Oct 16

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Oct 16, 2017 Week: 42 \ Day: 289
86004 Today: H 65° \ L 36°
Average Sky Cover: 0% 
Wind ave:   8mph\Gusts:  18mph
Visibility: 10 mi
Record High: 78°[1991]   Record Low: 13°[1984]
Oct Averages: 63°\31°
Oct Records: H: 85° (1980) L: -2° (1971)

Quote of the Day

The absence of alternatives clears the mind marvelously.
 Henry Kissinger


Observances Today

Bosses Day (or National Boss's Day)  Link
Department Store Day
Dictionary Day (Noah Webster's Birthday)
National Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day  
National Feral Cat Day LinkWorld Food Day


Observances This Week

Take Your Medicine Americans Week: 10-17
Bone and Joint Health National Awareness Week: 12-20 Link
Bullying Bystanders Unite Week: 15-21 
Freedom From Bullies Week: 15-21 
International Infection Prevention Week: 15-21 Link
Mediation Week: 15-21 Link  
National Character Counts Week: 15-21  
National Business Women's Week: 15-21   Link
National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week:15-21 Link  
National Food Bank Week: 15-21 
National Forest Products Week: 15-21 
National Friends of Libraries Week:15-21  
National Pharmacy Week: 15-21  Link   
National Save For Retirement Week: 15-21 Link  
National Teen Drivers Safety Week: 15-21 Link 

Choose To Be G.R.E.A.T. Week: 16-20  Link
Medical Assistants Recognition Week: 16-20  Link
National Health Education Week: 16-20 Link

National School Bus Safety Week: 16-20 
YWCA Week Without Violence: 16-20 Link 

Freedom of Speech Week: 16-22   Link   


Today’s Significant US Historical Events
Today’s Significant International Historical Events 
1829 Tremont Hotel, 1st US modern hotel opens (Boston)
1834 Much of the ancient structures of the Palace of Westminster (parliament) in London is burnt down.
1841 Queens University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada, is chartered
1847 Charlotte Brontë's book "Jane Eyre" published

1848 1st US homeopathic medical college opens in Pennsylvania
1859 John Brown leads 21 in raid on federal arsenal, Harper's Ferry, Va
1875 Brigham Young University is founded in Provo, Utah.

1900 Great Britain and Germany sign the Anglo-German Treaty, agreeing to maintain territorial integrity of China and support 'open door' policy called for by US Secretary of State
1916 Margaret Sanger opens 1st birth control clinic (46 Amboy St, Bkln)
1923 Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio founded
1923 John Harwood patents self-winding watch (Switzerland)
1925 Texas School Board prohibits teaching of evolution
1934 Mao Zedong & 25,000 troops begin 6,000 mile Long March
1941 "Gordo" comic strip (by Gus Arriola) 1st appears in newspapers
1942 National Boxing Association freezes titles of those serving in armed services
1950 The first edition of C.S. Lewis' "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" is released in London
1962 Byron R White becomes a Supreme Court Justice

1962 Cuban missile crisis begins as JFK becomes aware of missiles in Cuba

1966 Joean Baez & 123 other anti-draft protestors arrested in Oakland
1969 100-1 shot NY Mets beat Orioles 5-3 & win 66th World Series in 5
1970 Pierre Trudeau invokes the War Measures Act as a response to the October Crisis, the only peacetime use of the War Measures Act in Canadian history.
1973 Kissinger & Le Duc Tho jointly awarded Nobel peace prize
1973 The Gulf Six (Iran, Iraq, Abu Dhabi, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Qatar) unilaterally raise the posted price of Saudi Light marker crude-oil by 17 percent
1978 Polish Cardinal Karol Wojtyla elected Pope John Paul II
1982 Mt Palomar Observatory 1st to detect Halley's comet on 13th return
1984 Desmond Tutu, South African Anglican Archbishop, wins Nobel Peace Prize
1986 US government shuts down due to disputes between President Reagan and the House
1995 Million Man March held in Washington, D.C. (over 830,000 African American men attend)

2013 The United States ends its 16-day government shut down and avoids default in a Bi-partisan deal in the Senate
2016 Ed Whitlock at 85 becomes oldest person to complete a marathon under 4 hours, at Toronto Waterfront Marathon in 3 hours 56 minutes


My Rambling Thoughts
What a difference a few degrees and a strong breeze makes. Feels so much colder today.

