
FYI: Blue text is a link…be sure and click on it for more information!

TODAY’s “Geez”                                                                                            .
  • 1815 - Napoleon Bonaparte exiled on Island of St Helena
  • 1860 - 11-year-old Grace Bedell writes to Lincoln, tells him to grow a beard
  • 1866 - Great fire in Quebec destroys 2,500 houses
  • 1924 - Pres Coolidge declares Statue of Liberty a national monument
  • 1937 - Ernest Hemingway novel "To Have & Have Not" published

♪♪ HaPpY  BiRtHdAy to♪♪                                                                   .                     

Free Rambling Thoughts                                                                              .
I AM PART OF THE 99%. Today I ran up against the airline bureaucracy. I went to the airport this morning to try and change my flight home from Denver. The lady and the man simply said, “It’s $150 + any higher price the ticket to change it.” The lady said that I could call reservations or go to an airport hub and see if anything could be done. Then she said lots of people make the wrong reservations by clicking the wrong button. So I called them. Three people later I learned that even though the opening message says ‘you MAY be charged a $150 change fee’, what that really means that if the airline changes your flight because of mechanical problems, or other problems they do not charge the $150 change fee. Anything else is automatic and NO ONE in the entire bureaucracy can change that. So I said, OK, let’s change it. Then she said, there is an additional $25 fee to do it over the phone, but on the website it is free. So I go online and change it…and it costs $175 to change it as the price of the ticket has gone up $25. It really isn’t the money, it is the principle. The first ticket was $312. So the change was almost ½ the price of the ticket. Grrrr

Mary just hooked up with a website that offers discounted cruises. The good news is that the prices are 60-85% off the original price. The cruise lines offer these deep discounts to fill up the ship. The bad news is that the cruises usually leave within 2-5 days after the offer is sent. It’s great if one is cruising out of LA, but anywhere else, the flight to the city will cost an arm and a leg, since the airlines do not lower prices to fill the cabin…the closer the flight date, the higher the price.  To prove my point, there was a lady on a news show today talking about her issue. Her grandmother passed away and she got on line to make reservations. She thought she was going April 14, but when she got to the airport she found her reservation was for May 14…long after her grandmother was buried. Since there were 5 in her family trying to get to Grandma’s funeral, they drove 15 hours to get there on time. She said tickets on the day of the flight were so high and the change fee was so high, they just couldn’t afford it. And yes, as I was told today by the airline…the tickets were a ‘wash’—meaning that she and her family did not board the plane on May 14 so they lost all the money paid for the tickets.  Of course, the airlines still has stand-by tickets for really low prices…turns out they are collecting twice for some of those seats…once from the passenger who is now known as a ‘wash’ and from the stand by passenger. ENOUGH ALREADY.

I talked to a friend in Tuba today. The fair didn’t charge teachers a $5 fee to bring their class into Kids Day…they charged $8. Kids who wanted to ride on any ride had to pay $1/ride. In years past the rides have always been free and everyone got in free. It was good community relations and kids almost always came back on the weekend with their families where they paid hefty prices. ENOUGH ALREADY.

Trivia Quiz…(answers at the end of post)                                                 .
1.      How many types of panda are there?
2.      The longest beetle in the world is how long?
3.      Animals without backbones are called what?
4.      An earthworm has how many hearts?
5.      A fluke is what kind of animal?
6.      The spots on a plaice are what color?
7.      An abalone is what kind of animal?
8.      What is the offspring of a mare and a male ass called?
9.      On a rabbit where would you find a scut?
10.  In Thailand, what is the sacred animal?
11.  Alphabetically, what animal comes first in the Chinese horoscope?

Wuzzles…What concept or phrase does this suggest?                           .

Hmmmmm                                                                                                       .
Minimum hours that Armenia went without internet service after a Georgian woman cut a cable while scavenging for copper: 5

Somewhat Useless Information                                                                  .
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart never went to school. His father taught him music and mathematics.
Coffee was first decaffeinated in 1900 by Ludwig Roselius. His father had been a coffee taster, and Ludwig believed his father's death was caused by caffeine.
Lincoln Logs were invented in 1916 by John L. Wright, son of architect Frank Lloyd Wright.
Cotton Mather entered Harvard at 12, the youngest student ever admitted. He went on to write more than 450 works.
Louisa Adams, wife of John Quincy Adams, was the only First Lady to be born abroad.
Dick Clark's wife was the one who gave Chubby Checker his nickname - she got it as a take-off from Fats Domino.

Yeah, It Really Happened                                                                              .            
Armed with a handgun and an assault rifle, Terry “T.J.” Newman, 25, and John “Pimp” Roberts invaded a home in San Antonio, Texas, and demanded money. Authorities said that when the homeowner’s son came out of a bedroom with his own assault rifle and started firing, the two robbers fled, leaving their getaway car idling in front of the house.
They returned 15 minutes later for the car, by which time members of the household had armed themselves with a second assault rifle and opened fire. Police arrived, only to have Newman ram their patrol vehicle with a second vehicle. He was arrested and convicted of aggravated assault.
(San Antonio Express-News)

Guffaw…or at least smile                                                                               .
A salesman telephoned a household, and a four-year-old answered.
 Salesman: May I speak to your mother?
 Child: She is not here.
 Salesman: Well, is anyone else there?
 Child: My sister
 Salesman: O.K., fine. May I speak to her?
 Child: I guess so.
 There was a long silence on the other phone. Then;
 Child: Hello?
 Salesman: It’s you. I thought you were going to call your sister.
 Child: I did. The trouble is: I can’t get her out of the playpen.

