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Flagstaff Almanac:  Week: 16/ Day: 105   Today: H 60°L 41°
Wind: ave:   11mph; Gusts:  29mph  Ave. humidity:  49%
*Averages: H  58° L 28° Records: H 75°(1937)L 5°(1972)

Quote of the Day

Today’s Historical Highlights
1st American school for the deaf opens (Hartford Conn)…1817
1st appearance of San Diego Chicken…1975
1st Olympic games close at Athens, Greece…1896
Bottle opener invented…1738
City of San Francisco incorporated…1850
Harley Procter introduces Ivory Soap…1878
Insulin becomes generally available for diabetics…1923
Magic Johnson sets NBA record for career assistswith 9,898…1991
North Korea shoots at US airplane above Japanese sea…1969
Samuel Johnson's A Dictionary of the English Language published in London…1755
Saturday mail delivery restored after Congress gives PO $41 million…1957

     Happy Birthday To: ♪. ♪   
How many can you identify?…answers in Today’s Birthdays

Free Rambling Thoughts   
A windy spring day…not bad, but not the best way to spend time outside.
Got a call early this morning that a former colleague had passed. Not really a shock, as I had seen him about a month ago and he was on Oxygen and didn’t have much spark. He was a great teacher who taught me a lot when we worked together at Tuba. I posted it on FB and got three phone calls from people who saw the post. He was only 65. Funeral is tomorrow here in Flag.
Watched my Sunday morning news shows and it was all about immigration reform and gun reform. So tired of the far right making up worst case scenarios to be against even the smallest changes. If they really ran the world, we would still be riding horses and have outdoor plumbing because motorized transportation and indoor plumbing could lead to laziness.
I’ve seen two interesting documentary reports this week. The latest is the 60 min story of Looking for Kony in Uganda. Very scary stuff, and somehow, they were not around in the areas we were in. Such a tragic story. The other was also on Uganda, and the moving of a tribe from the gorilla forest. Another sad story, but the Bantu people are adjusting. They had lived with the gorilla for centuries, but as the habitat of gorilla shrank, and the Bantu living on the same smaller land, the government moved them to the edge of the forest. I’m beginning to understand why we didn’t see much of the traditional culture of Uganda…and why Uganda has not yet caught up with the other African countries I have visited. Such a sad story.
Game  Center (answers at the end of post)
Brain Teasers
Below are incomplete words. Place three letters in each bracket so that you can complete the word on the left and begin the word on the right. Good luck.
  1. i (_ _ _) lar
  2. lat (_ _ _) ror
  3. phan (_ _ _) ato
  4. indica (_ _ _) toise
  5. sc (_ _ _) na
  6. thr (_ _ _) egal

Lifestyle  Substance:     
Found on You Tube with some relevance to today

Origins of Phrases
A man who is his own lawyer has a fool for a client
Meaning: Literal meaning.
This proverb is based on the opinion, probably first expressed by a lawyer, that self-representation in court is likely to end badly. As with many proverbs, it is difficult to determine a precise origin but this expression first began appearing in print in the early 19th century. An early example comes in The flowers of wit, or a choice collection of bon mots, by Henry Kett, 1814:
...observed the eminent lawyer, "I hestitate not to pronounce, that every man who is his own lawyer, has a fool for a client.
Ok, then?

Harper’s Index    
Portion of Germans who think they’d be better off without the Euro: 1/2  
The best desk at the office is the one where nobody else can see your computer screen.
Picture of the Day: North Korea

