Nov 14

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Nov. 14, 2019 Week: 46  Day: 318
86004:   H 66° \ L 26° \ Average Sky Cover: 5%

Nearest active fire:  55mi.  Nearest lightning:  1178mi
Wind:   6mph\Gusts:  12mph  Visibility: 10 mi

Record High: 70°[1967]   Record Low: -5°[1987]
Nov. Averages: 53°\23° (3 days with moisture)

Today’s Quote

“My future starts when I wake up every morning.
Every day I find something creative
to do with my life.”

~ Miles Davis

Observances This Week

Geography Awareness Week Link 
National Nurse Practioner's Week
Link  Link
National Radiologic Technology Week
National Split Pea Soup Week
Perioperative Nurse Week
Snowcare For Troops Awareness Week
World Kindness Week
National Book Awards Week

World Antibiotic Awareness Week

Observances for Today

Do Dah Day (Pasadena) Link 
(Note: Many towns have one. Pasadena originated it.)
Hindu Diwali Day
International Girls Day
International Selfie Day (Diabetes Foundation)
 Link  Link
Loosen Up, Lighten Up Day
National American Teddy Bear Day
National Block It Out Day
National Pickle Day
National Spicy Guacamole Day

Operating Room Nurse Day
Spirit of NSA (National Speakers Association) Day
World Diabetes Day

My Rambling Thoughts

I’m busy today getting ready for my quick trip to Denver. I’ll leave tomorrow morning and return on Monday. I’ll be driving, since a flight was way to expensive. It will be nice to be with Bob’s daughters and my friends.  That being the case, no blogs until mid-week next week.

It’s a nice fall day and I’m hoping it is like this on the drive tomorrow.

I watched much of today’s hearing. The best was that there was very little grandstanding by either side when their turn was at hand. It will be interesting to see how the general voting public responds. Both witnesses were obviously career diplomats. They remained calm and spoke in coherent language.

Today’s Puzzle
Answer at the bottom of this page

I flex my jaws when you use me,
My only purpose is to damage,
Yet I’m used by small children.

What am I?

Historical Events

India celebrates Children's Day on November 14th, exactly 9 months after Valentine’s Day.

1851 - Moby-Dick by Herman Melville was published.

1856 American Gail Borden is issued a patent for technology related to his invention of condensed milk

1883 "Treasure Island" by Robert Louis Stevenson is first published as a book by Cassell & Co.

1889 - New York World reporter Nellie Bly (Elizabeth Cochrane) began her attempt to duplicate the literary journey of Jules Verne's Phileas Fogg by traveling around world in less than 80 days. She succeeded, finishing the trip in January in 72 days and 6 hours.

1906 US President Theodore Roosevelt visits Panama

1908 Albert Einstein presents his quantum theory of light

1922 - The BBC (The British Broadcasting Company) officially began its daily domestic radio service broadcasting with the 6:00pm news, read by announcer Arthur Burrows.

1956 - Love Me Tender, starring Elvis Presley was released in US theaters.

1960 - OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries), was formed by Iraq, Kuwait, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela.

1967 - The patent for "Ruby Laser Systems" was issued to Theodore Maiman (Patent #3,353,115). His first ruby laser was tested in 1960.

1968 - National Turn in Your Draft Card Day featured the burning of draft cards on US college campuses.

1979 - US President Jimmy Carter issued Executive order 12170, which froze all Iranian assets in the United States, in response to the hostage crisis.

1986 - FCC issued a Notice of Apparent Liability to WYSP in Philadelphia for broadcasting The Howard Stern Show, with material that the FCC believe contained "indecent" material.

1991 - Michael Jackson's Black Or White video was aired on FOX (and MTV, BET, VH1) right after an episode of The Simpsons.

1994 - First trains for the general public ran in Channel Tunnel (Chunnel) under the English Channel.

2008 - The first G-20 economic summit convened in Washington, DC.

2015 - #1 Hit: Adele - Hello

2017 Zimbabwe Army seizes key sites in capital Harare following tensions over Robert Mugabe's dismissal of vice-president Emmerson Mnangagwa

2018 Astronomers announce discovery of Super-Earth planet (3.2x bigger than Earth) orbiting red dwarf Barnard's star, 6 light years away

Birthdays Today

@94 – Sherwood Schwartz, American screenwriter and producer
(died in 2011)

@90 – Aaron Copland, composer, conductor, and educator
(died in 1990)

@86 – Claude Monet, French painter
(died in 1926)

@75 – Brian Keith, American actor and director
(died in 1997; lung cancer)

72 – P. J. O'Rourke, American political satirist and journalist

71 – Charles Philip Arthur George (Prince of Wales)

@68 – McLean Stevenson, American actor and screenwriter
(died in 1996; heart attack)

65 – Yanni,
Yiannis Chryssomallis
(Greek: Γιάννης Χρυσομάλλης)
Greek-American pianist, composer and producer

53 – Curt Schilling, American baseball player; sportscaster

@48 – Joseph McCarthy, Captain, lawyer, and politician
(died in 1957; hepatitis)

47 – Josh Duhamel, American model and actor

Puzzle answer:


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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.