Flag Day




Jun 14, 2021   Week: 25    Day: 165

Visibility: 10 miles Ave. Sky Cover: 5%

Local: H 86°\ L 48°

Wind:  7mph/ Gusts:  16+mph

EXTREME Risk of Fire:  Active fire:  23mi Nearest Lightning: 367mi.

Jun Averages: 70°/42° (1 day w/moisture)


Today’s Quote


Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known.

Oscar Wilde


Random Tidbits


Though many females in a wolf pack are able to have pups, only a few will actually mate and bear pups. Often, only the alpha female and male will mate, which serves to produce the strongest cubs and helps limit the number of cubs the pack must care for.

Biologists have found that wolves will respond to humans imitating their howls.

Wolves howl to contact separated members of their group, to rally the group before hunting, or to warn rival wolf packs to keep away. Lone wolves will howl to attract mates or just because they are alone.




Sven notices his neighbor has a sign in his yard: ”Boat for Sale.”

“Ole,” he says, “you don’t own a boat. All you got is your old tractor and your combine.”

“Yup,” said Ole. “And they’re boat for sale.”

True Things


What Could Go Wrong?

Alexandr Kudlay, 33, and Viktoria Pustovitova, 28, of Kharkiv, Ukraine, are experimenting with a new way to preserve their on-and-off relationship: On Valentine's Day, they handcuffed themselves together and have vowed to stay that way for three months. "We used to break up once or twice a week," Kudlay told Reuters, but now when they disagree, "we simply stop talking instead of packing up our things and walking away." They take turns taking showers and give each other privacy in the bathroom by standing outside with one hand inside. [Reuters, 3/11/2021]


Weekly Observations


National Flag Week

National Pet Wedding Week Link

National Right of Way Professionals Week Link

National Waste & Recycling Workers Week Link 



National Hermit Week


Bartender of The Year Week Link


Meet A Mate Week
Men's Health Week  Link   Link 
US Open Golf Championship




Today’s Observations


Army's Birthday
Bourbon Day

Chinese Dragon Boat Festival 

Family History Day
Flag Day

Hydranencephaly Awareness Day Link
International Bath Day
Monkey Around Day

National Bourbon Day  Link
No Mailing Children Day  
National Strawberry Shortcake Day

Pause for the Pledge Day
Ride To Work Day (Motorcycles)  
(World) Blood Donor Day 



My Sometimes-Long-Winded Thoughts


Very warm for June here. I don’t remember temps this hot in June since forever.

It looks to me like the Phx Suns really want to win in these playoff games…and it appears Denver has no such desire. I was hoping for a good 6 or 7 games.

Biden is certainly a statesman. His first trip abroad as President seems to be going well while he meets with our allies. I’m much happier with a President that is a statesman and diplomat.

Ever heard pf ‘progressiphobia? Bill Maher says it is the inability to see the progress that has been made. America is far from perfect. However, this country has made great strides in many areas. Could we travel faster…of course. Does this country still have race issues…yes. But look back. We don’t have slaves anymore, we aren’t lynching anymore, we don’t have separate drinking fountains, we have progressed. We just need to pick up a little speed.

When I was in college, I learned that the US was heading toward a country where ‘whites’ would not be the majority…the total number of ‘whites’ would be smaller than all the minorities combined. It is now called ‘majority-minority’. Several large cities, including Philadelphia…where our country began, are now majority-minority cities. This has led to fear by many that will mean that ‘whites’ will be treated as a minority. That alone says a lot about race. If minorities are seen as equals, why is it a problem? It is a problem because minorities are not treated as equals in many ways. Just look at the ‘one-drop rule’. That says that if a non-white is in your bloodline in the last 5 generations, you are not white. It means that if you have Black in your last 5 generations, you are Black…no matter the color of your skin.  If you have any indigenous blood relative in the last 5 generations, you are indigenous. This certainly complicates the study of ‘race’ in a social context.


2 New Puzzles Everyday

Answer: bottom of the page











Historical Events


1158 – Munich (in what is now Germany) was founded by Henry the Lion on the banks of the river Isar.

1777 – The Stars and Stripes was adopted by Congress as the Flag of the United States. Today, June 14 is the official ‘Flag Day’ in the United States.

1789 – Whiskey distilled from maize was first produced by American clergyman the Rev Elijah Craig. It is named Bourbon because Rev Craig lived in Bourbon County, Kentucky.

1834 – The first sandpaper was patented (#X08244, #X08245, #X08246, #X08247) and issued to Isaac Fisher, Jr., of Springfield, Vermont

1872 – Trade unions were legalized in Canada.

1884 – New York was the first state in the US to enact legislation requiring the burying of utility wires.

1938 – Dr. Benjamin Gruskin of Philadelphia, Pa. patented (#2,120,667) chlorophyll as a “therapeutic agent for the use in the treatment of infection” of the bloodstream, infected parts, and for open cuts and wounds.

1951 – The Univac1 was unveiled in Washington, DC, and dedicated as the world’s first commercial computer.

1954 – US President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed a bill that placed the words ‘under God’ into the United States Pledge of Allegiance.

1959 – Disneyland Monorail System, the first daily operating monorail system in the Western Hemisphere, opened to the public in Anaheim, California.

1962 – The European Space Research Organization (now European Space Agency) was established in Paris.

1966 – The Vatican announced the abolition of the Index Librorum Prohibitorum (“Index of Prohibited Books”), which was originally instituted in 1557.

1967 – The People’s Republic of China tested its first hydrogen bomb.

1972– The insecticide DDT was banned from use in the US.

1973 US President Richard Nixon administration imposes 60-day economy-wide price freeze, superseding Special Rule No. 1 for oil companies

1993 Ruth Bader Ginsburg is nominated to the United States Supreme Court by President Bill Clinton

2013 The US government charges NSA leaker Edward Snowden with violating the Espionage Act and theft of government property

2019 Swiss women hold a national strike over the country's slow pace towards equality

2019 Petition to create world's first "time free zone" on Sommaroy island which has complete daylight for 2 months, delivered to the Norwegian parliament


Birthdays Today


@85 – Harriet Beecher Stowe, American author, activist (d. 1896)

75 – Donald Trump, 45th President

60 – Boy George [George Alan O'Dowd ], English singer-songwriter

52 – Steffi Graf, German tennis player

@51 – Alois Alzheimer, German psychiatrist, neuropathologist (d. 1915; rheumatic fever)

@39 – Ernesto “Che” Guevara, Argentinian-Cuban guerrilla leader (d, 1967; shot after being captured to avoid a trial)

33 – Kevin McHale, American actor, radio personality

32 – Lucy Hale, American actress


Puzzles Answer


Head over heels                                                    Skating on thin ice




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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.