Oct 28


F301lagstaff Almanac

Week43 Day 301Sky Cover 10%| Visibility|21mi.Flagstaff Today|62° \35° Wind6mph|Gusts11mph 
Nearest active fire: 50miles|Risk of fire: Moderate Nearest Lightning:821mi (Mid-Texas)
Air Quality: Fair Sunshine
Oct Averages: Temps: 63° \ 32° Moisture 4 Days  

Today’s Quote


Weekly Observations

Disarmament Week: 24-30
Prescription Errors Education & Awareness Week: 24-31
World Origami Days: 24-11/11
International Magic Week: 25-31

Internat’l Dyslexia Association Reading Week: 22-28
Give Wildlife a Brake! Week: 22-28   Link
Kids Care Week: 22-28  
National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week: 22-28 Link
National Massage Therapy Week: 22-28  Link  
National Respiratory Care Week: 22-28  Link 
Pastoral Care Week: 22-28 Link 
Pro Bono Week: 22-28  Link
Asexuality Week: 23-29   Link
Red Ribbon Week: 23-31  Link 

Daily Observations

Allantide Link
Champagne Day  (US Champagne Bureau.)  Link
Childcare Superhero Day
Kiwanis One Day Link 
Make A Difference Day
Make A Difference Day

National Chocolate Day  Link
National First Responders Day Link
National Internal Medicine Day Link
National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day (Fall)  Link 
Pit Bull Awareness Day 
Pit Bull Awareness Day Link 
St. Jude's Day
St. Jude's Day

Today’s Thoughts

Fall is in the air.

Headed out at 8:30 for my eye appointment. It was 46° when I left. I started to use my app to start the car to warm it up a bit. I haven’t used it since early spring and there were lots of changes, including adding a new password. I just went out and started the car and left. While waiting for the eye doc I updated the Nissan app. All good. I had my eyes dilated. The doctor said I was all good and he would now see me every 6 months. Good news.

About yesterday’s lunch. It included tempura thinly sliced veggies. I really liked the carrot ones.

I tried to call the PT guy to make an appointment. The number I had didn’t work. Since it is inside the Flagstaff Athletic Club, I called them, she gave me the same number I was calling. She said she would walk down the hall and have them call me. About 45 min later I got a text from the PT saying they would call me in about an hour. Crazy.



Halloween information… Trivia…

What countries celebrate Halloween?

Countries around the world celebrate Halloween. While the U.S. may have popularized the modern-day traditions of pumpkin carving and trick-or-treating, these practices have been gradually spreading to other countries, especially in Europe—which, after all, is where Halloween can trace back its origins.

In Ireland, for example, people in rural areas light bonfires to mark the day, and some Irish children don costumes and go trick-or-treating, according to European Language CafĂ©.  In Austria, some people apparently leave out bread, water, and a lit lamp on Halloween night to welcome back the souls of their deceased loved ones.

Meanwhile, people in Mexico celebrate Dia de Los Muertos (Day of the Dead) from October 31 to November 2. As part of this tradition, which is tied to the Christian holidays of All Saint’s Day and All Soul’s Day, people build altars to welcome the souls of departed loved ones, who are believed to return to Earth for a brief time. Dia de Los Muertos is its own holiday and is not simply the Mexican version of Halloween, but because the two traditions overlap, they are often linked.

Halloween has also become more popular in parts of Asia, thanks partly to Western influences. Huge Halloween parades and shows take place every year in Tokyo, Hong Kong and Singapore, according to Motion Elements.

Random Trivia…

Random Advice Fact©Wikimedia Commons

Abraham Lincoln grew his iconic beard in part on the recommendation of an 11-year-old girl, who suggested it to him via fan mail.

Historic Events

1846 – This day through April 21, 1847, The Donner-Reed Party, a group of American pioneers who migrated to California in a wagon train from the Midwest. 48 of 90 people survived.

1886 – The Statue of Liberty was dedicated in NYC.

1949 – Helen Anderson became for first American woman ambassador, to Denmark.

1965 – Missouri’s Gateway Arch opened.

Birthdays with some quotes

@84 – Elsa Lanchester, English-American actress, Bride of Frankenstein (d. 1986)
“There is no such thing as a person that nothing has happened to, and each person’s story is as different as his fingertips.”
@80 – Jonas Salk, American biologist, and physician, Polio Vaccine (d. 1995)
“Solutions come through evolution. They come through asking the right questions because the answers pre-exist. It is the question that we must define and discover. You don’t invent the answer-you reveal the answer.”
@83 – Charlie Daniels, American singer-songwriter and fiddle-player (d. 2020)
74 – Caitlyn Jenner, American decathlete
“The ability to grow is directly related to the amount of insecurity you can take in your life.”68 68 – Bill Gates, American businessman, and philanthropist, co-founded Microsoft
“I am not in competition with anyone but myself. My goal is to improve myself continuously.”
@67 – Eliphalet Remington, American businessman, founded Remington Arms (d. 1861)
57 – Andy Richter, American actor, sidekick
56 – Julia Roberts, American actress
41 – Matt Smith, English actor, 11th Doctor
“There’s a rivalry between the Harry Potter fans and the Twilight fans. And Twilight fans think they’re much cooler than the Harry Potter fans. And I’m like, I dunno why they’d all get their butts kicked by the Doctor Who fans.”
25 – Nolan Gould, American actor

…The End for today…



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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.