Sept 15


Flagstaff Almanac

Week37 Day258 Sky Cover 15%| Visibility|19mi.Flagstaff Today|72° \48° Wind4mph|Gusts15mph 
Nearest active fire: 16miles|Risk of fire: High Nearest Lightning:53mi
Air Quality: Moderate Moisture Days in Sept:7days Sunshine
September Averages: Temps: 74° \ 42° Moisture 5 Days  26 Sunny Days

Today’s Quote

Weekly Observations

9-15 National Neo-Natal Nurses Week  Link
11-15 National Championship Air Races   Link
National Guitar Flat-Picking Days  Link
11-16 Line Dance Week
11-17 Celebrate Community Link
National NeoNatal Nurses Week  Link

13-17 National Championship Air Races
National Guitar Flat-Picking Days
National Guitar Flat-Picking Days Link
14-17 Hummingbird Celebration Link
15-24 National Ballroom Dance Week Link
15-17 Clean Up The World Weekend Link 
Rosh Hashanah
15-21 National Medicare Education Week Link

Daily Observations

Constitution Day/Pledge Across America 
Cloud Appreciation Day Link 
Creme de Menthe Day
Felt Hat Day
Creme de Menthe Day
Felt Hat Day
Creme de Menthe Day
Felt Hat Day Day
Greenpeace Day
International Day of Democracy
International Day of Listening  Link
International Dot Day Link 
International Grenache Day  Link
Linguine Day
LGBT Center Awareness Day
Make a Hat Day

National 8-Track Tape Day Link Link 
National Cheese Toast Day  
National Cheese Toast Day  
National Cheese Toast Day  Link
National Concussion Awareness Day Link 
National Day of The Cowgirl 
National Day of The Cowgirl 
National Day of The Cowgirl Link
National Doodle Day Link
National NeoNatal Nurses Day Link  
National On-line Learning Day  
National On-line Learning Day  
National On-line Learning Day  Link
National POW/MIA Recognition Day Link
National Tradesmen Day Link
Online Learning Day 
Tackle Kids Cancer Day Link
World Lymphoma Awareness Day  Link

Today’s Thoughts

Nice weather day.

Last night had 20 minutes of thunder to bring in dark clouds. Then a nice gently rain shower. At the end of that there was a downpour for about 30 minutes. I’m still enjoying the monsoon rain.

I had lunch with the retirement group, Andy, Faith, Mary, and Mike at our favorite Italian place. Our first time all together for lunch. Good Conversation, Good Food, Good time!

Sad to see Libya suffering from with 6000+ die in flooding.

Senator Romney made some good points about age as to why he isn’t running for reelection. He is turning the reins over to the younger generation. Good for him.

After many years, Hunter Biden finally Federally charged with his gun problems. About time!


Unique National Treasures for the US …

If you like the Kennedy Space Center, you’ll love…McDonald Observatory.

McDonald Observatory

Florida’s Kennedy Space Center has launched humans into space since 1968, and its Visitor Complex brings that experience to life. (Check out the astronaut training simulators and Alan Shephard’s moon dust–covered spacesuit.) But Texas’ McDonald Observatory gives you an idea of what motivated people to want to fly to the stars in the first place with evening “Star Parties” in the observatory’s outdoor amphitheater. Don’t miss the observatory-produced radio show StarDate, which airs every week on more than 300 radio stations around the country.

Random Trivia…

Adolf Hitler’s nephew fought against the Nazis in World War II. During the Second World War, William Patrick Hitler (later William Patrick Stuart-Houston) was drafted into the United States Navy, where he served as a Hospital Corpsman throughout the war until 1947. He was wounded in action and was awarded the Purple Heart, and went on to gain American citizenship.

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The fastest surgeon ever ended up causing a 300% mortality rate—shocking, right?! Surgeon Robert Liston was considered “the fastest knife in the West.” He was a pioneer in speed surgery. When performing a battlefield amputation in front of a group of spectators, Liston cut through his patient’s leg so quickly that he accidentally cut the fingers off the person who was helping him. One man who witnessed the surgery collapsed and died of a heart attack. Then Liston’s patient and his assistant died of blood poisoning from their joint amputation, making him the only surgeon in history to have a 300% mortality rate.

Historic Events

·      1830 – The first National Convention for Blacks was held in Bethel Church, Philadelphia, PA.

·      1851 – Saint Joseph’s University is founded in Philadelphia.

·      1971 – Greenpeace was founded in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

·      1982 – USA Today began publication.

Birthdays with some quotes

@96 – Fay Wray, Canadian-American actress, Hollywood’s first Scream Queen (d. 2004)
@93 – Norm Crosby, American comedic actor (d. 2020)
@88 – Jackie Cooper, American actor (d. 2011)
@89 – Roy Acuff, American singer-songwriter and fiddler (d. 1992)
@87 – Nipsey Russell, American comedic actor (d. 2005)
“Pro and con are opposites, that fact is clearly seen. If progress means to move forward, then what does congress mean?”
@85 – Agatha Christie, English crime novelist, short story writer, and playwright (d. 1976)
“Nobody knows what another person is thinking. They may imagine they do, but they are nearly always wrong.”
@65 – Ettore Bugatti, Italian-French businessman, founded Bugatti (d. 1947)
77 – Tommy Lee Jones, American actor
77 – Oliver Stone, American director, screenwriter, and producer
@72 – William Howard Taft, American politician, 27th President (d. 1930; heart disease)
@66 – Edward Bouchet, American physicist, educator (d. 1918; high blood pressure)
62 – Dan Marino, American football player, and sportscaster
“The will to prepare, the guts to risk, and the desire to be the best. These are trademarks of champions.”
@56 – Robert Benchley, American humorist and newspaper columnist (d. 1945; cirrhosis)
39 – Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex

…The End for today…



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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.