Sat 5-8

≈Week 19 of 2010: 128 days this year… 237 days remain≈
≈ Something To Think About 
Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty.
~ Jacob Bronowski
≈ Random Fact   
A giraffe can clean its ears with its 21-inch tongue!
• Holy Mackerel: On this day in
≈ Free Ramblings   
Note to self: When there are 50+mph winds, forget trying to weld a tank in the middle of a forested area. As simple as that sounds, this is what caused the 500+ acre wild fire just north of Flagstaff. The wind has died down and it looks like the fire that never should have occurred is now under control. Hundreds of people were needlessly frightened. Many forest creatures died. Thousands of dollars in resources were used. Luckily no humans were injured, no houses were lost. Coconino County First Responders, just like those in NYC, prevented what have could have been devastating. We sure dodged the bullet on this fire. It sure seems to me that those attending welding school would be taught that all those flying sparks that require the welder to wear protective gear, including that dark glass hood, would be told straight out that those sparks can easily cause a fire. But then, I am a teacher, and haven’t been told why it was necessary to forgo safety to fix a tank at that moment.
Our retirement group spent the afternoon in Williams. Cheryl’s birthday is tomorrow so Mary and I took her out to lunch. Williams, at least downtown, is like walking back in time. A nice walk but don’t think I could live there. Main Street still has angle-in parking combined with parallel parking. Main Street is made up of a slew of home style restaurants, a few local car and farm equipment shops, and more trinket shops than any three towns need. Williams is proud that they were the last town in America to be connected to the Interstate—after all, the two lane Route 66 had always been good enough for everyone. I must say, traveling back to that time is enjoyable. As we had our lunch in a nice little restaurant decorated with various sized fancy plates all over the walls, we could also watch people walk by. People would stop and talk to their neighbor right on Main Street. Some would stand next to a vehicle and talk endlessly with the driver sitting in the vehicle at the angle in parking. One lady was sitting on a cement wall across Main Street with a schnauzer on a leash. Cheryl has a schnauzer, and commented to Mary and I how cute the dog was. Suddenly we were in a conversation with the lady. We were across the street and not talking that loudly! She didn’t know us, but smiled and started talking about how rambunctious he could be. As we walked along Main Street, it was really like a movie set without cameras. Opie and Sheriff Taylor could have walked around any corner with their fishing poles and never received a second look. On the other hand, a bell could have rung from somewhere and all the residents could have started walking zombie like toward the edge of town. Away from Main Street, the town is much more modern—like the late 80’s. Cheryl likes the town, but admits she only goes to Main Street when visitors come. As we returned to Flagstaff, our little mountain town seems like a huge Metropolis. Williams was incorporated in 1901, is about 40 sq miles, and has about 3800 people. Flagstaff was incorporated in 1894, is about 60 sq miles, and has about 63,000 people. It is good to visit a real small town, especially when you and all your friends think you live in a small town. Tuba City is about 10 sq miles and has a population of about 9500 people.
It was much less windy today—15mph wind with gusts to 30mph. We climbed to 69° and while I spent the afternoon in Williams, Flag was really nice this morning. Fortunately for us, the smoke from the nearby fire hasn’t settled into our low lying areas. I guess there is some barrier that is keeping the smoke away. That’s fine with me.
≈ A Quick Smile…   
A crew of highway maintenance workers were sent to repair some road signs that vandals had knocked down in a forested area. The first one they put back up was a symbol warning of a deer crossing.
As they moved down the road to repair the next sign, one member, of the crew looked back and spotted a deer running across the highway. She turned to a co-worker and said, "I wonder how long he's been waiting to cross?"
≈ Puzzle   
Retronyms are terms renamed after something similar but newer has come into being. For example AM radio was just called ‘radio’ before the introduction of FM radio. Identify these retronyms
1. A musical instrument where strings are plucked, an adjective had to be added when a similar instrument with solid state circuitry became popular
2. Used to tell time for centuries, an adjective had to be added when the hands were dropped and time was told only using numbers.
3. This cleanser was made at home for a long time. Then it was sold in cake form. When a liquid form of the cleanser became popular, a new adjective had to be added.
≈ Side Show Stories   
Bonita Springs, FL: 43-year-old Laslo Mujzer was charged with petty theft after a shopper at the Coastland Center mall reported him for allegedly taking change from an outdoor fountain.
