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Flagstaff Almanac: Day: 274 / Week: 40 
October Averages: 62° \ 32°

    Holiday Observances Today:
Balloons Around The World Day
CD Player Day
Fall Astronomy Day

Fire Pup Day
International Day of Older Persons
International Music Day 
Model T Day
National Lace Day1 
UN International Day of Older Persons
World Card Making Day

World Vegetarian Day
Armed Forces Day (South Korea-1950)
Independence Day (Cyprus-1960-from UK)
Independence Day (Nigeria-1960-from UK)
National Day (People’s Rep. of China-since 1949)    

Quote of the Day

Historical Highlights for Today
1653 - Russian parliament accepts annexation of Ukraine
1746 - Bonnie Prince Charlie flees to France
1829 - South African College is founded in Cape Town,; later to separate into the University of Cape Town and the South African College Schools.
1843 - News of the World began publication in London.
1867 - Karl Marx' "Das Kapital" published
1880 - John Philip Sousa becomes new director of US Marine Corps Band
1888 - National Geographic magazine publishes for 1st time
1890 - Yosemite National Park forms

1891 - Stanford University opens its doors.
1907 - Plaza Hotel (5th Av & 59th Str, NY) opens
1908 - Henry Ford introduces the Model T car (costs $825)
1918 - Arab forces under T. E. Lawrence ("Lawrence of Arabia") capture Damascus.
1928 - USSR launches its first 5-year plan
1937 - Pullman Co formally recognizes Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters
1942 - Little Golden Books (children books) begins publishing
1948 - California Supreme Court voids state statute banning interracial marriages
1949 - Republic of China (Taiwan) forms on island of Formosa
1964 - Free Speech Movement launched at University of California, Berkley
1971 - Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida opens
1982 - EPCOT Center opens in Orlando Florida
1984 - Gary Trudeau's Doonesbury comic strip resumes after 2-year hiatus
1994 - South African President Nelson Mandela visits US
  Birthdays Today:   
How many can you identify? Answers below in Birthday’s Today

My Rambling Thoughts   
Back in Dublin we visited Trinity College and the Book of Kells that are located in the ‘long room’. What a site. Rows and Rows of books about 12 shelves high. Interestingly the books are categorized in some very strange way that has to do with the size of the book and when it was received. These ancient texts are now on a data base. The potential reader looks up the title-say Alice in Wonderland’. The data base says that it can be found at D-ff-27. The librarian goes to Row D. One side of Row D is single letters of the alphabet, the other side is double letters. Then it is to shelf ‘ff’ and then count the books till you get to the 27th book on the shelf. The librarian pulls out the book and takes it to the reading room, sorry no checkouts. An amazingly simple and complicated system. Then it was off to St. Patrick’s Cathedral, which is Irish Anglican-not Catholic. Beautiful. Then off to Kilmainham Gaol, a prison. It kept lots of prisoners, many political who were involved in the many failed uprisings and rebellions from 1798 until is closure in the early 1900’s. Very depressing since it housed women and children and men in the same place. Many of the women and children were arrested for stealing food during the Famine. Lots of excursions and lots of people sent by ship to Australia.  We saw so much history today, by the end of the day, I was exhausted mentally.
Fall seems to have arrived in Flag. It was quite chilly this morning. It turned out to be a nice day.
I had 24 phone messages on my home machine. Most were hang ups from robo-calls. One turned out quite beneficial. My mother’s financial advisor’s new assistant called to talk about some investments Mom had that were never turned over to us. A little upset, because I was told there were no more investments. Anyway, my brother and I spent the day on the phone, tracking down the investments and the stock she had that we didn’t know about. We will have lots of paperwork, but it will pay off well and I will be able to have a few trips in the future because of these windfalls.
Game  Center (answers at the end of post)
Brain Teasers
For each clue below, think of a common expression which mentions two body parts.
Some phrases refer to two different body parts (mix), others use the same body part twice (match). 
Example: The law of retaliation. Answer: An eye for an eye.

1. To be in agreement
2. A couple strolling
3. Suddenly in love
4. Intimate discussion
5. Very expensive
6. Done at a ballroom
7. Poor, nothing extra

Bonus: The title of this children's action song mentions four different body parts.

Found on You Tube with some relevance to today

OK Then…

Paraphernalia 4 the Brain:     
Age Facts…
Shirley Henderson, the girl who played Moaning Myrtle (the ghost in the bathroom) was actually 37 years old when she played the character in the Harry Potter series.

Brain Facts…
You can only remember 4 things at a time.

Computer Facts…
Hewlett Packard was started at a garage in Palo Alto in 1939.

Flagstaff, AZ History…
The gates at Glen Canyon Dam have been opened further to increase the flow to 6,000 cubic feet per second. The water is on the way to Lake Mead, where an outflow of 1,000 cubic feet per second will allow it to fill its downstream obligations. There is hope that power generation can begin at Glen Canyon soon.

