May 20


Daily Almanac for Flagstaff
Week 21 Day: 140 \ Ave. sky cover: 15% \ Visibility: 10 miles Flagstaff Today 81° \39° 
Wind: 12mph \ Gusts: 22mph
Extreme risk of fire \ Nearest active fire: 10mi \ nearest Lightning: 764mi
May Averages for Flagstaff: 68° \ 34°  (3 days of moisture)

Today’s Quote

Weekly Observations

EMS (Emergency Medical Services) Week Link  
International Heritage Breeds Week
International New Friends, Old Friends Week
National Eosinophil Awareness Week Link  
National Medical Transcription Week Link
National Transportation Week
National Unicycle Week
Police Week
World Trade Week

American Craft Beer Week Link 
International Coaching Week  Link
National Bike to Work Week  Link  
National Foul Ball Week
PGA Championship   Link

Cannes Film Festival

Health Information Professionals Week Link


Daily Observations

My Sometimes-Long-Winded Thoughts

I’m really enjoying this great weather.

The FedEx guy arrived with a package. It was finally my new CPAP machine. I took it over to the AZ-Med people who service my machine. They made sure it was set up and ready to go. Phillips had sent a return label, so I boxed up the old machine, dropped it off at FedEx while I was out and about today. The new machine is nice…happy camper here.

While I was out, I stopped at Sam’s for gas. It was still $4.35/gallon so it took $50 to fill it. Crazy.

My 16-year-old Nissan Xterra only has 79,500 miles, but it is time to start looking for a new vehicle. Just looking and saving $$ for a new vehicle. I hate making car payments so I’ll trade-in and put a lot down, to keep payments small for a short time.

Favorite Memes






Why are round bales of hay illegal?

Because cows can't get a square meal


v Bagpipes were probably first used in Ancient Egypt, not Scotland.


v Bagpipes may be one of the most recognizable symbols of Scotland, commonly played by kilt-clad musicians sounding songs about Loch Lomond. But the origin of the instrument has been traced all the way back to ancient Egypt where, in 400 B.C., the so-called pipers of Thebes used similar instruments made from bone and animal skin. The bagpipes may have then made their way over to Scotland in the hands of Roman invaders.

Historical Events

Ø    1570 – Cartographer Abraham Ortelius issues Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, the first modern atlas.
Ø    1862 – President Abraham Lincoln signed the Homestead Act, opening 84 million acres of public land to settlers.
Ø    1873 – Levi Strauss and Jacob W Davis patented (#139,121) copper-riveted jeans, designed to help prevent tears in the fabric.
Ø    1883 – Krakatoa began to erupt; the volcano exploded three months later, killing more than 36,000 people.
Ø    1901 – Claude Grivolas patented (French) a projector for three-dimensional (stereoscopic) movies viewed wearing spectacles with one red and one blue lens.
Ø    1916 – The Saturday Evening Post published its first cover with a Norman Rockwell painting – ‘Boy with Baby Carriage’.
Ø    1927 – US aviator Charles A. Lindbergh took off from Roosevelt Field on Long Island, New York, on the world’s first solo, nonstop flight across the Atlantic Ocean (New York to Paris.)
Ø    1949 – The Armed Forces Security Agency, the predecessor to the National Security Agency (NSA), was established.
Ø    1940 – The first prisoners arrived at Auschwitz concentration camp.
Ø    1956 – In Operation Redwing, the first United States airborne hydrogen bomb was dropped over Bikini Atoll
Ø    1983 – First publication of the discovery of the HIV virus that causes AIDS in the journal Science by Luc Montagnier.
Ø    1993 – 80 million people watched the series finale of Cheers on NBC

Birthdays Today

@89 – James Stewart, American actor (d. 1997)

76 – Cher [Cherilyn Sarkisian], American singer and actress

@71 – George Gobel, American comedian (d. 1991; after heart surgery)

@70 – Joe Cocker, English singer-songwriter (d. 2014; lung cancer)

54 – Timothy Olyphant, American actor

50 – Busta Rhymes [Trevor George Smith Jr.x], American rapper

30 – Jack Gleeson, Irish actor Game of Thrones



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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.