Oct 1



FYI: Any Green text is a link. Click to check it out!

Oct 1, 2020  Week: 40 Day: 275                   Local:   H 77° \ L 40° \ Average Sky Cover: 5%

Wind:   6mph\Gusts:  11mph                       Nearest lightning:  1122mi.; active fire:  59mi. 

EXTREME Risk of Fire                                    Visibility:  10mi

Record: 85°[1980]   Record: 20°[2009]               Sep Averages: 63°\32° (4 days with moisture)


Today’s  Quote

Everything can be taken from a man but one thing:

the last of human freedoms –

to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances,

to choose one's own way.

Viktor E. Frankl


Random Tidbits

The Constitution of the Confederate States of America banned the slave trade.  


A little humor

Dentist: I have to pull the aching tooth. But don’t worry; it’ll just take five minutes.

Patient: And how much will it cost?

Dentist: It’s $90.

Patient: $90 for just a few minutes’ work???

Dentist: I can extract it very slowly if you like.


True Things

 From Monday, restaurants and cafes in the densely populated Seoul metropolitan area are allowed to open after 9 p.m., but must leave two meters between tables and record patrons’ names and contact details.

The Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA) reported 106 new coronavirus cases as of Monday, bringing its total number of infections to 22,391 with 367 deaths.

KT said that they aim to supply more robots for restaurants this year and will unveil a second model with A.I. voice recognition technology early next year.


Observations This Month






Adopt A Dog Month Link   Link

Bat Appreciation Month

Adopt A Shelter Dog Month 

Black Speculative Fiction Month  Link

AIDS Awareness Month  Link

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

American Cheese Month

Bullying Prevention Month Link

American Pharmacists Month Link

Blindness Awareness Month 

Antidepressant Death Awareness Month

Caffeine Addiction Recovery Month

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Month Link

Celiac Disease Awareness Month

Apple Month Link

Celebrating The Bilingual Child Month


Observations This Week

International Sand Sculpting Championships : 25-10/4 

Link Cancelled due to COVID-19

National Keep Kids Creative Week: 27-10/3 

Banned Books Week: 27-10/3 

Remember: Register to Vote Wk:


Internat’l Week of the Deaf: 27-10/3 

Sea Otter Awareness Week:

27-10/3 Link 

National Chimney Safety Week: 27-10/3 

World Hearing Aid Awareness Week:27-10/3  

National Fall Foliage Week: 27-10/3 Link 

National Walk Your Dog Week:1-7 Link   Link

Trichotillomania, Skin Picking & Related BFRB Awareness Week:1-5  Link

Universal Children's Week: 1-7


Observations for Today

Balloons Around the World Day

National Book It! Day

Bring Your Bible To School Day  Link

National Fruit At Work Day  Link  

CD Player Day

National Hair Day  Link

Chinese Moon Festival

National Homemade Cookies Day

Fire Pup Day

National Lace Day Link

International Coffee Day  Link

National Pumpkin Spice Day

International Day for the Elderly

National Walk Your Dog Day

International Music Day Link

Vegan Baking Day

Model T Day

Willy Wonka Day  Link

National Black Dog Day Link

World Vegetarian Day


My Rambling Thoughts

September ends with that pesky high-pressure system covering the west coast and AZ and probably more. I’m enjoying the warm temps but concerned about the fire danger everywhere under this system.

I watched the debate last night. I can’t decide if I’m angry, disappointed, or frustrated. Debate teams around the world must be stunned. Two grown men on a stage to convince American voters he will make the best leader of the free world. Come on, Man. There was no winner and the biggest loser was the American people. Chris Wallace, the moderator and Fox news guy, did the best he could with a pissed off preschooler and a pissed off teenager. Rachael Maddow said it best: Perhaps we could debate by mail. My top takeaway quotes: Biden: Shut up man. Trump: proud boys, stand back and stand by. I honestly thought America deserved better from both candidates. Am I watching their second debate?…Yep, just to see if either one learned anything.

I knew it was a dry Monsoon season here in Flag. Didn’t realize how dry…1.78” of rain. The average monsoon rain is 8.31”. That is the driest since records started in 1898.


Today’s Puzzle

Answer at the bottom of the page

When you have me, you immediately feel like sharing me. But, if you do share me, you don’t have me.


Historical Events

331 BC – Alexander the Great defeated Darius III of Persia in the Battle of Gaugamela, bringing about the fall of of the Persian Empire.

1814 Opening of the Congress of Vienna, which redrew Europe's political map after the defeat of Napoléon Bonaparte

1843 – London’s The News of the World began publication.

1867 Karl Marx' "Das Kapital" published

1868 – Little Women by Louisa May Alcott was published

1880 – John Philip Sousa, the first recorded popular music star, became the leader of the United States Marine Band.

1908 – For $825 each, Ford’s Model T car was put on the market.

1939 Winston Churchill calls Russia a "riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma"

1940 – The Pennsylvania Turnpike opened to traffic. It is considered the first US superhighway.

1948 – Over Fargo, North Dakota, WW II pilot George F. Gorman reported ‘playing chicken” with a blinking orb of light UFO. It was visually seen by people in the control tower but did not show up on radar.

1955 – The Honeymooners premiered on CBS

1957 – First appearance of “In God We Trust” on U.S. paper currency, on one-dollar bills.

1958 – The National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) became the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

1971 – Walt Disney World opened near Orlando, Florida.

1972 – The Joy of Sex by Dr. Alex Comfort was published, eventually selling over 12 million copies.

1984 – The term “cyberspace” was coined in William Gibson’s novel Neuromancer.

1989 – Denmark introduced the world’s first legal modern same-sex civil union, called a “registered partnership”.

1990 US President George H. W. Bush at UN, condemns Iraq's takeover of Kuwait

1992 – Cartoon Network begins broadcasting. The first cartoon, outside of Droopy Dog’s introduction, was Bugs Bunny in Rhapsody Rabbit.

1996 – Animal Planet made its debut

2017 Amid a deepening constitutional crisis, Catalonia holds an independence referendum on seceding from Spain

2018 More than 80,000 American died of the flu during 2017-2018 winter, highest in ten years, according to US heath officials


Birthdays Today

96 – Jimmy Carter, 39th President of the United States, Nobel Prize laureate

@87 – Roger Williams [ Louis Jacob Weertz], American pianist (d.2011)

85 – Julie Andrews, English actress and singer

@83 – Tom Bosley, American actor (d. 2010)

@80 – William Rehnquist, US Supreme Court Justice (d. 2005)

@79 – Walter Matthau, American actor (d. 2000; colon cancer)

@72 – Richard Harris, Irish actor (d. 2002; Hodgkin’s)

@65 – George Peppard, American actor (d. 1994; lung cancer)

64 – Theresa May, politician

@41 – Ted Healy, 3 Stooges founder (d.1937; heart attack)

@24 – Bonnie Parker, American criminal (d. 1934; shot)


Puzzle Answer

A secret


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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.