Apr 21

FYI: Any Blue text is a link. Click to check it out!
Apr. 21, 2020 Week: 17 Day: 112
86004: H 65° \ L 33° \ Average Sky Cover: 10%
Wind: 7mph\Gusts: 5mph Visibility: 10 mi
Nearest lightning: 472mi.; Nearest active fire: 562mi.

Record High: 78°[1989] Record Low: 12°[1972]
Apr. Averages: 60°\27° (3 days with moisture)

Today’s Quote

I was married by a judge.
I should have asked for a jury.”
– Groucho Marx

Random Tidbits

Voting in Greece is mandatory for all Greek citizens, although there are rarely sanctions for citizens that do not vote.

Currently, Greek men must serve from one year to 18 months in any branch of the armed forces.

Have a smile
A friend sent these to me
Originality is the fine art of remembering what you hear but forgetting where you heard it.”
– Laurence J. Peter

Observations This Week
National Dance Week: 17-26 Link CANCELLED due to COVID-19.
Cleaning For A Reason Week: 18-24
Consumer Awareness Week: 18-23
National Park Week: 18-26  Link
Police Officers Who Gave Their Lives In The Line of Duty Week: 18-23
Animal Cruelty/Human Violence Awareness Week: 19-25 Link 
Bedbug Awareness Week: 19-25
Chemists Celebrate Earth Week: 19-25
Festival of Ridvan: 19-5/1
Fibroid Awareness Week: 19-25

Medical Laboratory Professionals Week: 19-25 Link
National Coin Week: 19-25

National Crime Victims Rights Week: 19-25 Link
National Infertility Awareness Week: 19-25 Link
National Library Week: 19-25
National Paperboard Packaging Week: 19-25

National Pet ID Week: 19-25 Link  Link
National Princess Week: 19-25 Link
National Volunteer Week: 19-25
Sky Awareness Week: 19-25
Spring Astronomy Week: 19-25
Administrative Professionals Week: 20-24
National Environmental Education Week: 20-24 Link
National Stationery Week: 20-26 Link
Nat'l Work Zone Safety Awareness Week: 20-24
Undergraduate Research Week: 20-24

Observations for Today

Bulldogs are Beautiful Day    Link    Link
International Hemp Day
Kindergarten Day
National Chocolate-Covered Cashews Day 
National Library Workers Day 
National Library Day 
National Pet CBD Day 
National Surprise Drug Test Day 
National Yellow Bat Day   
Queen's Birthday 

My Rambling Thoughts

Another week of staying home begins...it is getting tiresome, but better than the alternative...no matter what the crazies are saying at their crazy protests. I have to say the daily video calls, IM's, and phone calls from friends are keeping me sane.

Last summer the Walgreen's Distribution Center in Flagstaff closed it's warehouse doors. My neighbor works for a distribution company (candy bars, snacks, and beer) that delivers to convenience stores around town. A few months ago they moved their operation into about ¼ of of the Walgreen's vacant property. Now the local hospital is taking over the other ¾ of the warehouse to set up beds for virus patients. My neighbor is rightly concerned.

The talk shows are getting pretty creative while at home. Multiple screens, a few glitches, but still interviewing people who are also at home. Good for them. I just hope this isn't the new normal.

If anyone saw the NBC story on the Navajo Rez during the virus...on the Today show this morning, the lady living in the trailer was one of the aides when I worked at Tuba Boarding. A nice lady who retired a few years ago. Interesting story line. I shared it on my FB account.

Today’s Puzzle
Answer at the bottom of the page

I come in different shapes and sizes. Parts of me are curved, other parts are straight. You can put me anywhere you like, but there is only one right place for me. What am I?

Historical Events

753 BC - Romulus and his twin brother Remus founded Rome.

1509 - Henry VIII ascended the throne of England.

1878 - The first U.S. firehouse pole was installed in New York City, by Capt. David B. Kenyon at Engine Company 21.

1895 - Woodville Latham and his sons, Otway and Gray, demonstrate the "Panopticon" - the first movie projector developed in the United States.

1918 - Above the Somme River in France, Baron Manfred von Richthofen, the
Red Baron, was killed by Allied fire, either by an air fight or from the ground.

1962 - At the the Seattle World's Fair, Seattle's Space Needle Restaurant opened.

1981 - "Weird Al" Yankovic made his first national television appearance on 
The Tomorrow Show with Tom Snyder

1986 - Geraldo Rivera hosted a live, highly promoted two-hour syndicated special The Mystery of Al Capone's Vault. They found nothing.

1990 - Cartoon All-Stars to the Rescue aired, a special program that warned children about the dangers of drugs and featured characters from several Saturday morning children's shows, was simulcast by ABC, BET, CBS, Fox, NBC, USA Network, and Nickelodeon.

1992 - The first discoveries of planets outside of our solar system (two planets orbiting the pulsar PSR 1257+12) were announced by astronomers Alexander Wolszczan and Dale Frail.
1995 FBI arrests Timothy McVeigh and charge him with the Oklahoma City bombing

2016 US President Barack Obama begins a 4 day visit to the UK with Michelle Obama

2019 Teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg speaks at a Extinction Rebellion protest in London amid city-wide climate protests where Waterloo Bridge was occupied over four days

Puzzle Answer:

A jigsaw puzzle piece


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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.