20 Jluy


20 July 2023

Flagstaff Almanac

Week 29 Day 201 Ave. Sky Cover 5%\ Visibility  26mi. Flagstaff Today  92° \ 57° 
Wind  6mph \ Gusts  13mph  Nearest active fire: 17miles Nearest Lightning:  217mi
Air Quality: Moderate   Moisture Days this month: 1 days
Risk of fire: Extreme July Averages: Temps 82° \ 51° Moisture 8 Days
Sunshine  High Heat Warning

Today’s Quote

Weekly Observations

Tour de France 
Captive Nations Week
Everybody Deserves A Massage Week
Hemp History Week
National Independent Retailers Week
National Zoo Keeper Week
Beach Volleyball Days

Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) Education & Awareness Week
National Baby Food Week 
Family Golf Week
Hemingway Look-Alike Days
Comic Con International

Daily Observations

Get to Know Your Customers Day
Fortune Cookie Day 
Link  Link
Hemingway Look-Alike Day
Moon Day
Nap Day

National Fortune Cookie Day

National Lollipop Day Link

National Moon Walk Day
Space Exploration Day  
Ugly Truck Day

World Chess Day 
World Jump Day 

Today’s Thoughts

 …The heat wave continues.

I got an email from Ellie this morning. She is all moved into her new place and still has some unpacking to do. I checked out the community website and it looks amazing. I just know she will be enjoying it for years to come.

I’ve had to set up a fan with a timer for my bedroom. Even at 10pm it is too hot to sleep. I set the fan timer for 60 minutes and it is easier to get to sleep.



Boomer Slang…


“Hippy” referred to someone who embraced a counterculture lifestyle focused on peace, love, and freedom. It described individuals who rejected mainstream society and valued social harmony and personal expression.

Peace out

“Peace out” was a farewell phrase often accompanied by a peace sign. It

True Conspiracy Theories…

Operation Ajax

The US and UK orchestrated a coup in Iran in 1953 to overthrow Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh, who had nationalized the country's oil industry.

Random Trivia…

George Washington opened a whiskey distillery after his presidency. After his term, Washington opened a whiskey distillery. By 1799, Washington's distillery was the largest in the country, producing 11,000 gallons of un-aged whiskey!

Historic Events

  • 1874 – A plague of locusts swarmed the American Midwest.
  • 1944 – Adolf Hitler survived a bombing assassination attempt.
  • 1968 – The Special Olympics was started.
  • 1969 – American Neil Armstrong became the first person to walk on the Moon.
  • 1969, Micheal Collins, one of the Apollo 11 astronauts, became the loneliest human ever when he orbited the dark side of the moon and lost all radio contact with Earth and his fellow astronauts for 48 minutes. #moonlanding
  • 2012 – A mass shooting occurred in an Aurora, CO movie theater, killing 12 and wounding 58 people.

Birthdays with some quotes



Cormac McCarthy, American novelist

(d. 2023)


Diana Rigg, English actress
“Maybe at this stage in my career, it’s from that younger generation that I have most to learn.”

(d. 2020)


Kim Carnes, American singer-songwriter



Carlos Santana, Mexican-American singer-songwriter and guitarist
“There is divinity in your DNA. Live your light.”– Carlos Santana “Happiness is not a destination or an experience. It’s a decision.”



– Gregor Mendel, Austro-German monk, geneticist and botanist

(d. 1884)


Terri Irwin, American-Australian zoologist and author
“The only way you find what your limits are is by pushing them.”



Chris Cornell, American singer-songwriter
“I used to work in jobs I hated because I needed the money to buy a guitar. I know what it feels like to be depressed. On the other hand, I also know what it feels like to have money, to be successful, to be independent, but I can tell you that money and success never solve your problems.”

(d. 2017)


Anne Hutchinson, English Puritan preacher
“I feel that nothing important ever happens that is not revealed to me beforehand.”

(d. 1643; killed in Kieft’s War)


Sandra Oh, Canadian actress



Omar Epps, American actor



Judy Greer, American actress



Natalie Wood, American actress

(d. 1981; drowned)


Julianne Hough, American dancer



Alexander the Great, Macedonian king
“Without Knowledge, Skill cannot be focused. Without Skill, Strength cannot be brought to bear and without Strength, Knowledge may not be applied.”–

(d. 323 BC; malaria<?>)


…The End for today…



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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.