July 29


29 July 2023

Flagstaff Almanac

Week 30 Day 209 Ave. Sky Cover 50%\ Visibility  25mi. Flagstaff Today  89° \ 53° 
Wind  2mph \ Gusts  7mph  Nearest active fire: 19miles Nearest Lightning:  8mi
Air Quality: Moderate   Moisture Days this month: 5 days
Risk of fire: Extreme July Averages: Temps 82° \ 51° Moisture 8 Days

Today’s Quote


Weekly Observations

National Moth Week
Women in Baseball Week
National Tequila Week
Comi Great Texas Mosquitos Days

Quilt Odyssey Week
World Lumberjack Championships 
Annie Oakley Days
Satchmo Week
World Police and Fire Games

Daily Observations

Army Chaplain Corps Anniversary  Link
Global Tiger Day
International Butler Day Link
International Chicken Wing Day Link
International Tiger Day  Link

Lasagna Day
National Chicken Wing Day Link
National Lipstick Day 
National Water Gun Fight Day  Link 
Paddle for Perthes Disease Awareness Day  
Paddle for Perthes Disease Awareness Day  
Rain Day Link

Today’s Thoughts

 Awaiting today’s monsoon to cool things off.  Ahhh…nice rain about 2pm

I learned that Urban heat islands, where there is no greenery…just cement and asphalt, can have an ambient temperature 30° hotter than parks and tree lined streets. Everyone needs to plant more trees.

Niger had a coup that has ended, at least temporarily their democracy. Sad to see that happen.



History you may not have learned in school…

The government created a relocation program that forced Native Americans out of their home.

Not all (if any) Native Americans moved to urban areas by choice. The Indian Relocation Act of 195, which dissolved federal recognition of most tribes and ended federal funding for reservations, made it difficult for families to stay on land that was rightfully theirs, according to the Atlantic.

Hoax proved wrong…

Paul McCartney is dead!

An urban legend surfaced in 1966 alleging that Paul McCartney had died in November of that year and had been replaced by a dopplegänger. The rumor was further fueled in 1969 when 'Abbey Road' was released: the album cover shows the Beatle barefoot and out of step with the rest of his band mates— an image supposedly representing a corpse—while the number plate of the VW in the photo contains the characters LMW 28IF, with "28IF" indicating McCartney’s age "if" he had still been alive.

Random Trivia…

During the Victorian period, it was normal to photograph loved ones after they died. People would dress their newly-deceased relatives in their best clothing and then put them in lifelike poses and photograph them. They did this to preserve one last image of their dead loved one!

Historic Events

  • 1945 – The USS Indiana was torpedoed and sank. Only 318 of 1,196 crewmen survived.
  • 1954 – The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien was published.
  • 1958 – NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) was established.

Birthdays with some quotes



 ‘Professor’ Irwin Corey, American comedian and actor
“‘Why do I wear tennis shoes?’ That’s two questions. Do I wear tennis shoes? The answer to that question is, ‘Yes.’ ‘Why?'” That’s a question philosophers have been pondering for centuries.”

(d. 2017)


William Powell, American actor
“Have you noticed that the people who actually make the laws, the people in power, never make laws for themselves?”

(d. 1984)


Lou Albano, Italian-American wrestler, manager, and actor
“Often imitated, but never duplicated!”

(d. 2009)


Tim Gunn, American television host and actor
“You can be too rich and too thin, but you can never be too well read or too curious about the world.”



– Patti Scialfa, American musician



Benito Mussolini, Italian fascist politician, 27th Prime Minister of Italy

(d. 1945-executed)


Martina McBride, American singer-songwriter



Wil Wheaton, American actor
“Be honest. Be kind. Be honorable. Work hard. And always be awesome.”



Allison Mack, American actress


…The End for today…



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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.