Feb 6



Feb  6, 2021  Week: 5  Day: 37        

Local:  H 49°\ L 18°\Ave. Sky Cover: 5%

Wind:   5mph\Gusts:  8mph                       

Low Risk of Fire           Active fire:  308mi

Nearest lightning:  954mi.

Record: 65°[1963]Record-21°[1899]              

Visibility:  10mi

Feb. Averages: 47°/19° (5 days with moisture)

Today’s Quote

'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.

Alfred Lord Tennyson

Random Tidbits

The word 'canvas' is related to the word 'cannabis.' Historically, canvases were made of hemp.

Both Thomas Jefferson and George Washington grew hemp on their plantations. The British crown even ordered the colonists to grow the plant.

A Little Humor

Q Why couldn’t the pony sing? It was a little hoarse!


I looked outside my window and saw a guy taking my gate. I was going to tell him something but I thought he might take a fence

Monthly Observations


Pet Dental Health Month
Plant the Seeds of Greatness Month
Pull Your Sofa Off The Wall Month
Relationship Wellness Month
Responsible Pet Owner's Month 
Return Shopping Carts to the Supermarket Month
Spay/Neuter Awareness Month
Spunky Old Broads Month
Sweet Potato Month 
(see also November)
Wise Health Care Consumer Month
Worldwide Renaissance of the Heart Month
Youth Leadership Month


Weekly Observations

Sundance Film Festival


Catholic Schools Week


Meat Week


Cordova Ice Worm Days: Link


African Heritage & Health Week:
Children's Mental Health Week   
Tinnitus Awareness Week  
Women's Heart Week



American Camp Week


Dump Your Significant Jerk Week

National Stationery Week: Cancelled
Publicity for Profit Week



Today’s Observations

Barber Day  

Bob Marley Day (Jamaica and Ethiopia)

Canadian Maple Syrup Day Link
Dry Bean Day: 6-8 Link  Cancelled
Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast Day 

International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation Link
International Frozen Yogurt Day Link
Lame Duck Day

National Chopsticks Day

National Ice Cream For Breakfast Day   Link 
National Play Outside Day 
Pay a Compliment Day

Play Monopoly Day  Link 
Take Your Child To The Library Day 
World Play Your Ukulele Day   Cancelled

My Sometimes-Long-Winded Thoughts

Blue sky, little wind…a great day here at 7000’

All the vehicle windshields were covered with frost this morning. I was sitting in my office this morning as people headed for work. Five vehicles backed out of their parking spaces and started driving down the parking lot, then stopped, in the middle of the road, got out and scraped their windshields. It was about 25 degrees and it was like these drivers thought that a few seconds on sunlight would melt the frost. One guy even got out, poured a bottle of water on his windshield. It froze…duh. Then he turned on his wipers and proceeded to pour another bottle The water froze. So he got another bottle of water, turned on his wipers and poured away. After the third bottle of water with the wipers running, he could see enough to drive off.  I was dumbfounded.

I’m not surprised that Rep. Greene is now Representative in name only. This is going to haunt Congress for quite a time. Her tweet this morning shows she learned little from this exercise.

I heard on the local NPR radio station that a new vaccine schedule would be released at 12N to sign up for a vaccine. I’ve been on the site about 45 minutes, refreshing every few minutes, and no new dates have been released. Finally, one day opened on Feb. 21. I clicked on it and it said no registration is available at this time, so keep checking back. I’m sure they will explain the problem within the next few years.

Daily Puzzle

Answer at the bottom of the page

There is a word in the English language in which the first two letters signify a male, the first three letters signify a female, the first four signify a great man, and the whole word, a great woman. What is the word?

Historical Events

60 – The earliest known reference to a single day of the week (Sunday) in Pompeii.

1788 – Massachusetts became the sixth state to ratify the Constitution.

1819 – Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles founded Singapore.

1820 – The first 86 African American immigrants sponsored by the American Colonization Society left New York to start a settlement in present-day Liberia.

1843 – The first minstrel show in the United States, The Virginia Minstrels, opened at the Bowery Amphitheatre in New York City.

1891 – The Dalton Gang’s first attempt at train robbery failed. Bob, Grat, and Bill Dalton unsuccessfully tried to rob a Southern Pacific train near Alila, California.

1919 – The American Legion was founded.

1926 – The National Football League (NFL) adopted a rule that made players ineligible for competition until their college class graduated.

1933 – The 20th Amendment to the Constitution was declared in effect, making the start of presidential, vice-presidential and congressional terms from March to January.

1937 – John Steinbeck’s novella Of Mice and Men was published.

1952 – Queen Elizabeth II succeeded to the British throne.

1959 – The first patent for an integrated circuit (computer chip) was filed by Jack Kilby of Texas Instruments.

1959 – At Cape Canaveral, the first successful test firing of a Titan intercontinental ballistic missile.

1971 – Astronaut Alan B. Shepard used a six-iron that he had brought inside his spacecraft and swung at three golf balls on the surface of the moon. He said it went for “miles and miles.”

1985 – The French mineral water company, Perrier, debuted its first new product in 123 years. The new items were water with a twist of lemon, lime, or orange.

1998 – Washington National Airport was renamed the Ronald Reagan National Airport.

2000 – First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton formally declared that she was a candidate for a U.S. Senate seat from the state of New York.

2018 Elon Musk's company SpaceX launches Falcon Heavy, world's most powerful rocket.

2019 US President Donald Trump makes presidential State of Union address to Congress a week later than usual due to government shutdown.

2020 US astronaut Christina Koch completes the longest continuous spaceflight by a female astronaut after 328 days on the International Space Station, landing in Kazakhstan.

2020 Antarctica records high temperature of 64.9 F / 18.2 C at Esperanza, Argentina’s research station.

Birthdays Today

@99 – Zsa Zsa Gabor, Hungarian-American actress and socialite (d. 2016)

@93 – Ronald Reagan, actor, 40th President of the United States (d. 2004)

@83 – Mary Leakey, English paleoanthropologist (d. 1996)

@80 – Aaron Burr, American colonel and politician (d. 1836)

82 – Mike Farrell, American actor and activist

81 – Tom Brokaw, American journalist

78 – Fabian Forte, American actor and singer

@65 – Natalie Cole, American singer-songwriter (d.2015; heart failure)

59 – Axl Rose [William Bruce Rose Jr.; raised William Bruce Bailey], singer-songwriter

@53 – George Herman ‘Babe’ Ruth, Jr., baseball player and coach (d. 1948; cancer)

@36 – Bob Marley, regae singer (d. 1981; cancer)

@33 – Eva Braun, German wife of Adolf Hitler (d. 1945; suicide)

Puzzle Answer



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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.