Unusual Fact of the Day
Horses can't vomit
A helicopter was flying around above Seattle when an electrical malfunction disabled all of the aircraft's electronic navigation and communications equipment. 
Due to the clouds and haze, the pilot could not determine the helicopter's position. The pilot saw a tall building, flew toward it, circled, and held up a handwritten sign that said "WHERE AM I?" in large letters. People in the tall building quickly responded to the aircraft, drew a large sign, and held it in a building window. Their sign said "YOU ARE IN A HELICOPTER." 
The pilot smiled, waved, looked at his map, determined the course to steer to SEATAC airport, and landed safely. After they were on the ground, the copilot asked the pilot how he had done it. 
"I knew it had to be the Microsoft Building, because they gave me a technically correct but completely useless answer."
Rules of Thumb:   
Easy shortcuts to make an ‘educated’ guess
 When in doubt, call a Protestant minister or a rabbi, "Doctor." Even if the person isn't a doctor, he (or she) will be flattered.    
Yeah, It Really Happened
TUMWATER, Wash. - Olympia Beer in Washington state is offering a $1 million reward for the "safe capture of Bigfoot," the legendary creature said to roam the Pacific Northwest. The Tumwater company posted a statement on its website saying "Olympia Beer and Bigfoot have been leaving footprints together in the Pacific Northwest since 1896," KCPQ-TV, Seattle, reported Thursday. "We have been sharing the same back yard for over a century and we believe it's time to do what has never been done, and that is to offer a one million dollar reward to anyone who can ensure the safe capture of Bigfoot. When we say safe capture that means Bigfoot has to be alive and breathing folks, with no wounds. That's right you can't use any act of violence, no guns/knives/boxing gloves/nets/etc, only sugar or sweets to lure him in," the statement reads. The company said only registered participants who capture the Sasquatch will be eligible for the $1 million reward. Olympia Beer said the project is being carried out in partnership with The Falcon Project, which it described as "the most penetrative search for Bigfoot ever conducted in the United States."  
Somewhat Useless Information   
  • China’s Beijing Duck Restaurant can seat 9,000 people at one time.
  • Chocolate contains phenylethylamine (PEA), a natural substance that is reputed to stimulate the same reaction in the body as falling in love.
  • Chocolate manufacturers currently use 40 percent of the world's almonds and 20 percent of the world's peanuts.
  • During the Alaskan Klondike gold rush, (1897-1898) potatoes were practically worth their weight in gold. Potatoes were so valued for their vitamin C content that miners traded gold for potatoes.
  • During World War II, bakers in the United States were ordered to stop selling sliced bread for the duration of the war on January 18, 1943. Only whole loaves were made available to the public. It was never explained how this action helped the war effort.
  • Fortune cookies were invented in 1916 by George Jung, a Los Angeles noodle maker.

Calendar Information        
Happening This Week:
The Masters Tournament
YoYo & Skill Toy Weekend
Bat Appreciation Week
Health Information Privacy and Security Week
National Crime Victims Rights Week
National Environmental Education Week
National Robotics Week
National Library Week
National Public Safety Telecommunicators (911 Operators) Week
Pan American Week
(Spring) Astronomy Week
Week of The Young Child
Undergraduate Research Week

Today Is                                                                      
Boston Marathon
Global Youth Service Day
Income Tax Pay Day
McDonald's Day 1955 1st opening
Take a Wild Guess Day
That Sucks Day
Rubber Eraser Day

Today’s Events through History  
1st telephone installed: Boston-Somerville…1877
General Electric Company, forms & is incorporated in NY…1892
Jackie Robinson goes hitless in his major league debut...1947
Johann S Bachs "Mattheus Passion" premieres in Leipzig…1729
Rand McNally publishes its first road atlas…1924
Titanic sinks at 2:27 AM off Newfoundland as band plays on…1912
US Secret Service inappropriate conduct scandal begins with at least 11 people
Victorio, and 22 WARM SPRINGS APACHE surrendered to Lt.Charles Merritt 
     at Ojo Caliente, New Mexico…1879 
William Wordsworth and his sister, Dorothy see a "long belt" of daffodils, 
     inspiring the former to pen I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud…1802

Today’s Birthdays                                                           
In their 90’s
Michael Ansara, actor [Broken Arrow] will be 91

In their 80’s
Adrian Cadbury, candy manufacturer (Cadbury, Schweppes) is 84
Roy Clark, Meherrin Va, country singer (Hee Haw) is 80

In their 60’s
Michael Tucci, actor is 67

In their 30’s
Seth Rogen, Canadian actor and writer is 31

Under 30
Emma Watson, Paris, France, actress (Hermione -Harry Potter Series) is 23

Remembered for being born today
Alfred S. Bloomingdale, American businessman [1916-1982]
Hans Conried, actor (Bullwinkle Show, Make Room for Daddy) [1917-1982]
Leonardo da Vinci, Italy, painter/sculptor/scientist/visionary [1452-1519]
Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev, First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union [1894-1971]
Kenneth Lay, American businessman [1942-2006]
Charles Willson Peale, US, port painter/inventor (George Washington) [1741-1827]
Kim II Sung, pres of North Korea (1945-94) [1912-1994]

Today’s Historical Obits                                                           
John Carver, first governor of Plymouth Colony…1621…at 45  
Greta Garbo, actress (Anna Karenina, Camille)…1990…at 84
Madame de Pompadour, mistress of King Louis XV of France…tuberculosis…1764…at 42  
Abraham Lincoln, 16th American president…gunshot wound…1865…at 56
Byron "Whizzer" White, CU football player/U.S. Supreme Court Justice…2002…at 84

Answer: Brain Teasers
  1. idol - dollar
  2. latter - terror
  3. phantom - tomato
  4. indicator - tortoise
  5. scare - arena
  6. thrill - illegal
Disclaimer: All opinions are mine…feel free to agree or disagree.
All ‘data’ info is from the internet sites and is usually checked with at least one other source, but I have learned that every site has mistakes and sadly once out the information is out there, many sites simply copy it and is therefore difficult to verify. Also for events occurring before the Gregorian calendar was adopted [1582] the dates may not be totally accurate.
§    And That Is All for Now  §

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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.