May 1

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May 1, 2020 Week: 18 Day: 122
86004: H 80° \ L 40° \ Average Sky Cover: 75%
Wind: 11mph\Gusts: 20mph Visibility: 10 mi
Nearest lightning: 380mi.; Nearest active fire: 193mi.

Record High: 80°[1947] Record Low: 17°[1972]
May Averages: 68°\34° (3 days with moisture)

Today’s Quote

If you set your goals ridiculously high and it's a failure, you will fail above everyone else's success."
-James Cameron

Random Tidbits

In Medieval England, May Day celebrations centered on the maypole, which is a pole made from wood, decorated with streamers, which are held by dancers circling the pole.

The pole is thought by many to (not so subtly) represent the masculine, while the decorations of flowers, wreaths and ribbons are thought to symbolize the feminine. Although some scholars assert that sometimes a pole is just a pole.

Have a smile
A friend sent these to me

If prisons let prisoners take their own mugshots,
would they be called cellfies?

Why couldn't the onion go to the house party? 
Because he was onionvited. (uninvited)

Observations For Month of May
ALS Awareness Month Link
(Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis or Lou Gehrig's Disease)
Apraxia Awareness Month
APS Awareness Month
Better Hearing & Speech Month Link
Bladder Cancer Awareness Month Link
Borderline Personality Disorder Month Link
Brain Tumor Awareness Month LinkBuilding Safety Month Link Link

Observations This Week

Festival of Ridvan: 19-5/1
Ramadan: 23-5/23
National Infant Immunization Week (NIIW): 26-5/3 Link
Preservation Week:26-5/2  Link (re: Libraries)
Stewardship Week: 26-5/3 
National Playground Safety Week: 27-5/1 Link
Choose Privacy Week: 1-7  Link

Observations for Today
Amtrak Day
Batman Day
Beltane [Gaelic] Link
Dandelion Day

Executive Coaching Day
Global Love Day 
Hawaiian Lei Day
Hug Your Cat Day
International Workers Day
Keep Kids Alive! Drive 25 Day

Law DayLoyalty Day
May Day
May One Day
Mother Goose Day 
National Bubba Day

National Chocolate Parfait Day
National Purebred Dog Day Link
New Homeowner's Day

No Pants Day
School Principals' Day
Silver Star Banner Day 
Skyscraper Day
Space Day 
Stepmother's Day
School Lunch Hero Day 
Tuba Day 

My Rambling Thoughts

A new month starts. It is great weather. Three days in a row I have been able to air out the house with doors and windows open. Here in AZ our stay-at-home continues until at least May 15. I've decided that the hardest part of this situation is trying to figure out who to believe and who not to believe about what to do. Everybody near a camera or reporter seems to have 'valuable' information that they are more than willing to share. When it comes to credentials many of them have about as much as credibility as a freshman in college performing brain surgery unassisted.

OMG, VP Pence was touring a facility today and wearing a mask. I guess he does listen. Glad to see that.

There is a small community a few miles outside Flagstaff called Baderville. Some off-the-grid people live there. It was reported yesterday that there are fleas in the area carry the plague. Not good news for sure. What will be next?

I read this morning that 100,000 cruise ship crews are stuck on ships around the world, unable to dock anywhere. Some crew members are sick with Covid-19, some have died, and the healthy ones have no way to get off the ship. Scary.

As states are opening up, it turns out that if your state allows a business to open and an employee refuses to return to work due to the Covid-19, they are no longer able to collect unemployment checks. This is true even if the state is not following CDC guidelines to re-open. As I said above, don't know who to believe.

China has been shipping lots of masks, ventilators, PPE's around the world. American hospitals who bought such items say they do NOT meet minimum standards for use. Many of the ventilators were made for ambulances for short term use until the patient gets to the hospital. Yet the information from the company said they work just fine in hospitals. Turns out they don't. This is just to add to all the craziness.

Today’s Puzzle
Answer at the bottom of the page

What can you break, even if you never pick it up or touch it?

Historical Events

May 1 is Law Day, begun in 1958. "A national day set aside to celebrate the rule of law. Law Day underscores how law and the legal process have contributed to the freedoms that all Americans share."

1707 - The Act of Union joined the Kingdom of England and Kingdom of Scotland to form the Kingdom of Great Britain.

1759 - Josiah Wedgwood founded the Wedgwood pottery company in Great Britain.

1849 - The telegraph register was patented (#6,420) by Samuel F. B.Morse.

1851 -The Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of All Nations opened in Hyde Park, London, England.

1888 - Nikola Tesla was issued several patents (#381,968, #381,969, #381,970; #382,279, #381,980, #381,981, #381,982) relating to the induction magnetic motor, alternating current (AC) sychronous motor, AC transmission and electricity distribution.

1899 - Bayer introduced aspirin in powder form, in Germany. The pill came about in 1915.

1931 - The Empire State Building in New York City was dedicated by President Hoover from the White House in Washington DC.

1951 - Great Exhibition opened in the Crystal Palace in London with over 10,000 exhibitors.

1958 - The discovery of the Van Allen radiation belts that surround Earth by James Van allen was published in the Washington Evening Star.

1941 - Citizen Kane debuted at the RKO Palace Theater in New York City.

1960 - American U-2 spy plane shot down over the Soviet Union.

1964 - The BASIC computer program was used for the first time at Dartmouth University by John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz. The name is an acronym for 'Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code'.

1982 - The 1982 World's Fair opened in Knoxville, Tennessee.

2011 - Osama bin Laden was reported killed by U.S. forces in Pakistan.

Birthdays Today

@90- Actor, Glenn Ford (d. 2006)

81- Singer, Judy Collins

@79-Singer, Kate Smith (d. 1986)

75- Singer, Rita Coolidge

74- Director, John Woo (1946)

- Singer, Tim McGraw (1967)
Puzzle Answer:

A promise


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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.