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     TODAY’s “Geez”:
¬  565 - St Columba reported seeing monster in Loch Ness
¬ 1762 - 1st female (Ann Franklin) US newspaper editor, Newport RI, Mercury
¬ 1864 - International Red Cross forms
¬ 1848 - The United States annexes New Mexico
¬ 1944 - Hitler orders Paris to be destroyed 
¬ 1975 - McNichols Sports Arena in Denver opens
¬ 2007 - The Storm botnet, a botnet created by the Storm Worm, sends out a record 57 million e-mails in one day

     Free Rambling Thoughts…
Alas, another day of morning sunshine, afternoon clouds, and no moisture. I don’t know how they measure wind gusts…as there has been nothing that even resembles a breeze where I live. And if there is any wind in AZ, we have some of it off Mt. Elden.

I had my angioedema last night. What a pain. Took the pills early in the event, so didn’t have much swelling, but couldn’t sleep most of the night as the other part of this swelling is excess saliva. It was cleared up when I got up at 8am—really late for me, but I needed my rest. We all have our burdens, as this one is not as bad as many others burdens. The only problem is that it is my burden.

Tripoli seems to be on the verge of falling in Libya. Basically, all I know about Tripoli is the Marine Corps Hymm…’to the shores of Tripoli’. Now I know a little more…The US Marines were there during the Barbary War in the early 1800s. Tripoli was founded in the seventh century BC. It has been a sea port since then. Its sister cities include Bogotá, Algiers, Beirut, Izmir (Turkey), Madrid, Sarajevo, and Dubai. The city (pop: 1.1mil) is the commercial capital for the country ( pop: 6.4 mil). The news out of the country seems that a new government will take over soon. I’m paying attention to all news in Northern Africa as my Ethiopia trip is coming soon. I got an email today that part of our trip will be in Southern Ethiopia, the poorest part of the country. The Northern part usually accepts US$ and US credit cards, the southern part, not so much. We will also be visiting numerous tribal villages. I can hardly wait.

Late last week I saw a headline on AOL “Photographer refused to take pictures of Ugly People”. In today’s world, it turned out to be a great headline. The photographer’s PA business is taking high school senior pictures. She looked up some of the senior’s Facebook pages. She discovered that some of the seniors had posted very mean and hurtful comments about others in their class. Many of those posts were beyond typical high school posts. They were demeaning and full of hate. So she notified the parents of those with inappropriate comments and told them she would not be taking their child’s senior picture and told them why.  “If you are ugly on the inside, I’m sorry but I won’t take your photos to make you look pretty on the outside … I simply don’t want to photograph ugly people.” She says that some parents have apologized for their child’s posts and say they had no idea it was happening. The photographer says she hasn’t gotten any bad publicity for her decision. In these troubled economic times, she stood for what she believed.

My brother is back from Vietnam, and happy to be back. He enjoyed his time there but had to work 6 days a week. Laura is on a plane back from her MT Glamping. All is good for both of them.

     Trivia Quiz…(answers at the end of post)
1.      Which Heart was reinstituted as an honor in 1932?
2.      Which Tom starred in Three Men and a Little Lady?
3.      Singer Nat King Cole was also very talented on which musical instrument?
4.      What is the postal abbreviation for Montana?
5.      In which state was boardsailing or windsurfing invented?
6.      Robbie Coltrane and Whoopi Goldberg have played in films where their characters disguise themselves as what?
7.      Which famous Briton did Linda Eastman marry?
8.      Which spectral hound of the moors first appeared in a classic 1902 detective story?
9.      In football, what position is LB.
10.   Which country hosted the 1998 Winter Olympics?
11.   Which controversial American sportsman had the first names Orenthal James?

     Zoom-ed in Picture…Can you Identify what this is? (Answer at end of post)

¬ Average minutes more exercise per week that a heavey drinker gets than a non-drinker: 21

     Somewhat Useless Information…
¬ Until the Vietnam War, the number of U.S. soldiers killed in the Civil War (approximately 620,000 casualties) surpassed all other wars combined.
¬ The Korean War began on June 25, 1950 and ended on July 27, 1953. Although the primary combatants were North and South Korea, the Korean War also became a sort of war of political philosophies as the United States and the People's Republic of China/Soviet Union joined the fighting in an effort to promote their particular forms of government on the Korean peninsula. 
¬ The last execution in the Tower of London took place during World War II when Josef Jakobs, a German soldier, was captured while parachuting into England. 
¬ Winston Churchill was prominently involved in both World War I and World War II. Churchill filled several prominent positions during World War I including Minister of Munitions and First Lord of the Admiralty, as well as serving on the War Council. 
¬ The Battle of Actium, a naval confrontation between Mark Antony and Octavian, took place on September 2, 31 BC. In perhaps the best remembered battle of the Roman Civil War and is often said to mark the beginning of the Roman Empire.

     Yeah, It Really Happened…
LINCOLN, Neb. - A Nebraska sheriff said inmates at his county jail have been caring for two cats he adopted to help the men feel "a lot more at ease." Lincoln County Sheriff Jerome Kramer said jail inmates have recently been volunteering at a local animal shelter and their work inspired him to adopt a pair of cats for the prisoners to take care of, KNOP-TV, North Platte, Neb., reported Thursday.
"I asked myself, 'I wonder how those would work out in the jail,' as far as helping the guys pass time and make them feel a lot more at ease and less destructive to our facility. So, we adopted a couple of them and brought them back here," Kramer said. "We got their mug shots and put them in a couple of cells where we thought they would be better received. We gave the inmates a list of cat rules for caring for the cat such as cleaning their litter box. But they are waiting in line to take care of the cat," he said. "The studies show that it will help with relieving stress and give them something to do, something to occupy their time," the sheriff said.

