June 22

FYI: Click on any blue text for a link to more information!

Today’s  Historical  Highlights
1808 - Zebulon Pike reaches his peak
1847 - Doughnut created
1868 - Arkansas re-enters US
1870 - Congress creates Department of Justice
1930 - Lou Gehrig hits 3 HRs in a game, Ruth hits 3 in doubleheader
1943 - WEB DuBois becomes 1st Black member of National Institute of Letters
1970 - Pres Nixon signs 26th amendment (voting age lowered to 18)
1990 - Florida passes a law prohibits wearing a throng bathing suit
1992 - Supreme Court rules "hate crime" laws violated free-speech rights
♪Happy Birthday To: ♪ 
                   Returns Tomorrow
 Free Rambling Thoughts   
An interesting medical day…all good in the end. For the past few days my lower legs have hurt when I walk. It was like the tendons had shrunk. It never hurt until I actually walked, not sitting, laying, or standing. I decided that I needed to get it checked before my trip next week. The Urgent Care Dr. said that I might have blood clots in my legs or it might be tendonitis caused by the antibiotic. I was sure it was the latter. He sent me to get my legs ultra sounded, then to come back at 3pm. A little worry took place until then. I got back to the clinic and he saw me right away. Again, I was right, he was just being overly cautious. The same guy I saw last time, and much nicer today. Clean bill of health with some pain pills. Nice. He said that tendonitis only happens in one in 10000 patients and that it will ‘heal’ in about a week. Lucky me. The pain is not intolerable, but I do have a very high pain threshold….which is why I waited so long to get the bronchitis fixed. The lady doing my ultra-sound and I had a nice talk about high pain thresholds and she agreed I probably had one. Yesterday I had some blood drawn for my yearly physical. I was joking with that lady, and she told me that the most stressful part of her job was listening to people who were upset with her at the amount of blood being taken…like she makes that determination. I don’t get why people get mad at people who are just doing their job and are helping determine if you have any medical problems. I guess all these medical people take classes in dealing with the difficult patient.

I gotta get serious about packing tomorrow. I keep putting off laying stuff out. I think it’s because I am leaving on a Tuesday…seems like such an odd time to begin a vacation. I reviewed the itinerary today. We will be on several safaris, some 4 wheeling, lots of local visits, and of course the Great Migration. Sound like a good trip…got my camera and video camera ready, charged them today.  

Game   Center: (answers at the end of post)
Brain Game—A close up picture of what?

NPR Sunday Puzzle A Little CO-Dependent
Every answer is a familiar two-word phrase or name, with the initials C.O. For example: Right to buy a stock later at a specified price. The answer: Call Option.
1.     Kitchen gadget for removing lids:
2.     Liquid product of a palm tree:
3.     Smallish group playing classical music:
4.     The Barber of Seville or Die Fledermaus:
5.     Chekov Play with The:
6.     Crime that may result in the death penalty:
7.     Any Army position about Sgt Major:
8.     Musical accompaniment for hymn:
9.     State Capitol between Harrisburg, PA and Indianapolis, IN:
10.  Feature of property in a kibbutz:
11.  A person with moral or religious reasons for not going to war:
12.  Archie Bunker of All in the Family:
13.  Basic brunch dish:
14.  Citrus Fruit from West Coast:
15.  Typical CIA plan:
16.  Sign at a nudist beach:

What is the answer?
What do the following names have in common?Donald Arnold Nevada Tiberius Tweedledum
4X4 Word Boxes
The answer to 1 across is the same word as the answer to 1 down; 2 across is the same as 2 down; etc. Can you solve these Word Boxes? Each answer is 3 letters.
1.     lie
2.     decorative material
3.     sore
4.     humble in spirit or manner
Lifestyle  Substance     
One Hit Wonders of the 1960’s
Mule Skinner Blues , The Fendermen, 1960
Alley-Oop, Hollywood Argyles, 1960
Sandy, Larry Hall, 1960

