

11-17 Link

World Rainforest Week:

11-16 Link  

Emergency Nurses Week:


Bone and Joint Health National Awareness Wk: 12-20 Link

National Chestnut Week: 


Choose To Be G.R.E.A.T. Week: 12-16  Link

Nat’l Food Bank Week: 


National School Lunch Week: 12-16  


Observations for Today

Cookbook Launch Day


National Gumbo Day

National Kick Butt Day 

National Online Banking Day Link 

Day of the Six Billion Link

National Savings Day Link

Drink Local Wine Day

Native American Day  

Free Thought Day

Old Farmers Day

Indigenous People Day

[Columbus Day]  LINK  Link 

Pumpkin Pie Day


International Day Against DRM  Link

Stem Cell Awareness Day  Link

International Moment of Frustration Scream Day

World Arthritis Day Link

National Farmer's Day  Link



My Rambling Thoughts

Have a great Indigenous People Day. Remember, Ol’ Chris did not discover America, he didn’t even land in America.

Windy night, windy morning. Deck, sidewalk, and street covered with dead pine needles. No day for a walk. A good day to watch football. Cards[2-2] are doing well against the Jets[0-4]. Broncos game rescheduled twice due to Covid on the Pats team. It seems to me every team should get one Covid game change due to their team. After that, if they can’t play due to Covid, they forfeit. Everyone makes mistakes, but some teams need to take responsibility.

Two interesting points from Bill Maher on his HBO show:

1.     There may be a connection between obesity and Covid. Our country has both. Many countries without obesity have many fewer cases.

2.     Disney put out a movie in the 1970’s called GUS. It was about a football team that used a mule as its kicker. The owner of the team said the rules do not say a kicker has to be human. Mr. Maher has used that movie several times in the past to explain the Trump administration. Many times Trump breaks the norm with that same argument. So when he does it again, Smile and think GUS.  


Today’s Puzzle

Answer at the bottom of the page

First, I threw away the outside and cooked the inside, then I ate the outside and threw away the inside, what did I eat?


Historical Events

1492 Christopher Columbus's expedition makes landfall on a Caribbean island he names San Salvador (likely Watling Island, Bahamas). The explorer believes he has reached East Asia

1792 – The first celebration of Columbus Day in the US was held in New York City.

1810 – Oktoberfest begins: In Germany, the Bavarian royal family invited the citizens of Munich to join the celebration of the marriage of Crown Prince Ludwig of Bavaria to Princess Therese von Sachsen-Hildburghausen.

1823 – Charles Macintosh of Scotland began selling his ‘raincoat.’

1901 Theodore Roosevelt renames the "Executive Mansion" as "The White House"

1931 Christ the Redeemer statue opens standing 30 meters high (98 ft) on top of Mount Corcovado overlooking Rio de Janeiro, built by engineer Heitor da Silva Costa

1950 – The George Burns and Gracie Allen Show debuted on CBS.

1960 – Nikita Khrushchev famously pounded his shoe on a desk at United Nations General Assembly.

1964 – The USSR launched Voskhod 1 into Earth orbit as the first spacecraft with a multi-person crew; it was the first flight without spacesuits.

1979 – The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, the first of five books in the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy comedy science fiction series by Douglas Adams was published. The Answer? 42.

1984 IRA bombs the Grand Hotel, Brighton, where British PM Margaret Thatcher is staying, 5 die

1988 Pope John Paul II is the target of anti-papal heckling by Protestant leader Ian Paisley at a European Parliament meeting in Strasbourgh, France

1994 – NASA lost radio contact with the Magellan spacecraft as it descended into the thick, acidic atmosphere of Venus.

2000 – The USS Cole was badly damaged in Aden, Yemen, by two suicide bombers, killing 17 crew members and wounding at least 39.

2005 – The Apple iPod (5th generation) was released.

2017 Long-lost bust of Napoleon by Auguste Rodin confirmed found in Madison borough hall, New Jersey, worth at least $4m

2019 California is the 1st US state to pass law banning sale and manufacture of new fur products


Birthdays Today

@88 – Art Clokey (Arthur C. Farrington), American animator and voice actor, created Gumby (d. 2010)

85 – Sam Moore, American soul singer-songwriter, of Sam & Dave

@71 – Luciano Pavarotti, Italian tenor (d.2007; pancreatic cancer)

71 – Carlos the Jackal (Illich Ramirez Sanchez), Venezuelan terrorist and murderer

70 – Susan Anton, American actress, and model

52 – Hugh Jackman, Australian actor, and singer

50 – Kirk Cameron, American actor

@25 – Lane Frost, bullrider (d. 1989; Rodeo accident)


Puzzle Answer

Corn on the cob



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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.