27 Feb


27 February 2023

Daily Almanac for Flagstaff
Week 9 Day 58 \ Ave. Sky Cover 90% \ Visibility 8 miles Flagstaff Today 38° \16°  Wind 9mph \ Gusts 20mph 
Air Quality: Fair \Very Low Risk of fire \ Nearest active fire none\ Nearest Lightning 288mi
Feb. Averages for Flagstaff: 47° \ 19° \5 Days of moisture
Winter Storm

Today’s Quote


Weekly Observations

  Telecommuter Appreciation Week 

Daily Observations

African Travel Day
Anosomia Awareness Day
Digital Learning Day

International Polar Bear Day 
Kahlua Day

Museum Advocacy Day  
National Cupcake Day (Canada) 
National Protein Day

National Retro Day 
National Strawberry Day

No-Brainer Day
Orthodox Green Monday 
Play More Cards Day
World NGO Day 

My Sometimes-Long-Winded Thoughts

Latest storm brought about 6” on new snow to add to the total already on the ground. By noon the sun was peeking out and the snow was barely coming down.  

I have my procedure at 7:45 tomorrow morning and will be home by 11am. I may not post tomorrow as I may be sleeping while the anesthetic leaves my system.

I have been reading the ‘Dilbert’ comic strip forever. Many of its strips were funny and ‘right on’. I knew nothing about the author of the strip. Then, out of almost nowhere, the strip was cancelled by newspapers around the county. It seems the author also does a podcast and in a recent one made some very racial comments. I’m not happy about his comments but will miss Dilbert.




A golfer is disqualified if they do not sign their scorecard.

In professional golf, a player is automatically disqualified if they do not sign their score card after the round. There are a few reasons for this harsh-seeming rule. One is that a signing signifies that the player acknowledges the game they played and the professionalism needed in it. The second is that the player needs to make the scorecard official, so if there are any discrepancies or issues later on, the judges can look to the scorecard for the official ruling. 

A Look back in time…Baby Boomers life

#2 Smoking Indoors

Smoking was once a widespread habit, especially in public places. Baby Boomers grew up in an era when smoking was allowed in movie theaters, restaurants, and even hospitals.Today, smoking indoors is strictly prohibited in many places and is considered a significant health hazard.

Beauty in our 50 states… 

49. Kansas

Kansans are a resilient lot, able to find happiness in life's simple pleasures. Their landscapes, which emphasize the latter half of "Great Plains," encourage this enviable character. If Kansans can love their land, no one else has any excuses not to love the bejesus outta theirs.

Historical Events

1827- Masked and costumed students danced through the streets of New Orleans, Louisiana, in the first of the city’s famous Mardi Gras celebrations.
1933 – Germany’s parliament building in Berlin, the Reichstag, was set on fire.
1951 – The 22nd Amendment to the Us Constitution was passed, limiting the tenure of holding the presidential office to two terms.
2006 – The African Burial Ground National Monument was established in Lower Manhattan, New York. Over 15,000 Africans, slave and free, were buried there from the 1690s through the 1790s.

Birthdays Today

@96 – Marian Anderson, American singer, performer (d. 1993)
89 – Ralph Nader, American lawyer, politician, and activist
@80 – David Sarnoff, American businessman, founded RCA (d. 1971)
@79 – Elizabeth Taylor, English-American actress (d. 2011; heart failure)
“It is very strange that the years teach us patience – that the shorter our time, the greater our capacity for waiting.”– Elizabeth Taylor
@75 – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, American poet (d. 1882; peritonitis)
@66 – John Steinbeck, journalist, author, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1968; flu epidemic)
“No one wants advice, only corroboration.”– John Steinbeck
@65 – Constantine the Great, Roman emperor (d. 337)
“There’s no half-singing in the shower, you’re either a rock star or an opera diva.”– Josh Groban
“Thinking is the great enemy of perfection. The habit of profound reflection, I am compelled to say, is the most pernicious of all the habits formed by civilized man.”– Constantine the Great
61 – Adam Baldwin, American actor
@59 – Kevin Curran, American screenwriter, television producer (d. 2016; cancer)
52 – Sara Blakely, American businesswoman, founded Spanx
42 – Chelsea Clinton, American journalist and personality
42 – Josh Groban, American singer-songwriter
40 – Kate Mara, American actress




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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.