Harper’s Index         
Dae on which Saudi Arabia last executed a woman for sorcery: 12/12/11
Found on You Tube 
       returns tomorrow
Planet Earth—

The children had all been photographed, and the teacher was trying to persuade them each to buy a copy of the group picture.
"Just think how nice it will be to look at it when you are all grown up and say, "There's Jennifer; she's a lawyer,' or “That’s Michael, he's a doctor.'"
A small voice at the back of the room rang out, "And there's the teacher. She's dead."
Rules of Thumb   
Easy shortcuts to make an ‘educated’ guess
When scuba diving, don't rise to the surface any faster than the smallest bubbles you exhale.
Yeah, It Really Happened
BRAAS, Sweden - A Swedish man who has remained in his vehicle for more than 48 hours following a crash resulted in police receiving calls about a corpse in a car. Braas emergency services said they received a call about a man crashing his car into a ditch around 3:30 p.m. Saturday and they discovered the car was stuck in the ditch and 37-year-old driver, who appeared to be uninjured, refused to exit the vehicle, Swedish news agency TT reported Monday. A police spokesman said there are no laws against sitting in a car following a wreck, provided police are allowed to carry out the necessarily post-incident tests and reports. "If he's not really drunk or intoxicated we can't bring him in," the spokesman said. Police said the man may continue to sit in his car until the results of his drug test come back in two weeks. The driver told TT he didn't want to leave the disabled car alone on the roadway for fear of vandalism.             
Somewhat Useless Information   
Returns tomorrow

Calendar Information        
Happening This Week:
   Universal Father's Week
   Meet A Mate Week
   Old Time Fiddlers Week
   Watermelon Seed Spitting Week

Today Is                                                                      
National Chocolate Eclair Day
Stupid Guy Thing Day
Take Your Dog To Work Day
Ugliest Dog Day

Croatia: Antifascist Struggle Day (1941--marks the beginning of the uprising of Croatian anti-fascist Partisans against German and Italian occupying forces)  

Today’s Other Events                                                             
1497 - Antitax insurrection in Cornwall suppressed at Blackheath

1611 - Henry Hudson set adrift in Hudson Bay by mutineers on his ship Discovery & never seen again
1775 - 1st Continental currency issued ($3,000,000)
1832 - John Howe patents pin manufacturing machine
1839: Elias Boudinot, first editor of the Cherokee Phoenix, Chief Major Ridge (Kahnungdaclageh) and his son, John Ridge (Skahtlelohskee) are members of the CHEROKEE "Treaty Party". They have generated many enemies by their stand agreeing to the removal of the CHEROKEEs from their lands east of the Mississippi river. They signed the peace treaty which gave away CHEROKEE lands east of the Mississippi River. They moved to Indian Territory (Oklahoma) with the rest of the CHEROKEE Nation. Today, early in the morning, John Ridge will be dragged from his bed, and stabbed to death. Chief Major Ridge will be shot and killed at 10:00 am in another part of the reservation. Later that day, Elias Boudinot will also be stabbed and hacket to death. These murders were committed by Cherokee for what they felt was their treasonous betrayal of the nation. A Cherokee law, which Chief Ridge helped to make, gave the death penalty to any Cherokee which sold or gave away Cherokee lands without the majority of the tribe's permission. These deaths were considered the execution of that law. Chief Stand Watie, brother to Elias, and nephew to Major Ridge, managed to avoid the warriors who planned to kill him today
1874 - Game of lawn tennis introduced
1941 - President Franklin Roosevelt signs "GI Bill of Rights"
1959 - Eddie Lubanski bowls 2 consecutive perfect games
1978 - Neo-Nazis call off plans to march in Jewish community of Skokie, Ill
1979 - Little Richard quits rock & roll for religious pursuit
1981 - John McEnroe exhibits a disgraceful act of misbehavior at Wimbledon
1983 - "Monty Python's The Meaning of Life," released in France
1983 - 1st time a satellite is retrieved from orbit, by Space Shuttle
1985 - "Smuggler's Blues" by Glenn Frey peaks at #12
1991 - Underwater volcano, Mount Didicas, erupts in Philippines
2002 - An earthquake in western Iran measuring 6.5 on the Richter scale kills more than 261 people
2009 - Washington Metro subway crash: Two Metro trains collide in Washington, D.C., USA, killing 9 and injuring over 80

