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Almanac: Flagstaff:  Week: 25/ Day: 173   Today: H 78°L 46°
Wind: ave:   17mph; Gusts:  34mph  Ave. humidity:  22%
·        Red Flag Warning
Ave low
Ave high
Record low
Record high
31° (1947)
94° (1954)

Quote of the Day

Today’s Historical Highlights
1st Boardwalk in America invented…1870
1st time a satellite is retrieved from orbit, by Space Shuttle…1983
2nd abdication of Napoleon (after Waterloo)…1815
Barnburners (anti-slavery) party nominates Martin Van Buren for Pres…1848
Bonnie Prince Charles sails to Scotland…1745
Congress creates Department of Justice…1870
Doughnut created…1847
Pres Nixon signs 26th amendment (voting age lowered to 18)…1970
President Franklin Roosevelt signs "GI Bill of Rights"…1941

 Today’s Birthdays:    
How many can you identify?…answers in Today’s Birthdays

My Free Rambling Thoughts   
A nice Friday with some clouds…no rain…another Fire Warning Day…but the clouds were a good sign.
Tomorrow our discussion group is going to be discussing ‘Threat Assessment’. Some good articles and should be a good discussion. Such a complicated issue.
Two interesting stories from the deep south. The first is Sanford, FL where the Trevan Martin case is moving along. The city is concerned that ‘outsiders’ will appear and start violence is Zimmerman is found innocent or if he is convicted. Then there is the Paula Deen situation. I’ve always been a sucker for a down home Southern woman’s accent. I have seen her on TV with her recipes that have enough butter to clog America’s arteries; I have seen her get through the image problem with her recently diagnosed diabetes….many saying it is because of her poor eating habits that she has passed on to America’s cook. Now that she has admitted to having used the N-word in the past, and admitted that she suggested a wedding dinner for her son with all black wait staff to make a true plantation era extravaganza, she is in a lot of trouble. Today it was announced that her cooking show will not be renewed at the end of the month. From my point of view, these two stories show that much of America has never moved on from racism. We may have many blacks in high paying jobs; many blacks in our court system; many blacks in politics; and even a black president but the deep feels of racism have not gone away.

Game  Center (answers at the end of post)
Brain Teasers
Can you take three letters away from a four-letter word and manage to have it mean the same thing?
Lifestyle  Substance:     
Found on You Tube with some relevance to today

99 percent of lawyers give the rest a bad name.
Ok, then?

Harper’s Index    
  • Amount of the NRA Victory Fund spend on  the 2012 election: $11,159,493
  • Percentage of that spending that went to support winning candidates: 0.44
  • Estimated portion of the world’s privately owned buns that are owned by Americans” 1/2
  • Number of US children under the age of 13 killed by firearms 2006-2011: 1/4

Picture of the Day: Iran

Unusual Fact of the Day
While Santa’s sleigh seems to make pit stops the world over, he might need to cross Saudi Arabia off his to-do list. According to law, the country bans anything and everything having to do with Christmas, including putting up Christmas lights and trees.
A husband and wife were at a party chatting with some friends when the subject of marriage counseling came up. "Oh! We’ll never need that. My husband and I have a great relationship," the wife explained. "He was a communications major in college, and I majored in theater arts.
He communicates really well, and I just act like I'm listening."
Rules of Thumb:   
Easy shortcuts to make an ‘educated’ guess
 If you find 3 or more typos in the menu, ask for bottled water; 6 or more, consume only that water; 9 or more, take the menu home as a souvenir.    
Yeah, It Really Happened
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game says a black bear mauled a man at a campground north of Anchorage. A spokesman said the bear was "pretty much goaded" into the attack near Eklutna Lake Campground because the man fed it meat from a church barbecue.
Alaska State Troopers spokeswoman Beth Ipsen says the man had been drinking and went for a bike ride, taking some of the food along. He came across the bear and threw it a piece of meat. When he offered the bear another piece, it attacked.
The man was treated for punctures wounds and scratches at an Anchorage hospital. As an added bonus he may be charged with illegally feeding wildlife.
Somewhat Useless Information   
  • One of the most celebrated artists in the world, Pablo Picasso was so poor early in his career that he stayed warm by burning some of his drawings.
  • Picasso was named after just a few saints and relatives. He was baptized Pablo Diego Jose Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Maria de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santisima Trinidad Martyr Patricio Clito Ruiz y Picasso.
  • His first word was "piz," short for lapiz, the Spanish word for pencil.
  • Picasso completed his first painting - Le picador - when he was only nine years old. He was 13 years old when he had his first exhibit, showing his paintings in the back room of an umbrella store.
  • Picasso was once a terrible student who rebelled against authority and spent too much of his time in detention. 
  • In 2006, casino mogul Steve Wynn was prepared to sell the painting "Le Reve," for $139 million. The day before the sale was to be complete, he accidentally put his elbow through the canvas.  

