Oct 16


Week: 42 Day: 289
Ave. Sky Cover:  5%\Visibility: 10 miles
Local Temp:   50°\ 25° Wind: 15mph\ Gusts: 25mph
High risk of fire Active fire: 233mi. \ Lightning: 776mi.
Oct Averages: 63°\32° (4 days w/moisture)


Today’s Quote


Weekly Observations



Death Penalty Focus Week
National Metric Week
Drink Local Wine Week
Earth Science Week
Emergency Nurses Week
National Chestnut Week  
National Food Bank Week
Teen Read Week  


Take Your Medicine Americans Week


World Rainforest Week: Link  
Choose To Be G.R.E.A.T. Week  
National School Lunch Week  


Bone and Joint Health National Awareness Week Link


National Police Week  Link  


Apple Butter Stirrin' Week


Daily Observations





Favorite Memes










They may be creepy, they may be crawly, and in a very few instances they may even be deadly, but spiders are a widely diverse and fascinating species which is which is absolutely essential to a healthy ecosystem.

There are approximately 38,000 known species of spiders. Scientists believe there are probably as many more to be discovered.

Spiders are found on every continent except Antarctica.



My Sometimes-Long-Winded Thoughts


Chilly and windy day.

Picked up my CPAP supplies and got the oil changed. I needed to wait while they had to go to a store for a cabin filter. It took about 45 minutes for the whole service, and they apologized and gave me a 10% discount. Nice!

AZ is 48th in Child Obesity. Good

There is a big strike at John Deere. My aunt worked in their office for a few years after she left the Ford Office.

When Trump fired FBI leader McCabe, I felt his pain. He was only one day from being eligible for full retirement. Due to the firing, he got nada, zilch. McCabe went through the proper procedures and now is getting his full retirement. Good for him.

It looks like Clinton is out of ICU and on his way home after an infection. More good news.




Historical Events



1701 – Yale University founded

1793 – Queen Marie Antoinette was executed for ‘high treason’ during the French Revolution.

1847 Charlotte Brontë's book "Jane Eyre" published

1859 – John Brown’s abolitionist raid took place at Harper’s Ferry, WV.

1901 Booker T. Washington and his family are invited to dine at the White House with Teddy and Edith Roosevelt, prompting condemnation from the South

1950 The first edition of C.S. Lewis' "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" is released in London

1962 Cuban Missile Crisis begins as JFK is shown photos confirming the presence of Soviet missiles in Cuba

1986 US government shuts down due to disputes between President Reagan and the House

2019 Egyptian archaeologists announce discovery of more than 20 painted wooden coffins from Theban necropolis of Asasif



Birthdays Today










– Angela Lansbury, English-American actress

– Noah Webster, American lexicographer (d. 1843)

– Suzanne Somers, American actress

– Tim Robbins, American actor, director

– Oscar Wilde, Irish playwright, novelist, and poet (d. 1900 meningitis)

– Naomi Osaka, tennis player





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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.