Today’s Birthdays                                                           
Remembered for being born on this day
Bill Blass, Ft Wayne Ind, fashion designer (Nancy Reagan) in 1922
Tom Dula, American folk character (Tom Dooley) in 1845
Nikolaj Eigtved, Danish architect (Christiansborg Castle) in 1701
Ebenezer Erskine, Scottish religious dissenter in 1680
Anne Morrow Lindbergh, author/aviator, Charles' wife (Gift from the Sea) in 1906
Mike Todd, American film producer in 1907
George Vancouver, surveyed Pacific coast from SF to Vancouver I in 1757

In their 70’s
Michael Lerner actor (8 Men Out, Harlem Nights) is 71
In their 60’s
Meryl Streep  American actress (French Lieutenant's Woman, Sophie's Choice) is 63
Lindsay Wagner  actress (Bionic Woman, Paper Chase, Nighthawks) is 63
In their 50’s
Cyndi Lauper  singer (Girls Just want to have Fun, Time after Time) is 59
In their 40’s
Amy Brenneman, actress (Janice-NYPD Blue) is 48
Today’s Obits                                                           
Fred Astaire, actor/dancer (Royal Wedding, Let's Dance), dies in 1987 at 88
George Carlin, American comedian, actor dies of heart failure in 2008 at 71
Dennis Day, actor/tenor (Jack Benny Show), dies of ALS in 1988 at 71
John Fisher, English bishop (1504-35)/cardinal, beheaded in 1535 at about 65
Judy Garland (Frances Ethel Gumm), actress (Wizard of Oz, Easter Parade), dies of an overdose in 1969 at 47
Dody Goodman, American comedienne dies in 2008 at 93
Ann Landers (Esther Lederer), American columnist dies in 2002 at 84
Moose (dog actor), dog actor popular for role on Frasier dies in 2006 at 16
Pat Nixon, 1st lady (1969-75), dies of lung cancer in 1993 at 81
David O Selznick, producer (Gone With the Wind), dies of heart attack in 1965 at 63

Brain Game: Close Up Picture

What is the answer?
Each begins with the name of a European River: Don, Arno, Neva, Tiber, Tweed
NPR Sunday Puzzle
1.     Kitchen gadget for removing lids: can opener
2.     Liquid product of a palm tree: coconut oil
3.     Smallish group playing classical music: chamber orchestra
4.     The Barber of Seville or Die Fledermaus: comic opera
5.     Chekov Play with The: Cherry Orchard
6.     Crime that may result in the death penalty: capital offense
7.     Any Army position about Sgt Major: commissioned officer
8.     Musical accompaniment for hymn: church organ
9.     State Capitol between Harrisburg, PA and Indianapolis, IN: Columbus OH
10.  Feature of property in a kibbutz: communal ownership
11.  A person with moral or religious reasons for not going to war: conscientious objector
12.  Archie Bunker of All in the Family: Carroll O’Conner
13.  Basic brunch dish: cheese omelet
14.  Citrus Fruit from West Coast: CA orange
15.  Typical CIA plan: covert operation
16.  Sign at a nudist beach: Clothes Optional

4X4 boxes
Disclaimer: All opinions are mine…feel free to agree or disagree.
All ‘data’ info is from the internet sites and is usually checked with at least one other source, but I have learned that every site has mistakes and sadly once out the information is out there, many sites simply copy it and is therefore difficult to verify. Also for events occurring before the Gregorian calendar was adopted [1582] the dates may not be totally accurate.
    And That Is All for Now 

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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.