Jul 5


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Jul 5, 2020 Week: 28 Day: 187

86004:   H 87° \ L 48° \ Average Sky Cover: 40%

Wind:   3mph\Gusts:  7mph  Visibility:  10mi

Nearest lightning:  181mi.; Nearest active fire:  79mi. 

Extreme Risk of Fire          

Record High: 97°[1993]   Record Low: 32°[1955]

Jul Averages: 82°\52° (8 days with rain)


Today’s  Quote

"May you live all the days of your life."

-Jonathan Swift


Random Tidbits

Stress also causes capillaries to close, which restricts bleeding if a flesh wound should occur, and makes the blood "stickier," in preparation for an injury. Such a reaction, however, also increases the probability of developing a blood clot.


While it is a myth that stress can turn hair gray, stress can cause hair loss. Stress can also alter blood sugar levels, which can cause mood swings, fatigue, hyperglycemia, and metabolic syndrome, a major risk factor for heart attack and diabetes.


Have a smile

Thanks to one of my readers

Question: What makes a USPS joke funny?

The delivery.


Did you hear about the guy who bought a teabag?

Yeah- the price was pretty steep.


Remember these movie quotes?

87    "Sawyer, you're going out a youngster, but you've got to come back a star!"

Warner Baxter         42nd Street    1933


Observations This Week

Tour de France: 27-7/19  Link  Moved to August due to COVID-19
Punxsutawney Groundhog Days: 28-7/5 
Bean and Bacon Days: 1-5  Link  Cancelled due to COVID-19
National Tom Sawyer Days: 1-5 
Link  (aka Fence Painting Days)
National Unassisted Homebirth Week: 1-7
Roswell UFO Days: 3-6 Link  Cancelled due to COVID-19
Freedom Week: 4-10

Be Nice To New Jersey Week: 5-11 
National Farriers Week: 5-11 

National Therapeutic Recreation Week: 5-11  Link  
Nude Recreation Weekend: 5-12 


Observations for Today

Build A Scarecrow Day

National Apple Turnover Day

National Bikini Day

Work-a-holics Day

Work Without Your Hands Day  Link


My Rambling Thoughts

Independence Day without a Flag parade seems very strange. I have missed a few over the years, but it is a town tradition. Fireworks, not so much. Not a good idea to have fireworks in the middle of a dry forest. Looking forward to tonight’s PBS 4th of July show. Finally figured out how to add stars to my banner. Took longer than I expected.

One year ago, today our Focus Travel Club was riding the Trans-Siberian Railroad across part of Russia. We opted not to sing, but many of us did wear Red, White, and Blue. A great adventure.

Andy & Faith returned from their short escape to Phoenix. No need to head over there to water the trees. Hoping for another storm later this afternoon. Cumulus clouds have very dark bottoms and I am hoping some of the water makes it to the ground.

So many on the right missed the point of protests over Trump at Mount Rushmore. The big concern was that this event, without social distancing, would increase the risk for Covid19…for the participants, South Dakota, and the rest of the US. On the protest front, Natives blocked the road to the venue. Several were peacefully arrested. The Trump crew of counter protesters were chanting ‘Go back to where you came from.” Just a tad ironic, that I’m sure was missed by the counter protesters.


Today’s Puzzle

Answer at the bottom of the page

Rearrange the letters of the phrase below to form a cognate anagram, one which is related or connected in meaning to the original phrase. The answer can be one or more words.





Historical Events

1687 - Isaac Newton published Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy. (Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica)

1841 - Thomas Cook organized the first package excursion (planned vacation tour), from Leicester to Loughborough.

1865 - William Booth and his wife Catherine establish the Christian Mission, later known as the Salvation Army (1878).

1921 - Chicago White Sox players were accused of "throwing" (lose intentionally) the World Series.

1935 - The National Labor Relations Act was signed into law by President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

1937 - Spam (the luncheon meat, not the internet junk) was introduced into the market by the Hormel Foods Corporation.

1946 - French designer Louis Reard introduced the Bikini in Paris. He could not find a "respectable" Model to wear his creation, so he had to hire a local Nude Dancer.

1950 - The Knesset passed the Law of Return which grants all Jews the right to immigrate to Israel.

1954 - The BBC broadcasted its first television news bulletin.

1971 - The Twenty-sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution, lowering the American voting age from 21 to 18 years, was formally certified by President Richard Nixon.

1994 Amazon.com founded in Bellevue, Washington by Jeff Bezos

1996 - Dolly the sheep was born - the first mammal cloned from an adult cell (she actually had three mothers)

2003 SARS is declared "contained" by the WHO after affecting 26 countries and resulting in 774 deaths

2006 Emergency United Nations Security Council meeting at the U.N in New York City because of North Korean missile tests that day2012 - The Shard in London was inaugurated as the tallest building in Europe, with a height of 1,020 ft.

2016 FBI releases report stating Hillary Clinton was "extremely careless" handling classified emails but doesn't recommend prosecution

2018 US Environmental Protection Agency head Scott Pruitt resigns amid allegations of misconduct

2019 Ancient Iraqi city Babylon declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site


Birthdays Today

@80 - P.T. 'Phineas Taylor' Barnum, American businessman, co-founded Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus (d. 1891)
70 – Huey Lewis [
Hugh Anthony Cregg III], musician

62 - Bill Watterson, American author and illustrator (Calvin and Hobbs)
57 - Edie Falco, American actress


Puzzle Answer

Police helicopter.



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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.