Oct 15


Week: 42 Day: 288
Ave. Sky Cover:  5%\Visibility: 10 miles
Local Temp:   55°\ 24° Wind: 12mph\ Gusts: 21mph
Moderate  risk of fire Active fire: 132mi. \ Lightning: 972mi.
Oct Averages: 63°\32° (4 days w/moisture)


Today’s Quote

Weekly Observations



Death Penalty Focus Week
National Metric Week
Drink Local Wine Week
Earth Science Week
Emergency Nurses Week
National Chestnut Week  
National Food Bank Week
Teen Read Week  


Take Your Medicine Americans Week


World Rainforest Week: Link  
Choose To Be G.R.E.A.T. Week  
National School Lunch Week  


Bone and Joint Health National Awareness Week Link


National Police Week  Link  


Apple Butter Stirrin' Week


Daily Observations




Favorite Memes











Nachos are such a popular snack that the word is not even spelled with a capital N, even though it's the name, or rather the nickname rather, of a person. Ignacio "Nacho" Anaya served what was later called nachos for the very first time to American military wives at a restaurant in Mexico, close to Fort Duncan. He fried tortilla chips and put shredded cheddar cheese and sliced jalapenos on top. He warmed them up for a few minutes and voila!

Faith and Andy are heading for Indiana for Thanksgiving.



My Sometimes-Long-Winded Thoughts


Our retirement group met for a nice lunch, good conversation, and a great time.

Two interesting stats: AZ is 27th in vaccines administered. Fear not, AZ is 4th in most weapons found by TSA as passengers try to fly.




Historical Events



1582 – Pope Gregory XIII implemented the Gregorian calendar.

1753 – Jean Francois Pilatre de Rozier and Francois Laurent were the first to ascend in a hot air balloon, the first witnessed manned flight demonstration.

1793 – Queen Marie Antoinette of France was tried and convicted, and condemned to death the following day.

1979 1st Monday night game from NYC, Jets beat Vikings 14-7 (Shea Stad)

1990 Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev wins the Nobel Peace Prize

1993 Nelson Mandela and South African President F. W. de Klerk awarded the Nobel Peace Prize

2017 500 wildfires occur in Portugal and Northern Spain fanned by winds from Hurricane Ophelia, killing at least 35



Birthdays Today












 Barry McGuire, American singer-songwriter (Eve of Destruction)

 Linda Lavin, American actress

 Penny Marshall, American actress, director, producer (d. 2018; heart disease)

 Tanya Roberts, actor (d.2021; sepsis)

 John L. Sullivan, American boxer (d. 1918; heart disease)

 Friedrich Nietzche, German philosopher (d 1900; tertiary syphilis)





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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.