Oct 19


Week: 43 Day: 292
Ave. Sky Cover:  5%\Visibility: 10 miles
Local Temp:  51 °\ 29° Wind: 11mph\ Gusts: 29mph
Moderate risk of fire Active fire: 233mi. \ Lightning: 1150mi.
Oct Averages: 63°\32° (4 days w/moisture)


Today’s Quote

Weekly Observations



Bone and Joint Health National Awareness Week Link


Food & Drug Interactions and Awareness Week








Bullying Bystanders Unite Week:
Freedom From Bullies Week
International Infection Prevention Week 
National Business Women's Week   
National Character Counts Week  
National Chemistry Week 

National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week 
National Forest Products Week 
National Friends of Libraries Week:17-23 
National Pharmacy Week 
National School Bus Safety Week 
National Teen Drivers Safety Week 
Rodent Awareness Week 
Spiritual Care Week
Veterinary Technicians Week 


Medical Assistants Recognition Week Link
National Health Education Week
National Nuclear Science Week


YWCA Week Without Violence Link 


Career in Energy Week
Freedom of Speech Week

Mediation Week Link  


Daily Observations



Favorite Memes










Spiders are vital to a healthy ecosystem. They eat harmful insects, pollinate plants, and recycle dead animals and plants back into the earth. They are also a valuable food source for many small mammals, birds, and fish.

The silk in a spider's web is five times stronger than a strand of steel that is the same thickness. A web made of strands of spider silk as thick as pencil could stop a Boeing 747 jumbo jet in flight. Scientists still cannot replicate the strength and elasticity of a spider's silk.



My Sometimes-Long-Winded Thoughts


Very windy fall day. And the wind may stay around until tomorrow afternoon.

I headed out about 9 to get my blood draw, it went well. Then I stopped to get the car washed. I got home about 11:30.

Happy that the AZ Cardinals are now 6-0. The Broncos just couldn’t pull of a win.

60 Minutes did a nice piece on British Pubs. I have not been to one, but I have been to a fair share in Scotland. My friend, Bob E. spent a few years in the UK during the Korea conflict. He introduced me to Scottish Pubs on the Focus adventure there. Just like the 60 Minutes story, Pubs are friendly, a place for great conversation, and a real window into life. At one pub, The Hullabaloo, Bob and I went in about 7pm. We sat at a table, and there was a group of people next to us. They had us join them. We talked and had a few pints. About 9pm they said to us: “If anyone asks you, you are with the band.” About 5 minutes later the place was packed, and the group we had been sitting with went up on stage. A bouncer did come over and ask us to move. We said we were with the band, and he said we could stay. Three hours later, and a few more pints, the band came down during a break. We thanked them and told them we had a busy day ahead. It was a great evening, even though neither of us had a camera.

I was a shocked to hear of Powell’s death. He was very committed to our country.




Historical Events



1789 – John Jay was sworn in as the first Chief Justice of the United States.

2005 Saddam Hussein goes on trial in Baghdad for crimes against humanity

2020 Peru announces rediscovered 37m figure of a cat, completed 500 BC to 200 AD, a geoglyph outline in the Nazca Desert

2020 Ming handscroll painting “Ten Views of Lingbi Rock” by Wu Bin sells for 512.9 million yuan ($77 million) at auction in Beijing, a new world record for a classical Chinese work



Birthdays Today




84 – Peter Max, German-American pop artist

performer, and actor (d. 1988; heart failure)

76 – John Lithgow, American actor

59 – Evander Holyfield, Olympic boxer

@42 – Peter Tosh [Winston Hubert McIntosh], Jamaican singer-songwriter (d.1987; shot)

@42 – Divine [Harris Glenn Milstead], American drag queen





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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.