Oct 27


Week: 44 Day: 300
Ave. Sky Cover:  5%\Visibility: 10 miles
Local Temp:   44°\ 27° Wind: 6mph\ Gusts: 13mph
Moderate risk of fire Active fire: 233mi. \ Lightning: 1899mi.
Oct Averages: 63°\32° (4 days w/moisture)


Today’s Quote

Weekly Observations





Red Ribbon Week Link  


Asexuality Week:
Disarmament Week
Give Wildlife a Brake! Week  
Kids Care Week

National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week Link  
National Massage Therapy Week
National Respiratory Care Week
Pastoral Care Week
Pro Bono Week


Prescription Errors Education & Awareness Week


World Origami Days


International Magic Week


Daily Observations





Favorite Memes










Some of the most expensive books ever sold at auction are...

Birds Of America

This three and a half foot tall book depicts 400 life size North American bird species known to the Audubon Society in the 19th century. Only 200 complete first editions were produced, and 120 exist today. In 2010, one was sold for $11.5 million, but a 2012 copy sold for only $7.9 million.

The Gospels Of Henry The Lion

Commissioned by Henry the Lion for the alter of the Virgin Mary at Brunswick Cathedral, the German government purchased this 266-page book in 1983 for $11.7 million.



My Sometimes-Long-Winded Thoughts



Another windy and chilly fall day.

My cousin, Bob, called this morning. His sister, Carol, passed yesterday from COVID. She was 75 and “didn’t need the Covid shot”, and then got Covid. She had called me a couple of weeks ago and said she wanted to go to Tucson to visit some friends and wanted to stop by and see me. I told her if she wasn’t vaccinated, she couldn’t stay at my place.

Back in 1920 the town of Anika, MN had the 1st Halloween Parade with costumes, candy and fun for kids. Congress named it the Halloween Capital of the US. Their main idea was to keep teens and others from running around town pranking residents.

Weather forecasters come up with great names. This year it is ‘bomb cyclone’…which much of the US is currently in…lots of rain, flash flooding, and property destruction. A very destructive weather pattern but a great name.

I have to wonder if there is any connection: A generation + has been raised with ‘trophies for all’, ‘no losers’ in games because score isn’t kept. Everyone is a winner. Many of that generation are fighting mask mandates and vaccine mandates. It would be interesting to study the connection.




Historical Events



1682 – The City of Philadelphia was founded in Pennsylvania.

1787 – The First Federalist Papers were published in New York City.

1954 President Eisenhower offers aid to South Vietnam Prime Minister Ngô Đình Diệm

1954 – The “Walt Disney” program premiered on ABC. It was later called “Disneyland “, then “Walt Disney’s Wonderful World of Color“.

1997 Microsoft argues it should be "free from government interference"

2004 – The Boston Red Sox defeat the St. Louis Cardinals to win their first World Series in 86 years.

2017 Catalan parliament meets and unilaterally declares independence from Spain



Birthdays Today




82 – John Cleese, English comedic actor, Monty Python

78 – Lee Greenwood, American singer-songwriter

@73 – Roy Lichtenstein, American painter, and sculptor (died in 1997)

71 – Fran Lebowitz, American author

@60 – Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1919; blood clot)

@39 – Dylan Thomas, Welsh poet, playwright (d.1953; alcohol/emphysema)

37 – Kelly Osbourne, English television personality




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Flagstaff, Arizona, United States
I retired in '06--at the ripe old age of 57. I enjoy blogging, photography, traveling, and living life to it's fullest.