Feb 27

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Feb 27, 2019 Week: 09 \ Day: 58
86004 Today: H 50° \ L 15° \ Average Sky Cover: 5% 
Wind:   6mph\Gusts:  9mph Visibility: 10 mi
Record High: 54°[1921]   Record Low: -12°[1962]
FebAverages: 45°\19°

Today’s Quote

Consider what each soil will bear, and what each refuses.

Random Tidbits

The oldest known recipe is for a 4,000-year-old beer made by the Sumerians.

Sumerian’s neighbors, the Egyptians, built the pyramids under the influence. Workers at Giza received about four liters of beer a day, according to Patrick McGovern, a biomolecular archaeologist at the University of Pennsylvania.

Observances This Week
National Justice for Animals Week: 24-3/2 Link  Link
National Pasty Week: 24-3/2  
Telecommuter Appreciation Week: 24-3/2 
National Eating Disorders Awareness Week: 25-3/3
National Invasive Species Awareness Week: 25-3/1 
International Petroleum Week: 26-28  

Observances for Today
Anosomia Awareness Day Link
International Polar Bear Day 
World NGO Day 
Pink Shirt Day 
Inconvenience Yourself Day 
National Strawberry Day
National Retro Day Link
World Retrospective Day Link

My Rambling Thoughts
Beautiful Tuesday. Blue sky, snow continues to melt, slowly. Headed out for some shopping with only a sweater…and of course pants, shoes, and socks. Nice!

Child abuse has always been a very big deal. What has happened in the Roman Catholic church is inexcusable. If someone abuses a child, CALL THE POLICE. How hard is that to follow? Now the news is reporting the vulnerable children who were placed in jails because they were ‘illegal’ were/are abused by some DHS employees. When I was working on the Rez as a teacher, back in the mid-1970’s, the Title I coordinator, who had been a teacher, suddenly ‘disappeared’. Rumors flew that he had been sexually abusing boys for years. The principal claimed he had left town the night before with all his belongings and he didn’t know where he went. Odd that the police showed up that morning looking for him. Like the Catholic Church, having the perp leave was enough. It is NOT enough.

CNN has been running an amazing set of reports regarding the Taliban in Afghanistan. Clarissa Ward, the reporter, got special permission to visit Taliban camps. Most have the soldiers she saw and leaders she interviewed have know nothing but war their entire lives. Each segment is very enlightening.

Focus Update: I have added a new page to Facebook: Focus Travel Club. My hope is that Focus travelers will have an easy way to post pictures while on their adventure. Just type in Focus Travel Club in the search engine at the top of the FB page. The next trip will be the Holland trip, so until then feel free to add pics from other trips. Enjoy!

Today’s Significant Historical Events

1801 Washington, D.C. placed under Congressional jurisdiction

1827 1st Mardi Gras celebration in New Orleans

1860 Abraham Lincoln makes a speech at Cooper Union in the city of
            New York that is largely responsible for his election to the

1877 US Electoral College declares Rutherford B. Hayes winner of the
            presidential election

1883 Oscar Hammerstein patents 1st cigar-rolling machine

1907 Psychiatrists Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud meet for the first
            time in Vienna

1922 US Supreme Court unanimously upholds 19th amendment to the
            US Constitution - women's right to vote

1950 General Chiang Kai-shek elected president of Nationalist China

1951 22nd amendment ratified, limiting US Presidents to 2 terms

1957 Mao's famous speech to the Supreme State Conference "On
            Correct Handling of Contradictions Among People" expounding
            Maoist ideals

1970 NY Times (falsely) reports US army has ended domestic

1973 American Indian Movement occupy Wounded Knee in South

1974 "People" magazine begins sales

1984 Carl Lewis jumps world record indoor (8,675 m)

1990 Exxon Corp and Exxon Shipping are indicted on 5 criminal counts

1998 Britain's House of Lords agrees to end 1,000 years of male
            precedence by giving a monarch's first-born daughter the same
            claim to the throne as any first-born son

2012 Wikileaks begins disclosing 5 million emails from private
            intelligence company Stratfor

2013 Pope Benedict XVI presents his farewell address to Vatican City

2014 US Republican Governor Jan Brewer vetoes a "religious freedom"
            bill that would have allowed businesses to turn away gay

2018 Jared Kushner, son-in-law of President Trump, has his top-secret
            security clearance at the White House downgraded

Birthdays Today

1807 Henry Wadsworth Longfellow,
American poet (Song of Hiawatha), born in Portland, Maine
(d. 1882-@75-peritonitis)

1886 Hugo L Black,
(Sen-D-Ala)/78th Supreme Court justice (1937-71)
(d. 1972-@85)

1897 Marian Anderson,
American contralto and celebrated singer
born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
(d. 1993-@96)

1902 John Steinbeck,
American author (Grapes of Wrath-Nobel 1962),
born in Salinas, California
(d. 1968-@66-heart disease)

1917 John Connally Jr,
American politician, 39th Governor of Texas, and federal treasurer
who was critically wounded during the assassination of Kennedy,
 born in Floresville, Texas
(d. 1993-@76-pulmonary fibrosis)

1932 Elizabeth Taylor,
English-American actress (Father of the Bride, Butterfield 8,
Cleopatra), born in London, England
(d. 2011-@79-congestive heart failure)

1934 Van Williams,
American actor (Green Hornet, Surf Side Six),
born in Fort Worth, Texas
(d. 2016-@82)
89- Joanne Woodward,
American actress, producer, activist, and philanthropist (3 Faces
of Eve, Rachel), born in Thomasville, Georgia

85- N. Scott Momaday,
American author (House Made of Dawn, Pulitzer 1969),
born in Lawton, Oklahoma

85- Ralph Nader,
American consumer advocate (Unsafe at Any Speed),
born in Winsted, Connecticut

82- Barbara Babcock,
American actress (Dr Quinn, Dallas, Hill St Blues),
born in Fort Riley, Kansas

79- Howard Hesseman,
American actor (Dr Johnny Fever-WKRP, Head of Class),
born in Salem, Oregon

39- Chelsea Clinton,
daughter of President Clinton and Hillary Clinton

38- Josh Groban,
American singer (You Raise Me Up),
born in Los Angeles, California

Historical Obits Today
@99-1993 Lillian Gish,
American silent film/stage actress (Birth of a Nation)

@91-2016 George Kennedy,
American actor (Cool Hand Luke, Naked Gun films)

@89-2013 Dale Robertson,
American actor (Death Valley Days, Tales of Wells Fargo,
The Iron Horse)

@86-1936 Ivan Pavlov,
Russian physiologist and pioneer in psychology
(Nobel Prize 1904)

@85-1992 S. I. Hayakawa,
U.S. senator from California (1977–83) and
educator (Language in Action)

@83-2015 Leonard Nimoy,
American actor (Spock-Star Trek, Mission Impossible)

@82-2008 William F. Buckley, Jr.,
American conservative author and commentator

@78-2013 Van Cliburn,
American pianist (Tchaikovsky Competition winner, 1958),
dies from bone cancer

@74-2003 Fred Rogers,
host of TV's "Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood"
dies of stomach cancer

@70-1892 Louis Vuitton,
French founder of the Louis Vuitton brand of leather goods
now owned by LVMH

@57-1974 Pat Brady
[Robert Ellsworth O'Brady],
American actor (The Roy Rodgers Show, Man from Music
dies at alcohol rehab center

@25-1968 Frankie Lymon,
American rock and roll/rhythm and blues singer (The Teenagers),
dies of a heroin overdose

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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.