Searchin’ “You Tube” I found                                                                        .     

West Side Story - Trailer [1961] [34th Oscar Best Picture]

Daybook Information                                                                                    .
…Happening This Week:
Build Your Business with Business Cards Week / Emergency Nurses Week / National Chestnut Week / Fire Prevention Week / National Metric Week / National School Lunch Week / National Work From Home Week
Home-based Business Week / Kids' Goal Setting Week / Take Your Medicine Americans Week / World Rainforest Week

TODAY IS                                                                                                         .
Bridge Day—the ones over water, not the card game
International Day of Rural Women  
National Grouch Day
National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day
Sweetest Day
White Cane Safety Day

Today’s Events                                                                                                .
1764 - Edward Gibbon observes a group of friars singing in the ruined Temple of Jupiter in Rome, which inspires him to begin work on The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
1905 - Claude Debussy's "La Mer," premieres
1940 - "The Great Dictator", a satiric social commentary film by and starring Charlie Chaplin, is released
1951 - "I Love Lucy" debuts on CBS TV
1959 - "Untouchables" premieres
1977 - Debbie Boone's "You Light Up My Life,"  goes #1 & stays #1 for 10 weeks
1881 - 1st American fishing magazine, American Angler published
1980 - George Brett is forced out of World Series with hemorrhoids
1986 - Longest post season game, Mets beat Astros 7-6 in 16 & win NL pennant
1989 - Wayne Gretzky passes Gordie Howes as NHL's all time top scorer
1660 - Asser Levy granted butchers license (kosher meat) in New Amsterdam
1932 - Tata Airlines (later to become Air India) makes its first flight
1993 - Amstel brewery on Curacao produces 1,000,000,000th bottle
1606 - Indians attack Champlain's men at Chatham
1615 - Samuel de Champlain, 12 Frenchmen, and many of his Huron allies, attack the Iroquois town of Onondaga. Champlain will be wounded, and several Huron will be killed. Champlain will give up the attack. Because of Champlain's actions, the Iroquois will fight the French for years to come
1501 - English crown prince Arthur marries Catharina of Aragon
1971 - The start of the 2500-year celebration of Iran, celebrating the birth of Persia
1993 - Nelson Mandela & S African Pres F W de Klerk awarded Nobel Peace Prize
1949 - Billy Graham begins his ministry
1985 - Shuttle Columbia carries Spacelab into orbit
1789 - 1st presidental tour-George Washington in New England
1883 - Supreme Court declares Civil Rights Act of 1875 unconstitutional
1966 - LBJ signs a bill creating Dept of Transportation (DOT)
1991 - Clarence Thomas is confirmed as Supreme Court Justice (52-48)

Today’s Birthdays                                                                                          .
1921 - Mario Puzo, novelist (Godfather, Cotton Club, Earthquake)
1881 - P G Wodehouse, British-American writer (Stiff Upper Lip Jeeves)
1858 - John L Sullivan, heavyweight boxing champ
Richard Carpenter, vocalist (Carpenters-Close to You) is 52
Paige Davis, HGTV host is 42
Linda Lavin, actress (Alice, Barney Miller) is 74
Penny Marshall actor, producer, director is 69
Barry McGuire, American singer (Eve of Destruction) is 76
Tanya Roberts, actor is 57
Emeril Lagasse, American chef is 52
1909 - Robert Trout, newscaster (ABC)
1701 - Marie-Marguerite d'Youville, first native Canadian canonized 

Today’s Obits                                                                                                  .
2008 - Edie Adams, American singer and Broadway actress dies at 81
1990 - Leonard Bernstein, composer (West Side Story), dies of pneumonia and a pleural tumor at 72
1958 - John Hamilton, actor (Perry White-Superman), dies of heart attack at 71
1917 - Mata Hari, Dutch dancer/German spy, executed by firing squad in Paris at 41
1983 - Pat O'Brien, actor (Some like it hot), dies of heart attack at 83
1964 - Cole Porter, composer (Still of the Night), dies of kidney failure at 73

ANSWERS                                                                                                        .    
Trivia Quiz
1.      How many types of panda are there?
a.      Two, the giant and the lesser
2.      The longest beetle in the world is how long?
a.      Six inches
3.      Animals without backbones are called what?
a.      Invertebrates
4.      An earthworm has how many hearts?
a.      5
5.      A fluke is what kind of animal?
a.      Worm
6.      The spots on a plaice are what color?
a.      Orange (a flat fish)
7.      An abalone is what kind of animal?
a.      Marine snail
8.      What is the offspring of a mare and a male ass called?
a.      A mule
9.      On a rabbit where would you find a scut?
a.      The tail (a stubby erect tail)
10.  In Thailand, what is the sacred animal?
a.      The white elephant
11.  Alphabetically, what animal comes first in the Chinese horoscope?
a.      Boar

 Eyes Right
I am always in trouble

Disclaimer: All opinions are mine…feel free to agree or disagree.
All ‘data’ info is from the internet sites and is usually checked with at least one other source, but I have learned that every site has mistakes and sadly once out the information is out there, many sites simply copy it and is therefore difficult to verify. Also for events occurring before the Gregorian calendar was adopted [1582] the dates may not be totally accurate.
§     AND THAT’S ALL FOR NOW     §


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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.