Calendar Information        
Happening This Week:
Meet A Mate Week
Old Time Fiddlers Week

Universal Father's Week

Today Is                                                                      
·        ARRL (American Radio Relay League) Field Day
·        Great American Backyard Campout
·        National Chocolate Éclair Day
·        Polar Bear Swim
·        Stupid Guy Thing Day
·        Croatia: Antifascist Struggle Day (against German and Italian occupying forces, 1941)

Today’s Events through History  
1st Continental currency issued ($3,000,000)…1775
Dr Andrew T Still, discovers the science of osteopathy…1874
Future Queen Elizabeth of England meets future husband Philip…1939
Game of lawn tennis introduced…1874
Henry Hudson set adrift in Hudson Bay by mutineers on his ship Discovery & 
     never seen again…1611
Joe Louis KOs Max Schmeling at 2:04 of 1st round at Yankee Stadium…1938
Prince Charles & Lady Diana take Prince William home from hospital…1982
Royal Greenwich Observatory established in England by Charles II…1675

Today’s Birthdays                                                           
In their 80’s
Dianne Feinstein, 1st female mayor of SF/(Sen-D-Ca) is 80
Ralph Waite, actor and director (Cool Hand Luke, The Waltons) is 85

In their 70’s
Kris Kristofferson, singer/actor (Amerika, Millenium) is 77

In their 60’s
Don Henley, drummer/singer (Eagles, Boys of Summer) is 66
Cyndi Lauper, American singer (Girls Just want to have Fun, Time after Time) is 60
Todd Rundgren, singer/guitarist (Hello it's Me) is 64
Meryl Streep, actress (French Lieutenant's Woman, Sophie's Choice) is 64
Lindsay Wagner, actress (Bionic Woman, Paper Chase, Nighthawks) is 64

In their 50’s
Clyde "Glide" Drexler, NBA Guard (Houston Rockets, Port Trailblazers) is 51

In their 40’s
Amy Brenneman, actress (Janice-NYPD Blue) is 49
Dan Brown, author of thriller fiction (The Da Vinci Code) is 49
Carson Daly, television personality is 40
Remembered for being born today
Bill Blass, fashion designer (Nancy Reagan) [1922-2002]
Ed Bradley, CBS news correspondent (60 Minutes) [1941-2006]
"Pistol" Pete Maravich, NBA star (Atlanta Hawks) [1947-1988]
Anne Morrow Lindbergh, author/aviator, Charles' wife [1906-2001]
Freddie Prinze, comedian/actor (Chico & the Man) [1954-1977]
Mike Todd, [Avrom Goldbogen], US director (80 days) [1909-1958]
George Vancouver, surveyed Pacific coast from SF to Vancouver [1757-1798]
Billy Wilder, dir (Some Like It Hot, Apartment, Stalag 17) [1906-2002]

Today’s Historical Obits                                                           
Fred Astaire, actor/dancer (Royal Wedding, Let's Dance)…1987…at 87
George Carlin, comedian, actor…heart failure…2008…at 71
Dennis Day, actor/tenor (Jack Benny Show)…ALS…1988…at 71
Judy Garland, actress (Wizard of Oz, Easter Parade)…overdose…1969…at 47
Dody Goodman, American comedienne…2008…at 93
Pat Nixon, 1st lady (1969-75)…lung cancer…1993…at 81

Answer: Brain Teasers
Five, if you take away F, I, and E, it leaves V which is t he Roman numeral for five.
Disclaimer: All opinions are mine…feel free to agree or disagree.
All ‘data’ info is from the internet sites and is usually checked with at least one other source, but I have learned that every site has mistakes and sadly once out the information is out there, many sites simply copy it and is therefore difficult to verify. Also for events occurring before the Gregorian calendar was adopted [1582] the dates may not be totally accurate.
§    And That Is All for Now  §

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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.