Jun 4




Jun 4, 2021   Week: 23    Day: 155

Visibility: 10 miles Ave. Sky Cover: 40%

Local: H 82°\ L 50°

Wind:  8mph/ Gusts:  4mph

EXTREME Risk of Fire:  Active fire:  101mi Nearest Lightning: 232mi.

Jun Averages: 70°/42° (1 day w/moisture)


Today’s Quote


Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get.

Dale Carnegie


Random Tidbits


Butterflies are one of nature's most beautiful and delicate creations. Unfortunately, like many species, the survival of several varieties of butterfly are threatened by pollution, the destruction of habitat and other factors.

It is estimated that there will be as many as 22 million fewer monarch butterflies this year.




How can you tell if an Oklahoman is married? There’s dried chewing tobacco on both sides of his pickup truck.


Real Cities


Nibley, Utah is a city in Cache County, Utah, United States. Incorporated in 1935, it was named after Charles W. Nibley, a leader in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The population was 5,438 at the 2010 census. It is included in the Logan, Utah-Idaho (partial) Metropolitan Statistical Area and is a suburb or 'bedroom' community of Logan.


True Things


Fine Points of the Law

Lawyers filing briefs for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit were advised on March 16 the court would be officially discouraging the use of the Garamond typeface, a centuries-old font widely used in printed books, because it "can be more difficult to read," wrote court clerk Mark J. Langer. Fox News reported the font is popular among attorneys, but author and web designer David Kadavy, gets it: "Garamond is considered one of the best fonts in existence, (but it) "can be a disaster on the web. ... It's better to use a modern font that has been drawn with the screen in mind." [Fox News, 3/17/2021]


Monthly Observations


National Aphasia Awareness Month
National Bathroom Reading Month 
National Camping Month 
National Candy Month 
National Caribbean-American Heritage Month
National Congenital Cytomegalovirus Awareness Month 
National DJ Month 
National Foster A Pet Month
National Fruit and Veggies Month (Also September)
National GLBT (Gay,Lesbian,Bisexual & Transgender) Pride Month
National GLBT (Gay,Lesbian,Bisexual & Transgender) Book Month
National Home Ownership Month  
National Ice Tea Month
National Migraine and Headache Awareness Month
National Oceans Month 
National Papaya Month 
National Pet Preparedness Month 
Link  Link
National Pollinator Month
National Rivers Month
National Rose Month  
National Safety Month
National Scoliosis Awareness  Month 
National Smile Month 
Link  (May 13-June 13)
National Soul Food Month
National Steakhouse Month
National Zoo and Aquarium Month 


Weekly Observations


Black Single Parents Week




National African Violet Week


National Marina Days Link



Today’s Observations



Applesauce Cake Day

Audacity To Hope Day
Banana Split Days: 4-5 
Doughnut Day or Donut Day: 4-5 
Hug Your Cat Day Link
International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression
International (World) Hug Your Cat Day  
National Cheese Day

National Clean Beauty Day  Link
National Doughnut Day

National Gun Violence Awareness Day 
National Punk Day
National SAFE Day  
Old Maid's Day Link



My Sometimes-Long-Winded Thoughts


Warm day with possibility of showers…yeah!

Mary and I had lunch. We returned to a favorite that has outdoor dining. Great food, great conversation. Good times.

NASA announced that their next planet to visit will be Venus. Sounds good to me. The more we learn, the better our world will be.

Dr. Fauci is a scientist, not a politician. As a scientist his knowledge changes and therefore his rhetoric changes. If the politicians and pundits who criticize him were in charge, the earth would be flat, the planets would revolve around the earth, and we would probably be praying to one of our many gods to end this pandemic.


Daily Riddle

Answer: bottom of the page


What is always in front of you but can’t be seen?


Historical Events


1783 – The Montgolfier brothers publicly demonstrated their montgolfière (hot air balloon).

1887 Pasteur Institute founded by French biologist Louis Pasteur in Paris

1896 – Henry Ford completed the Ford Quadricycle, his first gasoline-powered automobile.

1934 Dr Frederick Banting, co-discoverer of insulin, is knighted

1939 – The MS St. Louis, a ship carrying 963 Jewish refugees, was denied permission to land in the United States.

1942 – The Battle of Midway took place June 4-7.

1944 General Eisenhower cancels planned D-Day invasion on June 5th after receiving unfavorable weather reports

1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre: Chinese troops clear the square of student protesters, unofficial figures place death toll near 1,000

2018 US President Donald Trump tweets "I have the absolute right to PARDON myself"

2020 Memorial for George Floyd led by Rev. Al Sharpton, killed in police custody, in Minneapolis, as 10th night of protests at his death held around the country


Birthdays Today


93 – Ruth Westheimer, German-American therapist and author

85 – Bruce Dern, American character actor

@69 – Rosalind Russell, American actress (d. 1976; breast cancer)

50 – Noah Wyle, American actor

46 – Russell Brand, English comedian and actor

46 – Angelina Jolie, actor

43 – Robin Lord Taylor, American actor


Puzzle Answer


The future




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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.