Aug 2

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Aug 2, 2017 Week: 31 \ Day: 214
86004 Today: H 79° \ L 60°
Average Sky Cover: 20% 
Wind ave:   9mph\Gusts:  18mph
Visibility: 10 mi
Aug Averages: 80°\49°
Aug Records: H: 93° (1902) L: 24(1968)
Record High: 93°[1902]   Record Low: 43°[1976]
Quote of the Day
There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept.
  Ansel Adams
Observances Today
Earth Over Shoot Day or Ecological Debt Day Link

International Albarino Day Link
National Coloring Book Day Link


Observances This Week
International Clown Week Link

National Minority Donor Awareness Week
Simplify Your Life Week Link
World Breastfeeding Week Link

Today’s Significant US Historical Events
 Today’s Significant International Historical Events 
1610 Henry Hudson enters bay later named after him, the Hudson Bay

1701 Great Peace of Montreal signed between New France and North American Indian nations at urging of Huron chief Kondiaronk
1776 Formal signing of the US Declaration of Independence by 56 people (date most accepted by modern historians)
1790 1st US census conducted, the population was 3,939,214 including 697,624 slaves

1819 1st parachute jump in US
1858 1st mailboxes installed in Boston & NYC streets
1865 Lewis Carroll publishes "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland"
1870 Tower Subway, the world's first underground tube railway, opens in London.
1873 1st trial run of SF cable car, Clay Street between Kearny & Jones
1875 1st roller skating rink opens (London)
1877 SF Public Library opens with 5,000 volumes
1880 British Parliament officially adopts Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)

1909 1st Lincoln head pennies minted
1928 Benito Mussolini signs peace treaty with Abyssinia (Ethiopia)
1934 1st airplane train, plane tows 3 mail gliders behind it
1943 Lt John F. Kennedy's PT-boat 109 sinks at Solomon islands
1961 Beatles 1st gig as house band of Liverpool's Cavern Club
1964 North Vietnam fires on a US destroyer in the Gulf of Tonkin incident which would eventually escalate US involvement in the Vietnam War
1967 "In the Heat of the Night" directed by Norman Jewison and starring Sidney Poitier and Rod Steiger premieres in New York (Best Picture 1968)
1970 Rubber bullets used for the first time in Northern Ireland during 'The Troubles'
1973 "American Graffiti" directed by George Lucasand starring Richard Dreyfuss and Ron Howard premieres at the Locarno International Film Festival, Switzerland
1986 Jackie Joyner-Kersee (US) sets record for heptathlon (7161 pts)
1990 US President George H. W. Bush orders troops to Saudi Arabia
1995 Saudi Arabia's King Fahd issues a decree replacing all members of the Council of Ministers who do not have blood ties so the royal Family

2008 "Breaking Dawn", 4th book in Stephenie Meyer's "Twilight Saga" is published by Little Brown at midnight with a print run of 3.7 million copies

My Rambling Thoughts
I knew it has been a fairly wet monsoon season. Today the weatherman sez we had 4.6” of precipitation in July, while the normal is 2.7”. And more rain is on the way. So great for our forest.

So I took off this morning to get some new bedroom slippers on the other side of town. I’m busy searching the selections and my phone rings. I answer the call and when I put it back I realize I didn’t have my wallet. Checked all my pockets, and remembered I had on clean pants and forgot to pick up my wallet. I put the wallet on a table right by the bedroom door, so I will see it when I leave the bedroom. Not today. So I had to come home, driving much more carefully than usual, without any purchase. Bummed.

Over the years in Education, I had a few times where I did not agree with the board. I would try my best to explain my position, but in the end the board was boss on local decisions. I had to swallow my pride and simply drop the matter. In most cases, it would come up again in a better time, and the board would agree with me. Other times, it was just forgotten. In either case, the board and I just moved on to other things. I am reminded of this as the Senate is still trying to revitalize the Repeal and Replace. My advice, just drop it. This is NOT the right time or the right place to continue a losing battle. After 50+ votes to repeal and replace have not passed, just drop it and move on.

Birthdays Today
@-  indicates age at death
@93- Shimon Peres,
Israeli Prime Minister (Labor), President (2007-14) and Nobel Peace Prize (1994), born in Wiszniewo, Poland
(d. 2016)

@88- Myrna Loy,
American actress (Jazz Singer, Thin Man, Vanity Fair), born in Helena, Montana
(d. 1993)
@81- Peter O'Toole,
Ireland, actor (Lord Jim, Beckett, Lawrence of Arabia),
(d. 2013)

@78- John Pinkerton,
English computer scientist who designed the first business computer in England, the LEO computer, born in London
(d. 1997)
@76- Carroll O'Connor,
American actor (All in the Family, In the Heat of the Night), born in NYC
(d. 2001)
@76- Wes Craven,
American film director (Nightmare on Elm Street, Scream), born in Cleveland, Ohio
(d. 2015)
@75- Frank Alvord Perret,
American volcanologist renowned for his research at Vesuvius, Etna, Stromboli and Kilauea, born in Philadelphia,
(d. 1943)
75- Isabel Allende,
Chilean-American author, novelist (The House of the Spirits, City of the Beasts) and Nobel Prize winner, born in Lima, Peru
72- Jewell Jackson McCabe,
American feminist and social and political activist who led the National Coalition of 100 Black Women movement in the 1970s, born in Washington, D.C.
@70- Pierre Charles L'Enfant,
French-born American architect who laid out Washington, D.C., born in Paris
(d. 1825)
@70- Frédéric-Auguste Bartholdi,
French sculptor (designed the Statue of Liberty), born in Colmar, France
(d. 1904)

67- Lance Ito,
judge (O.J. Simpson trial)
@65- Elisha Grey,
inventor (Telephone)
(d. 1901)
@63- James Baldwin,
American author (Go Tell it on Mountain, Another Country), born in Harlem
(d. 1987)

53- Mary-Louise Parker,
Ft Jackson SC, actress (Fried Green Tomatoes)

41- Michael Weiss,
figure skater (1997 World Champ-7th), born in Washington, D.C.
41-Sam Worthington,
movie actor (Avatar)
40- Edward Furlong,
movie actor

Historical Obits Today
@75-1922 Alexander Graham Bell,
Scottish-born British American inventor (telephone),
diabetes complications
@73-1965 N. Howell Furman,
American Chemist whose work on separating uranium contributed to the development of the atomic bomb

@65-1998 Shari Lewis,
American puppeteer and ventriloquist (Lamb Chop),
@63-1859 Horace Mann,
American education advocate
@61-1788 Thomas Gainsborough,
English painter (Blue Boy)

@57-1923 Warren G. Harding,
29th Pres (1921-23),
heart attack

@48-1978 Totie Fields, [Sophie Feldman],
blood clot
@48-1921 Enrico Caruso,
Italian opera singer,

@39-1876 Wild Bill" Hickok [James Butler],
American cowboy and scout,
shot dead from behind by Jack McCall while playing poker. He held a pair of Aces and a pair of 8's.

Disclaimer: All opinions are mine…feel free to agree or disagree.
All ‘data’ info is from the internet sites and is usually checked with at least one other source, but I have learned that every site contains mistakes and sadly once the information is out there, many sites simply copy it and is therefore difficult to verify. Also for events occurring before the Gregorian calendar was adopted [1582] the dates may not be totally accurate.
☼☼☼☼…And That Is All for Now…☼☼☼☼

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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.