The money in the fountain is intended for the Habitat for Humanity of Collier County, but apparently Laslo didn't have quite enough for his morning latte.
≈ Calendar Information   
• Observance Weeks in May•
Bread Pudding Recipe Exchange Week
Be Kind To Animals Week
National Correctional Officer's Week
Children's Mental Health Week
Drinking Water Week
Flexible Work Arrangement Week
Kids Win Week
Dating and Life Coach Recognition Week
Intimate Apparel Market Week
Work At Home Moms Week
National Nurses Day and Week
National Tourism Week
• Today’s Observances—US/UN/World •
Birthmother's Day
International Migratory Bird Day
Have A Coke Day
Letter Carrier's Food Drive Day
Missouri : Harry S Truman's Birthday (1884)
Mother Ocean Day
National Babysitter's Day
National Miniature Golf Day
National Train Day
No Socks Day
V E Day
World Red Cross Day
• Today’s Observances—by country •
Helston, England : Furry Day: Street Dancing Festival
México : Hidalgo Day
Norway : Liberation Day
Ribe, Denmark : Stork Day: Gifts from the stork are given to children—chocolate, fruits, pencils
• Today’s Number One Songs in…
For anyone interested, all these songs are available on iTunes.
1948 Mañana (Is Soon Enough for Me) Peggy Lee
1958 All I Have to Do Is Dream The Everly Brothers
1968 Honey Bobby Goldsboro
1978 If I Can't Have You Yvonne Elliman
• Today’s Happenings•
In The Arts
1984 ►Joanie (Erin Moran) and Chachi (Scott Baio) got married on Happy Days!
In Athletics
1967 ►Muhammad Ali is indicted for refusing induction in US Army
1984 ►USSR announces it will not participate in Los Angeles Summer Olympics
In Business or Education
1886 ►Atlanta pharmacist (Jacob's Pharmacy) Dr John Styth Pemberton invents Coca Cola
1962 ►London trolley buses go out of service
In Politics
1792 ►US establishes military draft
1794 ►US Post Office established
1820 ►The Mi’kmaq Acadia First Nation reserve of Gold River is established in Nova Scotia.
1858 ►John Brown holds antislavery convention
In Science/ Religion
1944 ►1st eye bank opens (NYC)
1980 ►World Health Organization announced smallpox had been eradicated
• Today’s Births •
Artists, Writers, and Composers
David Attenborough, 84, author, naturalist (Life on Earth, Trials of Life)
Peter Benchley, 1940, New York NY, novelist (Jaws, The Deep)
Oscar Hammerstein, 1848, playwright, producer
Thomas Pynchon, 73, author (Vineland, V, Gravity’s Rainbow)
Sloan Wilson, 1920, novelist (Man in the Gray Flannel Suit)
Sonny Liston, 1934, US heavyweight boxing champ
Melissa Gilbert, 46, actress (“Little House on the Prairie,” The Miracle Worker)
Louis Moreau Gottschalk, 1829, 1st internationally recognized US pianist
Enrique Iglesias, 35, singer
Ricky (Eric Hilliard) Nelson, 1940, actor: The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet
Don Rickles, 84, comedian, actor
Toni Tennille, 67, singer (Captain & Tennille)
Business, Education Leaders
Thomas Hancock, 1786, founded British rubber industry
Political Leaders
Miguel Hidalgo y Castilla, 1753, father of Mexican independence
Harry S Truman, 1884, Lamar MO, 33rd US President
Scientists /Religious Leaders
Fulton J Sheen, 1895, TV bishop
• Today’s Obits •
Gustave Flaubert, 1880, French writer (Salammbô; Madame Bovary), stroke @ 59
John Stuart Mill, 1873, great Empiricist philosopher, @ 66
Edmond O'Brien, 1985, actor (Sam Benedict), Alzheimer's @ 69
George Peppard, 1994, actor (Breakfast at Tiffanys, A-Team), dies at 65
≈ ANSWERS to puzzle   
1. Acoustic guitar Before the invention of the solid-body electric guitar, all guitars amplified the sound of a plucked string with a resonating hollow body.
2. Analog (or analogue) watch Before the advent of the digital watch, all watches had faces and hands. After the advent of the digital watch, watches with faces and hands became known as analog watches.
3. Bar soap The common cake of soap used in the tub or shower was familiarly called "soap" or "bath soap"; the term "bar soap" arose with the advent of soaps in liquid and gel form.

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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.