25 July


25 July 2023

Flagstaff Almanac

Week 30 Day 206 Ave. Sky Cover 50%\ Visibility  24mi. Flagstaff Today  84° \ 56° 
Wind  2mph \ Gusts  4mph  Nearest active fire: 17miles Nearest Lightning:  2mi
Air Quality: Moderate   Moisture Days this month: 3 days
Risk of fire: Extreme July Averages: Temps 82° \ 51° Moisture 8 Days
Sunshine  good chance of monsoon

Today’s Quote

Weekly Observations

Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) Education & Awareness Week
National Moth Week

Women in Baseball Week
National Tequila Week

Daily Observations

Carousel Day or Merry-Go-Round Day Link
Feast of Saint James

Health and Happiness with Hypnosis Day
Hire A Veteran Day   
National Carousel Day

National Hire a Veteran Day
Feast of Saint James
Health and Happiness with Hypnosis Day
Hire A Veteran Day   Link
National Carousel Day
National Hire a Veteran Day

National Hot Fudge Sundae Day
National Wine and Cheese Day
Red Shoe Day (International)  Link  Link  (Lyme Disease)
Thread The Needle Day Link
Wine and Cheese Day Link
World Drowning Prevention Day
Wine and Cheese Day Link
World Drowning Prevention Day

Today’s Thoughts

Monsoon has lowered the temps, finally. Already had one nice short shower this morning, more are expected this afternoon.

I started working with a Financial Manager about 10 years before I retired. My advisor helped me a lot. Her input allowed me to retire comfortably, travel the world and even pay cash for my recent vehicle purchase. She retired about 7 years ago. After leaving Flagstaff she married and then lost her husband to dementia. She called last week and is in Flag vacationing here for a month. We are having lunch tomorrow. It will be nice to catch up.

Lots of protests in Israel over stripping power from the Supreme Court  and giving that power to the Prime Minister. This really does not sound like democracy.




Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)

The United States, joined by the United Kingdom and several coalition forces, invaded Iraq in 2003 in the supposed belief that the country, led by Saddam Hussein, possessed an active weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) program. No stockpiles of WMDs or an active WMD program were ever found in Iraq.

True Conspiracy Theories…

Edward Snowden's Revelations

In 2013, Edward Snowden, a former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor, leaked classified documents that revealed the extent of the U.S. government's surveillance programs. The documents showed that the NSA was collecting phone records of millions of Americans and spying on foreign governments and individuals. Snowden's revelations sparked a global debate about government surveillance and privacy rights.

Random Trivia…

In the Ancient Olympics, athletes performed naked! This was to achieve closeness to the gods and also help detox their skin through sweating. In fact, the word “gymnastics” comes from the Ancient Greek words “gumnasía” (“athletic training, exercise”) and “gumnós” (“naked”).

Historic Events

  • 1909 – Louis Bleriot became the first person to fly over the English Channel between France and England.
  • 1956 – The Andrea Doria sank off Nantucket, MA. Although 1,660 passengers were rescued, 46 people were killed in the accident.
  • 1965 – Bob Dylan used an electric guitar at the Newport Folk Festival, and fans did not like the new sound.

Birthdays with some quotes



Maxfield Parrish, American painter and illustrator

(d. 1966)


Estelle Getty, American actress
“You can do anything you want to do.”

(d. 2008)


Barbara Harris, American actress and singer

(d. 2018)


Adnan Khashoggi, Saudi Arabian businessman

(d. 2017)


Walter Brennan, American actor

(d. 1974)


Frank J. Sprague, American inventor

(d. 1934)


Lila Lee, American actress and singer (

d. 1973; stroke)


Iman Mohamed Abdulmajid, Somalian-English model and actress



Illeana Douglas, American actress



Matt LeBlanc, American actor
“I believe that laughter is the best emotional Band-Aid in the world. It’s like nature’s Neosporin.”



Walter Payton, American football player and race car driver (d. 1999)
“When you’re good at something, you’ll tell everyone. When you’re great at something, they’ll tell you.”



Louise Brown, first human to be born via IVF



George Peele, English translator, poet, and dramatist
“Beauty, strength, youth, are flowers but fading seen;
Duty, faith, love, are roots, and ever green.”

(d. 1596; ‘the pox”)


Joseph P. Kennedy Jr., American lieutenant and pilot

(d. 1944; on WWII secret mission)


Brad Renfro, American actor

(d. 2008; OD)


Emmett Till, American lynching victim

(d. 1955)


…The End for today…



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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.