Fun Facts…
Milt, known as a delicacy around the world, is actually fish sperm.

Harper’s Index…
Percentage more per patient that Medicare pays the average male doctor htan the average female doctor: 24
Percentage of US doctors who say they would discourage an aspirant from joining the profession: 9/10
Rules of Thumb…   
In general, people will not walk more than 14 or 15 steps to throw away a piece of trash, so place trash cans at most every 25 paces (so that people always find they're within 13 steps of a receptacle). 

Unusual Fact of the Day…
Omar Knedlik of Coffeyville, Kansas, invented the Icee (also called a Slurpee, Slush, or Mr. Misty) in the late 1950s. The first flavor he offered was root beer.
A young woman went to her doctor complaining of pain.
"Where are you hurting?" asked the doctor."You have to help me, I hurt all over", said the woman.
"What do you mean, all over?" asked the doctor, "be a little more specific."
The woman touched her right knee with her index finger and yelled, "Ow, that hurts." Then she touched her left cheek and again yelled, "Ouch! That hurts, too." Then she touched her right earlobe, "Ow, even THAT hurts", she cried. The doctor checked her thoughtfully for a moment and told her his diagnosis, "You have a broken finger."

Yep, It Really Happened
Known fact: turtles are not illegal in Canada (or the United States), so I am not sure what the advantage of smuggling them across the border might be... which is what makes this story particularly bizarre. 
It seems a Canadian was caught at the border with 51 live turtles stuffed down his pants. His is now facing charges in the U.S. over an alleged reptile smuggling operation. 
The U.S. federal court documents show officers with the Canada Border Services Agency intercepted Kai Xu as he attempted to cross into Windsor, Ont., from Detroit last month (apparently a hotbed of turtle smuggling).
"During the secondary inspection, Xu was found to have 51 live turtles taped to his person," Kenneth Adams, a special agent with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, stated in an affidavit. 
"Specifically, Xu had 41 turtles taped to his legs and 10 hidden between his legs."
Canadian authorities seized the turtles, which included North American varieties such as eastern box turtles, red-eared sliders and diamondback terrapins - some of which sell for $800 each - and turned them over to American officials. 
And this isn't even the first time Xu has been caught with contraband reptiles. It is speculated that the cache was headed for China where turtles are apparently prized as food or pets.

Somewhat Useless Information   
Genoa in Italy, called ‘Gene’ by sixteenth – century Europeans, was the first city to make denim cloth and was famous for its cotton corduroy.
Jeans used to be exported by sailors during the Republic of Genoa throughout Europe.
It is said that ‘Gênes’, the French word for Genoa, may therefore be the origin of the word “jeans”.
Pluto is not exactly a planet but the largest object in the Kuiper belt, as well as the tenth-most-massive body observed directly orbiting the Sun.
However, did you know that Russia, the largest country by land mass on Earth (17,098,322 square kilometers) is bigger than Pluto?
Pluto has a land mass of just 16,647,940 square kilometers!
Check Your Calendar
Observances This Month:
Adopt A Dog Month 
Adopt A Shelter Dog Month
AIDS Awareness Month 
American Cheese Month
American Pharmacists Month 
Antidepressant Death Awareness Month
Apple Month 

Bat Appreciation Month
Black Speculative Fiction Month  
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Bullying Prevention Month 
(World) Blindness Awareness Month 

Caffeine Addiction Recovery Month
Celiac Disease Awareness Month
Celebrating The Bilingual Child Month
Children's Magazine Month
Christmas Seal Campaign 
Church Library Month
Church Safety and Security Month
Class Reunion Month 
Co-op Awareness Month
Country Music Month 
Cut Out Dissection Month

Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Down Syndrome Awareness Month 
Dyslexia Awareness Month

Eat Better, Eat Together Month
Emotional Intelligence Awareness Month
Emotional Wellness Month
Employee Ownership Month 
Energy Management is a Family Affair-Improve Your Home Month 
Eye Injury Prevention Month  

Fair Trade Month 
Financial Planning Month 
Feral Hog Month or Hog Out Month  

Gay & Lesbian History Month
German-American Heritage Month
Global ADHD Awareness Month 
Global Diversity Awareness Month
Go Hog Wild - Eat Country Ham

Halloween Safety Month
Head Start Awareness Month 
Health Literacy Month
Home Eye Safety Month

Italian-American Heritage Month 
International Augmentative & Alternative Communication (AAC) Awareness Month
International Starman Month
International Strategic Planning Month
International Walk To School Month  
Intergeneration Month