Average change in annual earnings for students who attend a vocational program at a public community college: +$1544

For students who attend one at a for-profit college: -$920
Wonder if the Sec. of Education understands the above? Probably not!

Our group had a great discussion last night regarding Nuclear Strategy in today’s world. While the articles were written before 45 took office, all the questions about what the new President would do have now been answered. Not with answers I am happy about but answers none the less. Now the hope is that other Nuclear countries will have better judgement. As this country was growing, our government made and broke almost all treaties with the Indigenous people. Now 45 is returning us to those days. It will take decades after 45 leaves office for any country to believe us when we sign a treaty.

Looking forward to the Bronco’s game tonight on my TV. Cards are playing very well today.


Bizarre News

*-------------- Flight 666 to HEL --------------*

A Finnair flight that took off Friday morning might give pause to the superstitious: Flight 666 to "HEL" on Friday the 13th. The flight departed at 1:18 p.m. local time from Copenhagen, Denmark, and landed at 3:53 at Finland's Helsinki-Vantaa airport -- which has a three-letter airport code of "HEL." An airline spokesman said Flight 666 has been making the flights to Helsinki for 11 years, and 21 of the trips took place on various Fridays the 13th. The airline said the perceived unluckiness of the date, combined with the number 666 and the "HEL" destination, has not appeared to have any effect on passenger numbers for flights. Finnair said the flight marked the final time Flight 666 will make the trip on a Friday the 13th, as a reordering of flight data is causing the flight to be renumbered to 954.


Birthdays Today
@-  indicates age at death
92- Angela Lansbury,
British actress (Gaslight, Murder She Wrote), born in London, England

@87- David Ben-Gurion,
1st Prime Minister of Israel (1948-53, 1955), born in Płonsk, Poland
(d. 1973)
@87- Günter Grass,
German writer and playwright (The Tin Drum) and Nobel Prize laureate (1999),
(d. 2015)
@84- Noah Webster,
lexicographer (Webster's Dictionary), born in West Hartford, Connecticut
(d. 1843)

71- Suzanne Somers,
San Bruno California, actress (3's Company, Step by Step)

@65- Eugene O'Neill,
American dramatist (Desire Under the Elms-Nobel 1936), born in NYC,
(d. 1953)
@62- Dave DeBusschere,
NBA forward (NY Knick)/last ABA commissioner, born in Detroit,
(d. 2003)

59- Tim Robbins,
actor (Bull Durham, Shawshank Redemption), born in West Covina, CA
@58- Michael Conrad,
Washington Hgts NY, actor (Delvecchio, Hill St Blues)
(d. 1983)

@46- Oscar Wilde, [Fingal O'Flahertie Wills],
(The Picture of Dorian Gray), born in Dublin, Ireland
(d. 1900)

39- John Mayer, pop singer
@31- Michael Collins,
Irish revolutionary leader and leading figure in the struggle for Irish independence in the early 20th century, born in Clonakilty, Ireland
(d. 1922)


Historical Obits Today
@94-2010 Barbara Billingsley,
American actress (Leave it to Beaver)
@94-1992 Shirley Booth,
actress (Hazel)

@86-2007 Deborah Kerr,
Scottish actress (From Here to Eternity, The King and I)
@83-1865 Andrés Bello,
Venezuelan poet, lawmaker, philosopher, and sociologist
@80-1972 Leo G Carroll,
actor (Topper, Man From Uncle)

@79-2004 Pierre Salinger,
John F. Kennedy's White House Press Secretary,
heart failure
@78-1959 George Marshall,
US army general
@77-1989 Cornel Wilde,
actor (Saadia, Comic, Beach Red, Gargoyles),

@37-1793 Marie Antoinette,
Queen of France (1774-92) who allegedly uttered the phrase "let them eat cake",

Disclaimer: All opinions are mine…feel free to agree or disagree.
All ‘data’ info is from the internet sites and is usually checked with at least one other source, but I have learned that every site contains mistakes and sadly once the information is out there, many sites simply copy it and is therefore difficult to verify. Also for events occurring before the Gregorian calendar was adopted [1582] the dates may not be totally accurate.
☼☼☼☼…And That Is All for Now…☼☼☼☼


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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.