Apr 22

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Apr. 22, 2020 Week: 17 Day: 113
86004: H 67° \ L 33° \ Average Sky Cover: 70%
Wind: 7mph\Gusts: 13mph Visibility: 10 mi
Nearest lightning: 16.3mi.; Nearest active fire: 517mi.

Record High: 78°[2012] Record Low: 11°[1963]
Apr. Averages: 60°\27° (3 days with moisture)

Today’s Quote

Companies today are bragging about making plants taste like meat
.. but cows have been doing that for ages!

Random Tidbits

During the 'black death' incoming ships were forced to wait 40 days before landing. The Italian word 'quantra' meaning 40, is where the word quarantine comes from

Strict security measures are in place to keep Fort Knox secure. That means no one person knows the entire entry combination to access the gold vault. Instead, the information is divided up among several people. Even information about who knows a piece of the combination is classified.

Have a smile
A friend sent these to me
Question:What do you call a smelly fairy?
Answer: Stinkerbell

My wife poked me in the eyes yesterday,
so I stopped seeing her for a while.

Observations This Week

National Dance Week: 17-26 Link CANCELLED due to COVID-19.
Cleaning For A Reason Week: 18-24
Consumer Awareness Week: 18-23
National Park Week: 18-26  Link
Police Officers Who Gave Their Lives In The Line of Duty Week: 18-23
Animal Cruelty/Human Violence Awareness Week: 19-25 Link 
Bedbug Awareness Week: 19-25
Chemists Celebrate Earth Week: 19-25
Festival of Ridvan: 19-5/1
Fibroid Awareness Week: 19-25

Medical Laboratory Professionals Week: 19-25 Link
National Coin Week: 19-25

National Crime Victims Rights Week: 19-25 Link
National Infertility Awareness Week: 19-25 Link
National Library Week: 19-25
National Paperboard Packaging Week: 19-25

National Pet ID Week: 19-25 Link  Link
National Princess Week: 19-25 Link
National Volunteer Week: 19-25
Sky Awareness Week: 19-25
Spring Astronomy Week: 19-25
Administrative Professionals Week: 20-24
National Environmental Education Week: 20-24 Link
National Stationery Week: 20-26 Link
Nat'l Work Zone Safety Awareness Week: 20-24
Undergraduate Research Week: 20-24
International Mariachi Week: 22-29 Link

Observations for Today

Administrative Professionals Day or Secretary's Day
Chemists Celebrate The Earth Day
Earth Day (US)
Girl Scout Leaders Day 
Global Selfie Earth Day (NASA) 
"In God We Trust Day" Day 
Mother Earth Day
National Bookmobile Day Link
National Jelly Bean Day 

My Rambling Thoughts

Dark clouds moving over the mountain. Looks like rain is on the way. Weatherman agrees. Just took a short walk.

If you are bored and are on Facebook, Ann, a fellow Focus Traveler, suggested this group: View from My Window. When you like the page, you get several beautiful pictures from others around the world right on your FB page everyday. Well worth it.

Tuba City is a very competitive little town. Always the 2nd most populous town on the Rez...they are a bad number one. During the recent lockdown weekend, they had the most violations (48). Not something to be proud of.

Lots of protesters have gotten in trouble: Unarmed Pipeline protesters were sprayed with cold water in below freezing temperatures, football players who knelled to protest police violence were shunned; Unarmed Natives demanding clean water were tear gassed then locked up. But protesters, who are armed, demanding the store reopen are not questioned, arrested, or anything. Who says there is no privilege?

Suddenly there is too much oil on the market and the oil companies are paying refiners to take it. What a mighty mess this is turning into.

Good news: The Maryland Governor is married to a S. Korean immigrant. He needed PPE's for his state. His wife called S. Korean businesses and found ½ million masks that have now arrived in Maryland. Two days later, Trump tweets that he is stopping all immigration to the US...that's probably green cards and work visas. Hmmmm. Wonder if that is legal?

Today’s Puzzle
Answer at the bottom of the page

It goes in dry, it comes out wet, the longer it is in, the stronger it gets. What is it?

Historical Events

1056 - First seen July 2, 1054, the supernova in the Crab nebula was last seen by the naked eye.

1519 - Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés established a settlement at Veracruz, Mexico.

1864 - The U.S. Congress passed the Coinage Act of 1864 that mandated that the inscription 'In God We Trust' would be placed on all coins minted as United States currency.

1876 - The first ever National League baseball game was played in Philadelphia. Philadelphia Athletics and the Boston Red Stockings. Boston won the game 6-5.

1912 - Pravda, the "voice" of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, began publication in Saint Petersburg.

1964 - The 1964-1965 New York World's Fair opened for its first season.

1970 - Earth Day was started by John McConnell, Denis Hayes, Fred Kent, Pete Grannis, and Kristin and William Hubbard and Ira Einhorn.

1978 - The Blues Brothers (John Belushi and Dan Aykroyd) made their first appearance on Saturday Night Live.

1998 - Disney's Animal Kingdom opened at Walt Disney World in Florida.

2000 - US Federal Agents seized six-year-old Elián González from his relatives' home in Miami, and sent him back to Cuba.

2016 Paris Agreement on climate change signed in New York binding 195 nations to an increase in the global average temperature to less than 2°C above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the increase to 1.5°C

Birthdays Today

@99-Actor, Eddie Albert (d.2005)

@92-Actress, Charlotte Rae (d. 2018)

@83-TV producer, Aaron Spelling (d.2006)

83-Actor, Jack Nicholson (1937)

@81-Actor/singer, Glen Campbell (d. 2017)

53-Actress, Sherri Shepherd

Puzzle Answer:

A tea-bag

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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.