LGBT History Month 
Long Term Care Planning Month

Month of Free Thought

National AIDS Awareness Month  
National Animal Safety and Protection Month
National Arts & Humanities Month
National Audiology Awareness Month
National Bake and Decorate Month
National Book Month 
National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month
National Caramel Month  
National Chili Month
National Chiropractic Health Month
National Cookbook Month
National Crime Prevention Month
National Critical Illness Awareness Month
National Cyber Security Awareness Month 
National Dental Hygiene Month
National Disability Employment Awareness Month 
National Depression Education & Awareness Month
National Disability Employment Awareness Month
National Domestic Violence Awareness Month
National Down Syndrome Month
National Ergonomics Month 
National Family Sexuality Education Month - Let's Talk! 
National Field Trip Month
National "Gain The Inside Advantage" Month
National Go On A Field Trip Month
National Kitchen & Bath Month 
National Liver Awareness Month
National Medical Librarian Month
National Orthodontic Health Month
National Physical Therapy Month
National Popcorn Poppin' Month
National Pork Month 
National Protect Your Hearing Month 
National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month 
National Reading Group Month
National Roller Skating Month
National RSV Awareness Month 
National Sarcastic Awareness Month
National Seafood Month 
National Spina Bifida Awareness Month
National Stamp Collecting Month
National Stop Bullying Month
National Substance Abuse Prevention Month 
National Toilet Tank Repair Month 
National Window Covering Safety Month 
National Work and Family Month
National Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Awareness Month

Organize Your Medical Information Month

Photographer Appreciation Month
Pizza Month 
Polish American Heritage Month
Positive Attitude Month

Raptor Month
Rett Syndrome Awareness Month
Right Brainers Rule! Month

Sausage Month 
Self-Promotion Month
Spinach Lovers Month
Squirrel Awareness Month  

Tackling Hunger Month    
Talk About Prescriptions Month

Vegetarian Month

Wishbones for Pets Month 
Women Walking In Their Own Shoes Month
Workplace Politics Awareness Month
World Menopause Month

Observances This Week:
--- 1-7
National Walk Your Dog Week 
Universal Children's Week

            Today’s Events through History  
1189 - Grandmaster of the Knights Templar is killed in the Siege of Acre.
1893 - 3rd worst hurricane in US history kills 1,800 (Mississippi)
1910 - Explosion at LA Times kills 21
1931 - The second (and current) Waldorf-Astoria Hotel is opened in New York.
1945 - Heavyweight champ Joe Louis is discharged from army
1955 - "Honeymooners" premieres
1962 - Barbra Streisand signs her 1st recording contract (with Columbia)
1962 - Johnny Carson hosts his 1st Tonight Show, Joan Crawford guests
1988 - Mikhail Gorbachev became president of Soviet Union
1990 - US President Bush at UN, condemns Iraq's takeover of Kuwait
2005 - Bombing kills 23 people in Bali
2013 - A partial United States federal government shutdown
Birthday’s Today                                                        
Jimmy Carter, Plains, Georgia, 39th US President is 90
Julie Andrews, actress/singer (Sound of Music, Mary Poppins) is 79
Stella Stevens, actress (Girls! Girls!, Manitou) is 76
Randy Quaid, actor (Midnight Express) is 64
Mark McGwire, MLB 1st baseman is 51
Cindy Margolis, Model/actress is 49

Remembered for being born today
James Lawrence, naval hero (War of 1812-"Don't give up the ship!") (1781-1813)
William Edward Boeing, founded aircraft co (Boeing) (1881-1956)
Vladimir Horowitz, Ukraine, pianist (Carmen) (1903-1989)
Bonnie Parker, outlaw (Bonnie and Clyde), (1910-1934)
Walter Matthau, actor (Odd Couple, Bad News Bears) (1920-2000)
James Whitmore, actor (1921-2009) 
William Rehnquist, Supreme Court chief justice, (1924-2005)
Tom Bosley, actor (Howard-Happy Days, Murder She Wrote) (1927-2010)
George Peppard, actor (Banacek, A-Team) (1925-1994)
Richard Harris, Ireland, actor (Man Called Horse)/singer (1930-2002)
Historical Obits Today                                                           
Filaret, [Fjodor N Romanov], patriarch of Moscow, 1633, @89
E. B. White, author (New Yorker, Charlotte's Web), 1985, @86
Curtis E LeMay, USAF General/VP candidate, 1990, @83
Tom Clancy, Author 'The Hunt for Red October', heart, 2013, @66
Louis Leakey, English anthropologist, heart attack, 1972, @68
Patrick McGeown, IRA politician, 1996, @40
Brain Teasers                                         
1. See eye to eye
2. Walk hand in hand (or arm in arm)
3. Fall head over heels (in love)
4. Have a heart to heart
5. Cost an arm and a leg
6. Dance cheek to cheek
7. Living hand to mouth

Bonus: "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes"
Disclaimer: All opinions are mine…feel free to agree or disagree.
All ‘data’ info is from the internet sites and is usually checked with at least one other source, but I have learned that every site contains mistakes and sadly once the information is out there, many sites simply copy it and is therefore difficult to verify. Also for events occurring before the Gregorian calendar was adopted [1582] the dates may not be totally accurate.
§…And That Is All for Now…§

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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.