     Guffaw…or at least smile…
A duck walked into a bakery one day and asked for a pork chop.
The baker said, "We aren't a butcher; we don't sell meat here."
So the duck left.
The following day the duck went back and asked again.
This time the Baker said, "No, if you come here again I will nail your feet to the floor."
The following day the duck returned and asked, "Have you any nails?"
The baker replied, "No." And the duck said, "Well, I'll have two pork chops then."
The judge warned the witness, “Do you understand that you have sworn to tell the truth?” “I do.”
“Do you understand what will happen if you are not truthful?”
“Sure,” said the witness. “My side will win.”

     Searchin’ “You Tube” I found…

     Daybook Information…
…Happening This Week:
19-28: Little League Baseball World Series
22-26: National Safe at Home Week

¬ Be An Angel Day
¬ National Tooth Fairy Day
¬ Southern Hemisphere Hoodie Hoo Day: A chant to yell if you are tired of winter

     Today’s Events:
·        IN ARTS
1911 - Mona Lisa stolen from Louvre (Recovered in 1913)
2004 - A version of The Scream and Madonna, two paintings by Edvard Munch, are stolen at gunpoint from a museum in Oslo, Norway
1965 - LA Dodger pitcher Juan Marachal hits SF Giant catcher John Roseboro on the head with his bat causing a 14 minute brawl
1989 - Nolan Ryan strikes out his 5,000th batter 
·        IN BUSINESS
1851 - Gold fields discovered in Australia
1984 - Last Volkswagen Rabbit produced
1670 - Hiacoomes preaches his first sermon to his Wampanoag people on Martha's Vineyard
1806 - Pike’s expedition has reached a village of the Little Osage near the forks of the Osage River in modern Missouri. He holds a council here with both the Grand and Little Osage.
1862 - Santee Sioux attack Fort Ridgely, MN
1877 - Nez Perce flee into to Yellowstone National Park
1642 - Civil War in England began between Royalists & Parliament
1788 - Sierra Leone, settled by British as a former haven for slaves
1798 - French troops land in Kilcummin harbor, County Mayo, Ireland to aid Wolfe Tone's United Irishmen's Irish Rebellion
1945 - Vietnam conflict begins as Ho Chi Minh leads a successful coup
1952 - The penal colony on Devil's Island is permanently closed
1962 - Failed assassination of President De Gaulle
·        IN RELIGION
1138 - English defeated Scots at Cowton Moor Banners of various saints were carried into battle which led to being called Battle of the Standard
1614 - Trades people under Vincent Fettmilch chase & plunder Jews out of ghetto in Frankfurt
1968 - 1st papal visit to Latin America (Pope Paul VI arrives in Bogota)
·        IN SCIENCE
1926 - Gold discovered in Johannesburg, South Africa
1989 - 1st complete ring around Neptune discovered
1902 - Pres Teddy Roosevelt became 1st US chief executive to ride in a car
1921 - J Edgar Hoover becomes asst director of FBI
1975 - Assassination attempt on President Gerald Ford

Ray[mond Douglas] Bradbury, sci-fi author (Fahrenheit 451) turns 91
1862 - Claude Debussy, composer (La Mer, Clair de lune)
1827 - Josef Strauss, Austria, composer (Dorfschwalben aus Austria)
·        ATHLETES
Michael Curry, NBA guard (Detroit Pistons, Milwaukee Bucks) turns 43
Carl Yastrzemski, Boston Red Sox great (1967 AL MVP, Hall of Fame) turns 72
Honor Blackman, actor, turns 85
Valerie Harper, (Mary Tyler Moore Show, Rhoda, Valerie) turns 71
1928 - John Lupton, actor (Tom-Broken Arrow)
Cindy Williams, actor ( Laverne and Shirley ) will be 64
Rick Yune, actor turns 40
Morton Dean, TV newscaster (CBS, ABC) turns 76
Giada De Laurentiis, Italian/American chef and television host turns 41
I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, White House Chief of Staff turns 61
1915 - James Hillier, Co-inventor of the electron microscope

     Today’s Obits:
1922 - Michael Collins, Irish nationalist leader, killed in ambush at 31
1926 - Charles William Elliot, Pres of Harvard (1869-1909), dies at 92
1485 - Richard III, king of England (1483-85), killed in battle at 32

Trivia Quiz
1.      Which Heart was reinstituted as an honor in 1932?
a.      Purple Heart: first issued in the Revolutionary War, then not until after WWI
2.      Which Tom starred in Three Men and a Little Lady?
a.      Selleck—also known for Magnum PI
3.      Singer Nat King Cole was also very talented on which musical instrument?
a.      Piano
4.      What is the postal abbreviation for Montana?
a.      MT
5.      In which state was boardsailing or windsurfing invented?
a.      California
6.      Robbie Coltrane and Whoopi Goldberg have played in films where their characters disguise themselves as what?
a.      Nuns in Sister Act
7.      Which famous Briton did Linda Eastman marry?
a.      Paul McCartney
8.      Which spectral hound of the moors first appeared in a classic 1902 detective story?
a.      Hound Of The Baskervilles
9.      In football, what position is LB.
a.      Linebacker
10.   Which country hosted the 1998 Winter Olympics?
a.      Japan—city of Nagano
11.   Which controversial American sportsman had the first names Orenthal James?
a.      OJ Simpson

Close Up Picture

Disclaimer: All opinions are mine…feel free to agree or disagree. All ‘data’ info is from the internet sites and is usually checked with at least one other source, but I have learned that every site has mistakes and sadly once out the information is out there, many sites simply copy it and is therefore difficult to verify. Also for events occurring before the Gregorian calendar was adopted [1582] may not be totally accurate.

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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.