Nov 5


Week: 45 Day: 309
Ave. Sky Cover:  5%\Visibility: 10 miles
Local Temp:   59°\ 27° Wind: 0mph\ Gusts: 0mph
High risk of fire Active fire: 77mi. \ Lightning: 1226mi.
Nov Averages: 51°\23° (3 days w/moisture)


Today’s Quote


Monthly Observations


NET Cancer Awareness Month  Link
(US - Beard Month or Movember (Australia - Moustache Month )  Link  Link
Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month 
Pet Diabetes Month Link
Picture Book Month Link
PPHI Aids Awareness Month

Prematurity Awareness Month Link
PTA Healthy Lifestyles Month Link
Stomach Cancer Awareness Month Link
Sweet Potato Awareness Month 
Teff and Millet Month 
Triple Crown of Surfing (11/12-12/20)
World Vegan Month
Worldwide Bereaved Siblings Month



Weekly Observations



World Origami Days


National Fig Week
World Communication Week


World Karaoke Championships Link 


National Farm Toy Show Days


Daily Observations



Favorite Memes








Pumpkins are fruits. More specifically, they are a winter squash in the family Cucurbitacae, which includes cucumbers and melons.

Over 1.5 billion pounds of pumpkin are produced each year in the United States. The top pumpkin-producing states are Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and California. Pumpkins are also grown on every continent except Antarctica.



My Sometimes-Long-Winded Thoughts

 A very nice, windless fall day.

Yesterday the new TV in my bedroom wouldn’t turn on. After unplugging, checking all the connections, I called customer service. Their answer was ‘take it to Geek Squad, at Best Buy.’ I took it over there and the first girl said, ‘You bought this in June, so we can’t do anything.’ I asked to see a manager who politely reminded the girl that Best Buy owns the company that makes this brand and that it is covered by the manufacturer’s warranty. He plugged it in; it came on…of course. He said that it was probably a software issue and if it happens again, to wait 5 minutes before plugging it back in, so the software can update. I took it home, hooked up all the wires and it worked fine. Lesson learned…one I could have learned from the idiot at customer service. Oh, well.

Aaron Rodgers, the Packer’s QB, tested positive. A few weeks ago, he had said he was ‘immunized’. The problem is he did NOT get vaccinated. He did a wacky ‘therapy’ that may or may not work. Quarantine and fines appear on the horizon.

I DVR The Daily Show with Treavor Noah, and in a recent episode he interiewed Vanessa Nakate. She is a 24-year-old Ugandan who wrote a book, A Bigger Picture. She is an environmental activist who believes one of the major problems with the Climate Crisis is that no one is talking to the in poor countries about the Crisis. They are the ones most effected, but their voices aren’t being heard. She has already done some great projects around Africa. Very interesting. Then today, Greta Thunberg posted on Twitter that the current COP26 Climate conference was nothing but the same old stuff and not addressing pressing issues.




Historical Events


1492 – Christopher Columbus 1st learns about growing and harvesting maize (corn) from Cuba's indigenous population

1500 – Astronomer Copernicus observes a lunar eclipse in Rome

1605 – Gunpowder Plot: Catholic conspirator Guy Fawkes attempts to blow up King James I and the British Parliament. Plot discovered, Guy Fawkes caught, tortured and later executed along with seven others. Celebrated ever since as Guy Fawkes Day, where his effigy is traditionally burned on a bonfire, accompanied by fireworks.

1895 – 1st US patent granted for auto (George B Selden) for gasoline driven car1946 -- Basketball (also MLB player and TV Star) Chuck Connors became the first NBA player to shatter a backboard at Boston Garden in 1946.

1956 – The Nat King Cole Show premiered in 1956 on NBC.

2000 – Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie is laid to rest 25 years after his death after a funeral procession through Addis Ababa

2007 – The Android mobile operating system was unveiled by Google.

2018 – NASA's Voyager 2 probe leaves the solar system, becoming the second human-made object to reach interstellar space



Birthdays Today



@86 – Roy Rogers, American singer, guitarist, and actor (died in 1998)

@84 – Joel McCrea, American actor (died in 1990)

81 – Elke Sommer, German actress

80 – Art Garfunkel, American Singer/Songwriter, and guitarist

@76 – Ike Turner, Singer/Songwriter, guitarist, and producer (died in 2007)

66 – Kris Jenner, American talent manager, and businesswoman

62 – Bryan Adams, Canadian Singer/Songwriter, guitarist, producer, and actor

58 – Tatum O’Neal, American actress, and author

34 – Kevin Jonas, American Singer/Songwriter, guitarist, and actor




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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.